God’s law supersedes man’s law.

Non religious literature does the same though

How many books survive for 2000 years? How many books which were originally written in ancient Rome, Greece or China, are still being read today because they help us in our everyday lives?

A friend asked me once how I, as a modern, intelligent person, could believe a bunch of fairy stories, and my response was that even if you strip away the magic of the virgin, birth, the miracles, and the resurrection, Jesus' teachings of love and respect for one another, for other nations and peoples, are what I follow and believe in. The miracles and magic is window dressing to the central message of love, obedience and respect.

Mocking people who believe in God is a pointless waste of your time. It won't change our beliefs and more than we will change yours.

As for those who say that God opposes abortion, I say that if God didn't believe that abortion was sometimes necessary, women wouldn't have miscarriages.
So, did you take off of others, or just read it come to your own conclusions?
I never said no new ideas, but that non religious people (and religious, too. I should have said that) seem to think that they are coming up with new ideas, when in fact they are not.

Both. No text that is not open to multiple interrpretations would have survived this long, so logically speaking, people have been coming up with new ideas on what it all means for the past 2000 years.

The Catholic Church itself comes out with new stuff every time the cardinals all meet, but "new ideas" in the Catholic Church takes decades to be acknowledged or accepted.
Ahhh the liberal OP has been struck by lightning or something....

Yeah, when you die....you liberals are going to find out how smart you really are.....

Hugo Chavez is finding that out right now. Oblameris being made out to be a 'God' by the Marxist Left. He too will soon find out the wrath of the true 'God Almighty'
Hugo Chavez is finding that out right now. Oblameris being made out to be a 'God' by the Marxist Left. He too will soon find out the wrath of the true 'God Almighty'

Someone once said that once the name of Hitler is invoked in a message board discussion, the thread is dead. No one is a bad as Hilter and you prove your ignorance by suggesting it.

If you say that Obama is a "communist" you have nothing to say which is valid. Obama is not a communist. He's not even a left-wing President. Obamacare would never get a vote in any real social democracy in the world, because it's not a single payer system.

There's a lot of crap you can criticize Obama for which has validity. Calling him a communist is not one of them. But it's a huge help to me to let me know who is hopelessly out of touch with reality and doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.
Hugo Chavez is finding that out right now. Oblameris being made out to be a 'God' by the Marxist Left. He too will soon find out the wrath of the true 'God Almighty'

Someone once said that once the name of Hitler is invoked in a message board discussion, the thread is dead. No one is a bad as Hilter and you prove your ignorance by suggesting it.

If you say that Obama is a "communist" you have nothing to say which is valid. Obama is not a communist. He's not even a left-wing President. Obamacare would never get a vote in any real social democracy in the world, because it's not a single payer system.

There's a lot of crap you can criticize Obama for which has validity. Calling him a communist is not one of them. But it's a huge help to me to let me know who is hopelessly out of touch with reality and doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.

How do you like the Canadian health care system?
I don't count revivals as something new, because they don't offer anything that is that new, as compared to the Reformation, which was a big break with how the bible was seen and the world went from Orthodox and Catholic to Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, Presbertyrian, Lutherian, and a whole bunch of others.

You mean the Restoration, as in Charles II and Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland?

No I mean the Restoration as Angelic restoration of Priesthood, keys, and Church along with more scriptures.

Are you referring to being Mormon, or carpet cleaners?

The first. Not familiar with the second in terms of religion lol
I believe in the power of positive thinking - but not in the power of prayer to a supernatural Sky Daddy.

I can promise you that I have seen the power prayer can bring in peoples lives. I've seen prayers answered immediately and miraculously. I've seen miracles happen. The hand of Divine Providence is active in the world. You can see the finger prints of God all over history if you know where to look.
When did God become bound by acts of sophistry?

Non religious people seem to think that they have all the answers about God based off of 'their own reading' of the Bible. I'm not a religious or spiritual person, but it gets aggravating when people ignore two thousand years of scholarship on the subject of God and what he means, and act like they have new ideas.

If you are not religious or spiritual, what motivates you to speak of "god" as though "he" exists at all?

Scholarship on the subject is valuable only in the sense that belief in this fairy tale has led people to do some pretty fucked up things.....and some pretty great things. Human things. The belief exists.

Those of us who deny the existence of a supreme being also do fucked up things and great things. We are just more willing to accept responsibility for doing them.

LOL. Thank you for the laugh man. It's just so hard to take that seriously from someone who constantly blames the other guys for this nations problems.
Non religious literature does the same though

How many books survive for 2000 years? How many books which were originally written in ancient Rome, Greece or China, are still being read today because they help us in our everyday lives?

A friend asked me once how I, as a modern, intelligent person, could believe a bunch of fairy stories, and my response was that even if you strip away the magic of the virgin, birth, the miracles, and the resurrection, Jesus' teachings of love and respect for one another, for other nations and peoples, are what I follow and believe in. The miracles and magic is window dressing to the central message of love, obedience and respect.

Mocking people who believe in God is a pointless waste of your time. It won't change our beliefs and more than we will change yours.

As for those who say that God opposes abortion, I say that if God didn't believe that abortion was sometimes necessary, women wouldn't have miscarriages.

When the womans life is in jeopardy then they should be able to have an abortion.
God does the miscarriages. He says that only he knows when the soul enters the unborn.
They mystery of the Poor is this: they are Jesus.

What you do for them, you do for Jesus.

I don't remember any mystery of the Poor being mentioned. But you want to know a secret? The Rich are Jesus too. Because when you are in the service of your fellow beings, regardless of how much wealth they produce, you are in the service of your God.
Ahhh the liberal OP has been struck by lightning or something....

Yeah, when you die....you liberals are going to find out how smart you really are.....

Hugo Chavez is finding that out right now. Oblameris being made out to be a 'God' by the Marxist Left. He too will soon find out the wrath of the true 'God Almighty'

I hope through his experiences, he learns of the mercy of God Almighty. Im sure God would prefer that as well.
Hugo Chavez is finding that out right now. Oblameris being made out to be a 'God' by the Marxist Left. He too will soon find out the wrath of the true 'God Almighty'

Someone once said that once the name of Hitler is invoked in a message board discussion, the thread is dead. No one is a bad as Hilter and you prove your ignorance by suggesting it.

If you say that Obama is a "communist" you have nothing to say which is valid. Obama is not a communist. He's not even a left-wing President. Obamacare would never get a vote in any real social democracy in the world, because it's not a single payer system.

There's a lot of crap you can criticize Obama for which has validity. Calling him a communist is not one of them. But it's a huge help to me to let me know who is hopelessly out of touch with reality and doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.

No one is as bad as Hitler? what about Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc?

There are lots of people as bad as Hitler.

And yes, Obama is a communist. His parents were communists. His grandparents were communists. His mentors were communists. He admits he sought out the marxist professors and the marxist students to associate with. His spiritual advisors are communists in Christian clothing. The President wrote a book about the Dreams he recieved from his father. His father's dream what communism. At no point has he ever renounced any part of communist goals. He has not had any turning point to take him away from communism. In fact, his words and actions demonstrate that he has a strong animosity to the free market system and wants to fundamentally transform this nation.

I don't see how it's a lie or even bad to point out that he is a freakin marxist. The Truth sets us free. How are we supposed to be free if we can't even call a spade a spade or a bird a bird.

Unfortunately, progressives, like all marxists, are skilled at keeping large groups of people from seeing who they really are. They are skilled at propaganda and alot of people dont see the danger.
When the womans life is in jeopardy then they should be able to have an abortion.
God does the miscarriages. He says that only he knows when the soul enters the unborn.

The creation and destruction of life are something God reserves for Himself. That's because life is sacred. And that's also why He provides strict guidelines upon the creation and destruction of life.

Unfortunately, our civilization is decaying and society does not see why it's so important that lift isn't taken inappropriately or that life isnt given inappropriately. We also have a tendency to run from tough consequences in our life.
Now, now. That does not sound very christian of you does it?
So maybe your god will have a seat right next to those you condemn.

Don't worry....you're going to burn in hell someday. :clap2:

Ahhh the liberal OP has been struck by lightning or something....

Yeah, when you die....you liberals are going to find out how smart you really are.....

You seem brain dead, does that mean you've met and spoken with God? Or did your brain drown when it was washed?
The problem is Who's God gets to write the laws

God's laws are written by Him. Man's law, if we are lucky, is determined by the people.

Him Who?
The Christian God?
The Jewish God?
or any number of other Gods for the Different religions.

Granted there will be many commonalities but the trouble is when you get into specifics. Do we or do we not eat pork? What about Fish on Friday?

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