Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa

Amen! These young people bring tears to my eyes. I am so proud of them. It will take them time to totally get their act together. It takes all political movements time to polish. Even if they fizzle out, I still applaud their efforts. Personally, I doubt they will fizzle out...

So you support that $20 an hour minimum wage, guaranteed living wage, free tuition and abolishing all debt thing? Well heck, why're a progressive. You love all that kind of stuff!

You think it's going to take "time" for them to get their act together, Lakhota? If those are their ideas on how to fix the country then they bring tears to my eyes as well.

It's amazing to me that ANY group of people could get together and come up with a collection of ideas as completely moronic as the Occupy Wall Street crew has. I mean surely there must be one or two semi-intelligent members of this group that listened to what their fellow activists were proposing and spoke up and said "Hey, guys...those are REALLY stupid ideas and if we present them as the goals we're working towards, people are going to laugh at us." Surely SOMEONE must have said that?

Other than supporting their general protest - I don't support any of their specific demands/goals at this point. Hell, give them time to get their act together. Even they don't know exactly what they want at this point.
"What do we want?"

"We don't know!!"

"When do we want it?"

When people are paid $7 an hour some jerks will still call that a "job". That isnt a "job." I would work at 1/16 speed for that kind of pay. And yet some who occupy these jobs say they are "happy to have a job." Thats bizarro.

That is because a 7.50 Cent minimum wage job is suppose to be an entry level Job, Not a career.

This is one thing libtards NEVER get
But that's all a Masters in 17th Century French Literature prepares you for.
well, has anyone yet decided what we're going to replace capitalism/corporations with? I'd love to know.
A group is forming in University of Las Vegas for an Occupy Vegas. One of the organizers was being interviewed on our local news. He said his complaint was that the corporations are supposed to represent us, and all they really represent are their own profits and shareholders.

How did a university student get that stupid? Where did he get the idea that corporations are supposed to represent ANYONE or ANYTHING other than their own interests?

The protesters are shocking in their ignorance.
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods

Fair trade is a better policy than so called free trade. So called free trade is NOT free.

I estimate it cost this nation 30,000,000 industrial jobs over the last 30 or 40 years.

That would have a positive effect for a while followed up by a massive increase in the costs sometime later.

Understand why they want that, but now is NOT the time to impose such a system.

Demand four: Free college education.

That is a good idea. Only before that is done?

The government ought to also increase the supply of college ed, before it dramtically increases the demand for it.

How's this.. free college education if you're a MINOR... because once you're a fucking adult, it is YOU that is responsible for YOU....

No I think that is a mistake.

The fact is that the average workers' job is changing so rapidly that retraining workers for the newly emerging job market is going to become a lifetime event.

Having a much more educated workforce is a good thing. Not the only thing we need to do, of course, but it is part of the solution to our economic woes.
well, has anyone yet decided what we're going to replace capitalism/corporations with? I'd love to know.

Cannot speak for the folks protesting on Wall Street.

But we do NOT need to REPLACE capitalism or corporations, either.

We just need to remember that the point of all capitalism and corporatism this is to have a fuctional society.

Some changes to the way we conduct business are in order.

Not that I expect any of that to happen, but that is what's needed.
lol Fox News sheep can't get their propaganda straight. I heard Fox News this morning saying they don't know what the protesters want.

Is there a list of demands? Does ANYONE know what they want? While they have every right to protest peacefully under our laws, and I see no reason to assimilate these protests to Marxism as the OP contends, what is it they actually hope to accomplish?
lol Fox News sheep can't get their propaganda straight. I heard Fox News this morning saying they don't know what the protesters want.

Given the demands could never be met, what is it they want? Since fox doesnt have a clue. FILL US IN EINSTEIN...........
Anyone know who started this bunch of crap??

Kinda looks to me like left wing may have started this to go along with Barry's class warfare crap.

If not. It does seem rather coincidental and is now spreading across the country. Wonky or what??

Why are these morons on Wall St.?? If it were me I would be in DC where the laws, regulations and oversite originate.
Fair trade is a better policy than so called free trade. So called free trade is NOT free.

I estimate it cost this nation 30,000,000 industrial jobs over the last 30 or 40 years.

That would have a positive effect for a while followed up by a massive increase in the costs sometime later.

Understand why they want that, but now is NOT the time to impose such a system.

That is a good idea. Only before that is done?

The government ought to also increase the supply of college ed, before it dramtically increases the demand for it.

How's this.. free college education if you're a MINOR... because once you're a fucking adult, it is YOU that is responsible for YOU....

No I think that is a mistake.

The fact is that the average workers' job is changing so rapidly that retraining workers for the newly emerging job market is going to become a lifetime event.

Having a much more educated workforce is a good thing. Not the only thing we need to do, of course, but it is part of the solution to our economic woes.

Sorry edit.. your life is your life... your situation is your situation.... what you do, what you earn, what decisions you make, how you apply yourself... ALL is on you, not on government nor society....

You are not owed an education as an adult... you have the freedom to pursue it any way you wish though
When have these protesters, who have been protesting for 3 weeks, been to work?

Instead they are trying to disrupt people in wall street from working.

Who exactly is standing for working Americans here? The people protesting or the people working?

Probably victims of Reaganomics and the Republican economic crash of 2006. Anybody that doesn't work 24/7/365 is lazy right?

Or people who havent worked a day in their lives but expect things to be handed to them.

you mean like tea party protesters?

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