Gold is ‘false god’ fueling ‘slavery,’ pope says. Much of the metal ends up in Miami


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

Speaking in the Peruvian Amazon Friday, Pope Francis said the region’s gold mining industry had become a “false god that demands human sacrifice” because it chews up people and nature and “corrupts everything.”

In back-to-back speeches in this humid river town in southeastern Peru, where illegal gold mining is rampant, Francis touched on some of his most common themes: how avarice and greed are destroying the planet.

Much of the gold mined illegally in Peru and other Latin American countries is exported to Miami and used to make jewelry, electronics and coins, as a Miami Herald investigation this week revealed.

But while the pope condemned the exploitation of poor nations, he also cautioned about those who take environmental protection to such an extreme that their good intentions end up harming traditional communities.
Gold is ‘false god’ fueling ‘slavery,’ pope says. Much of the metal ends up in Miami

I wonder if he thinks acknowledgement of the problem influences anyone's decision making.
gold mining industry had become a “false god that demands human sacrifice” because it chews up people and nature and “corrupts everything.”

The Pope sure seems to have a lot of it...

All in all, he's not having a very good trip.

As with most "Liberation Theology" promoters, il Papa has never come to grip with the fact that real people have to produce things and provide services in order to eat. He would prefer that everyone be an organic subsistence farmer and be protected by a large and generous government. Good luck with that.
Peru is largely Catholic. The government is aligned with Catholicism.
I heard that in Venezuela, when the husband and wife are divorced, according to tradition, the children is taken away by the husband. It's true?
I heard that in Venezuela, when the husband and wife are divorced, according to tradition, the children is taken away by the husband. It's true?
It depends on the age of the child. Seven or younger the child remains with the mother in all cases unless neglect can be proven.

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