God of War: American Capital [Christian Day?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA parable inspired by the film Syriana.

Since it's really a politics-commentary, I didn't feel like I should post it in the Writing section of USMB, but do you think it sounds like 'plausible folklore'?

Cheers (signing off),



Ares descended from heaven and noticed that TrumpUSA had become a 'tower' of capitalism and commerce consciousness in the 21st Century. Ares wondered if American capital would make Western petroleum companies such as Sunoco and British Petroleum symbols of competitiveness in ways intolerable to the Middle East [OPEC]. Would consumerism itself which is otherwise a 'lifestyle-philosophy' lead to the Apocalypse?


Since Ares knew he was considered the God of War, he decided to rally farmers in Texas and Mexico to consider the Christian value of creating spiritualism-based pro-consumerism policies favorable to federal control over farming. While farmers detested federal regulations usually, they saw the wisdom of Ares' suggestion in negotiating with the government more in this modern era of supermarkets and big business. Ares and farmers in Texas and Mexico decided to stage a large 'Christian Day rally' in honor of what Jesus Christ told Jews and Romans about the idea of teamwork in times of empire-ambition. Was this a capitalism-based revolution?


Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump was busy delivering a speech at the United Nations headquarters in NYC about the new trend in the modern global landscape of random urban anarchy/terrorism. Trump suggested that the rash of pedestrian madness reflected a general 'spiritual backlash' to commerce-streamlining sociopolitical processes and the influence of institutions such as the World Bank. Trump said, "Orwellian sentiments are so darn romantic/appealing in this age of great commercial ambition, so governments come across as 'megaliths' of utter gluttony."


Of course, Americans would understand Trump's implications about capitalism and gluttony. Americans regularly enjoyed capitalism/fortune daydream themed TV game-shows such as Wheel of Fortune and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. This is why Ares descended to Earth. He wanted everyday Americans to think more about the metaphysical 'accessibility' of vice in this age of great consumerism traffic, networking, and product variability. Would Ares' "Christian Day" farmers-rally create enough inspiration for consumers around the world to think more proactively about the nature of ambition?


Ares consulted his Oracle and realized that if capitalism in the modern world was not tempered by considerations about spiritualism, values, and teamwork, the forces of darkness and hell would emerge as the dominating trend of human psychology. Ares noted that the numerous American horror-films and comic book adapted films such as Darkman, The Dark Knight, and Dark Skies represented a modern-era (post-Industrialization) human fascination with spiritual limits and doom in a time of great ambitions/imagination. In other words, humanity would have to coordinate the 'allure' of American capital with the presence of species vanities.


Ares concluded that to save the optimism of capitalism itself, the marketing of war-themed and survival-themed video-games in America (and elsewhere) such as Call of Duty and Alien: Isolation would have to remind consumers of the social value of open imagination/dialogue about modernism-relevant folklore. Since such video-games represented humanity's perspectives on the 'thrill' of modernism and civilization evolution, Ares considered them perfect/idealized commerce symbols (or 'totems') of capitalism-consciousness. If youngsters playing these video-games reminded their parents of the socialization value of survivalism-oriented intellectualism, then capitalism would feel more like...a prayer(!).




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