God Help Us All: Girl Scouts Now Allowing Cross-Dressing Boys To Join


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
My daughters were in Girl Scouts when they were young as I was teaching them to be racially aware. If they were young today, I would not permit them to join this organization that has lost its moral compass. America is having its moral fiber, that has sustained it as a nation since its founding, ripped from its foundation. Only by turning to God can this nation be saved.


Girl Scouts Now Allowing Cross-Dressing Boys To Join Downtrend
My daughters were in Girl Scouts when they were young as I was teaching them to be racially aware. If they were young today, I would not permit them to join this organization that has lost its moral compass. America is having its moral fiber, that has sustained it as a nation since its founding, ripped from its foundation. Only by turning to God can this nation be saved.

Girl Scouts Now Allowing Cross-Dressing Boys To Join Downtrend

The Girl Scouts lost my support when they aligned with Planned Parenthood
Anyway... I figured out girl scouts sucked ass when I was in grade school. I see nothing has changed.
My daughters were in Girl Scouts when they were young as I was teaching them to be racially aware. If they were young today, I would not permit them to join this organization that has lost its moral compass. America is having its moral fiber, that has sustained it as a nation since its founding, ripped from its foundation. Only by turning to God can this nation be saved.


Girl Scouts Now Allowing Cross-Dressing Boys To Join Downtrend

If your posts are representative of the god you want everyone to turn to, I can't imagine any but the most vile and disgusting people turning to him. Fortunately, God is not filled with hate. He is the embodiment of love.
I guess no one should tell the OP that the girl scouts allowed lesbians to not only join but to be leaders while his girls were there.

Furthermore they allowed a transgender child to join back in 2011.
I guess no one should tell the OP that the girl scouts allowed lesbians to not only join but to be leaders while his girls were there.

Furthermore they allowed a transgender child to join back in 2011.

Wouldn't do much good to tell the OP anything. He only listens to crazy right wing sources and the voices in his head. Anything else just doesn't exist.
My daughters were in Girl Scouts when they were young as I was teaching them to be racially aware. If they were young today, I would not permit them to join this organization that has lost its moral compass. America is having its moral fiber, that has sustained it as a nation since its founding, ripped from its foundation. Only by turning to God can this nation be saved.


Girl Scouts Now Allowing Cross-Dressing Boys To Join Downtrend

If your posts are representative of the god you want everyone to turn to, I can't imagine any but the most vile and disgusting people turning to him. Fortunately, God is not filled with hate. He is the embodiment of love.

Uh ya.

# That a man shall not wear women's clothing (Deut. 22:5) (CCN179).
# That a woman should not wear men's clothing (Deut. 22:5) (CCN178).
My daughters were in Girl Scouts when they were young as I was teaching them to be racially aware. If they were young today, I would not permit them to join this organization that has lost its moral compass. America is having its moral fiber, that has sustained it as a nation since its founding, ripped from its foundation. Only by turning to God can this nation be saved.


Girl Scouts Now Allowing Cross-Dressing Boys To Join Downtrend

If your posts are representative of the god you want everyone to turn to, I can't imagine any but the most vile and disgusting people turning to him. Fortunately, God is not filled with hate. He is the embodiment of love.

Uh ya.

# That a man shall not wear women's clothing (Deut. 22:5) (CCN179).
# That a woman should not wear men's clothing (Deut. 22:5) (CCN178).

Uh -- that's not "God". That's the Holey Babble.

Might wanna let Rudy Giuliani know about these though.
There's no question the Girl Scouts are not the same organization they once were. Still buy there cookies though. Might have to rethink that going forward.
My daughters were in Girl Scouts when they were young as I was teaching them to be racially aware. If they were young today, I would not permit them to join this organization that has lost its moral compass. America is having its moral fiber, that has sustained it as a nation since its founding, ripped from its foundation. Only by turning to God can this nation be saved.


Girl Scouts Now Allowing Cross-Dressing Boys To Join Downtrend
I see you're applying for admission. Cute outfit you have on there, trying to turn on D4E?
Like I said before, this will all end with a loud thud when a girl scout comes up pregnant on an outing with a boy pretending to be a girl so he can go on outings with the girls. Turns out that teen boys don't have the greatest control over their raging hormones when put alone in a tent on a camping trip with a girl.

Mark my words. It will happen. And I echo the other poster who said "no more buying girl scout cookies" until this insanity ends. Sorry girls, not this year or any other until you are actually girls in girl scouts.
Like I said before, this will all end with a loud thud when a girl scout comes up pregnant on an outing with a boy pretending to be a girl so he can go on outings with the girls. Turns out that teen boys don't have the greatest control over their raging hormones when put alone in a tent on a camping trip with a girl.

Mark my words. It will happen. And I echo the other poster who said "no more buying girl scout cookies" until this insanity ends. Sorry girls, not this year or any other until you are actually girls in girl scouts.

Good to know. Now I can buy twice as many boxes of cookies and completely remove your protest.

I know plenty of folks who will take them off my hands.
I guess no one should tell the OP that the girl scouts allowed lesbians to not only join but to be leaders while his girls were there.

Furthermore they allowed a transgender child to join back in 2011.

And let's not tell him the guy who started the Boy Scouts was gay and taught that masturbation was bad.
Like I said before, this will all end with a loud thud when a girl scout comes up pregnant on an outing with a boy pretending to be a girl so he can go on outings with the girls. Turns out that teen boys don't have the greatest control over their raging hormones when put alone in a tent on a camping trip with a girl.

Mark my words. It will happen. And I echo the other poster who said "no more buying girl scout cookies" until this insanity ends. Sorry girls, not this year or any other until you are actually girls in girl scouts.

Oh good idea.

Punish the girls for your own ignorance.

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