Gold Digger E. Jean Carroll's Makeover.


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2022
E. Jean Carroll had an uphill climb. She wanted a lot of money, and was recruited by the left to damage President Trump. This is a common ploy used by the left. They've used it against Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Roy Moore, and Trump. But the problem for Carroll and the left was 1) she couldn't remember the year or location of the alleged assault and 2) Nobody would believe that Trump, who could have gotten any young woman in her 20s during the 1990s, would have bothered with an old hag then in her mid-50s, now in her 80s.

So Carroll did what any gold digger would do: She got a complete makeover right before the trial Plastic surgery on the face, new younger hairstyle. Sunglasses to cover up her crow's feet and turtlenecks to cover her wrinkly old-lady neck. The media happily obliges. Every story about the trial features the "new" Carroll, always smiling and Trump, always snarling. Scrubbed from the internet is the hideous old picture where Carroll resembles the Loch Ness Monster. No reasonable person would believe this assault (later magically reframed as a rape) happened. But with a leftwing 0bama- or Clinton- appointed judge and a biased NYC jury, anything is possible.

Before the trial. Scary.


At the trial. Why, she's a young ingenue now.

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E. Jean Carroll had an uphill climb. She wanted a lot of money, and was recruited by the left to damage President Trump. This is a common ploy used by the left. They've used it against Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Roy Moore, and Trump. But the problem for Carroll and the left was 1) she couldn't remember the year or location of the alleged assault and 2) Nobody would believe that Trump, who could have gotten any young woman in her 20s during the 1990s, would have bothered with an old hag then in her mid-50s.

So Carroll did what any gold digger would do: She got a complete makeover right before the trial Plastic surgery on the face, new younger hairstyle. Sunglasses to cover up her crow's feet and turtlenecks to cover her wrinkly old-lady neck. The media happily obliges. Every story about the trial features the "new" Carroll, always smiling and Trump, always snarling. Scrubbed from the internet is the hideous old picture where Carroll resembles the Loch Ness Monster. No reasonable person would believe this assault (later magically reframed as a rape) happened. But with a leftwing 0bama- or Clinton- appointed judge and a biased NYC jury, anything is possible.

Before the trial. Scary.

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At the trial. Why, she's a young ingenue now.

View attachment 889389
Judge was doing a makeover on trump's very ineffective lawyer today. Everything she objected to, even trumps on words, the judges said "overruled", "Sit down". Of course that was he had already had to tell her if she wished to make a motion, next time, stand up, in my court. I think he also squared her away, the he was the one to make rulings in his court. I don't know if he is going to be able to maker her over into a lawyer or not. Somebody needs to.
She is a lying tramp... I hear she is getting threats... liars bring that on themselves.... she was writing a book at the time she first spoke up last year...
Blasey-Ford 2.0. She'll never see a dime on appeal. Much the same as the NYC fraud trial. And the SC BS trial. And the Jack Smith kangaroo trial.
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Its shocking how obscenely corrupt NY-State courts genuinely are, based upon their ludicrously corrupt judicial rulings, anyone can easily slip out of the shadow and instantly score big with a lie about anyone! If I had my way, I would feed this women, and most especially the corrupt judge, to the rats, I'd strip them of their clothing, lather them up in butter, and drop into an empty swimming pool packed with rats and televise it worldwide! :wink:
Not losing an ounce of sleep feeling an ounce of empathy for anybody involved in this. 99 percent of people just do not care whatsoever.
Funny, the OP says Trump would have had no interest in E. Jean Carroll during the 90s, but omits the fact that at his deposition for the 1st trial, Trump misidentified Ms. Carroll as his then wife, Marla Maples. In other words, he could not even distinguish the two. The argument that Trump would not be attracted to her is, therefore, pure bullsh*t. It was also around this time that Trump was prowling around with his best friend Jeff Epstein. Epstein had parties with underage girls at that time, and Trump was known to be a frequent visitor to Epstein’s townhouse. A lawsuit was later brought against Trump and Epstein for rape of a minor. So, yeah, a reasonable person could easily find Trump sexually assaulted Ms. Carroll.
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