Going Green = Making America poor!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
A fabulous article here by John Stossel about the ruse that is green energy. His points are not even debatable.

From the article...............

Obama claims that if we "invest" more, we can "create millions of jobs -- but only if we accelerate the "green transition." What could make more sense? A little push from the smart politicians, and -- voila! -- an abundance of new jobs and a cleaner, sustainable environment. It's the ultimate twofer. Except it's an illusion, because governments do not "create" jobs.

"All the government can do is subsidize some industries while jacking up costs for others," writes Green. "It is destroying jobs in the conventional energy sector -- and most likely in other industrial sectors -- through taxes and subsidies to new green companies that will use taxpayer dollars to undercut the competition. The subsidized jobs 'created' are, by definition, less efficient uses of capital than market-created jobs."

This is good, solid economic thinking. Many years ago, Henry Hazlitt wrote in his bestseller, "Economics in One Lesson," "The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups."

RealClearPolitics - Keeping Nature Exactly as Is ... Forever

So yup.........we can go green.:rock::rock::rock: But heres what it means ( in part). We're all going to be driving around in little gay 2 door death traps. No more plastics in our lives ( how thrilling is that thought?:lol:). Live in homes the size of a two car garage! Exist for years with pronounced food shortages. Agree to a significant decrease in take home pay.

And thats just a start.

The reward? ( according to the environmentalists). We can thus live in a world surrounded by nature as it was 1 million years ago!!!

The reality is................the k00ks dont mind fucking over a vast majority of the population to attain their vision.

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Here in Portland, Oregon, just one solar plant employees over 1000 people at living wage jobs. And we have windmills that are going up daily, providing construction jobs now, and maintenance jobs after that.
Going Green means you need a hazmat suit to dispose of your broken mercury light bulb and Obama loses $500 Million in Solyandra, but gets some campaign contributions in the process

That's Green. Green bucks

Realville is a tough place for the AGW true believers to visit. And Im betting a vast majority of people are going to be saying "Fuck you!!!!!!" to all driving around in micro cars and living in micro huts and using wooden iPhones:2up:
China holds 15 of the 17 rare earth metals and some help produce electric motors...eh libs and follow the money trail from your pocket book to an electric car, parts made in china. ans revenue leaving but of course that is a marxist in chiefs plan.
Here in Portland, Oregon, just one solar plant employees over 1000 people at living wage jobs. And we have windmills that are going up daily, providing construction jobs now, and maintenance jobs after that.

You mean this plant?

SolarWorld reaches 1,000 jobs

Beisner told Oregon Business in June 2008 that SolarWorld chose Oregon over California and other competing states because of the pool of workers, vendors and suppliers "that already understand silicon." The company also received a whopping $20 million Business Energy Tax Credit.

SolarWorld has grown with help from the state of Oregon and partnerships with Oregon universities, as well as with $82.2 million in renewable-energy manufacturing tax credits from the U.S. government.

So let's see, 1,000 jobs, $102.2 million in subsidies - so those "living wage" jobs only cost the taxpayers $102,200 each. Hmmmm...... :doubt:
Here in Portland, Oregon, just one solar plant employees over 1000 people at living wage jobs. And we have windmills that are going up daily, providing construction jobs now, and maintenance jobs after that.

You mean this plant?

SolarWorld reaches 1,000 jobs

Beisner told Oregon Business in June 2008 that SolarWorld chose Oregon over California and other competing states because of the pool of workers, vendors and suppliers "that already understand silicon." The company also received a whopping $20 million Business Energy Tax Credit.

SolarWorld has grown with help from the state of Oregon and partnerships with Oregon universities, as well as with $82.2 million in renewable-energy manufacturing tax credits from the U.S. government.

So let's see, 1,000 jobs, $102.2 million in subsidies - so those "living wage" jobs only cost the taxpayers $102,200 each. Hmmmm...... :doubt:
oldrock doesn't believe in low cost producer theory...only gov't subsidized process..
ex: war on poverty hasn't worked out going on 70 yrs.
Here in Portland, Oregon, just one solar plant employees over 1000 people at living wage jobs. And we have windmills that are going up daily, providing construction jobs now, and maintenance jobs after that.

You mean this plant?

SolarWorld reaches 1,000 jobs

Beisner told Oregon Business in June 2008 that SolarWorld chose Oregon over California and other competing states because of the pool of workers, vendors and suppliers "that already understand silicon." The company also received a whopping $20 million Business Energy Tax Credit.

SolarWorld has grown with help from the state of Oregon and partnerships with Oregon universities, as well as with $82.2 million in renewable-energy manufacturing tax credits from the U.S. government.

So let's see, 1,000 jobs, $102.2 million in subsidies - so those "living wage" jobs only cost the taxpayers $102,200 each. Hmmmm...... :doubt:

Billy V.......further exposing the scam:eusa_dance:

Lets face it.........the k00ks trying to make out like green energy is going to be dominating soon is like this one.............


............ saying she's going to dominate the wet t-shirt contest!!!

Then again.........maybe........most of these fruits are a bit socially odd.

Realville is a tough place for the AGW true believers to visit. And Im betting a vast majority of people are going to be saying "Fuck you!!!!!!" to all driving around in micro cars and living in micro huts and using wooden iPhones:2up:

Model X | Tesla Motors

Dual Motor All-Wheel Drive Model X is offered with optional Dual Motor All-Wheel Drive. The second motor enables more than all-weather, all-road capabilities: it increases torque by 50%. When outfitted with AWD, Model X Performance accelerates from 0 to 60 mph in less than 5 seconds, outperforming the fastest SUVs and many sports cars.
Here in Portland, Oregon, just one solar plant employees over 1000 people at living wage jobs. And we have windmills that are going up daily, providing construction jobs now, and maintenance jobs after that.

And you'll be paying higher electricity rates if Denmark is any indicator.

Institute for Energy Research | Denmark is no model for the United States
One of the main drivers of Denmark’s high residential electricity prices is their promotion of wind power.

Once again we see that huge multi-trillion dollar government subsidized renewable energy projects don't save money.
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Skull, we have been paying higher rates year by year in every part of the nation in any case.
So we should increase the rate by subsidizing wind power thereby compounding the problem?
I currently pay less than I have in a few years because of the competition introduced in my state.

In fact my per KW rate has been lowered by over 30% and it has nothing to do with wind power.

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