God Has Given This World Over To Mankind.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
But, whether you like it or not your soul still belong to him.
At times, I doubt that the world is actually a possesion of mankind. To be honest, we could not survive if it was not for this world. Instead, this planet allows us a suitable home and we should be wary on how we make use of it. For instance, allowing too much oil into the oceans and the food chain we depend on to survive can be compromised. To generalize, too much poison in the environment and our food supply becomes toxic and no god will come to clean this up for us!

We should not look onto this earth as a piece of property that we can do whatever we like with it, but as a necessary requirement for man to continue existance until we are able to colonize other planets in a satisfactory manner. This earth is not ours because we can make use of it: every living organism on this planet makes use of the earths' lands, sea and air and no one ever suggest that god gave possesion of this world to the maggots. Instead we are of the earths and keeping this earth suitable for all life is a contigency for our continued use of it--regardless of what some may believe a god may intend of us or not.
Earth is +- 75% water, so is the human body.
When the human body has an infection it warms up in order to speed killing the infection.
Get it ?

Are you saying man is an infection?
No I do not get it!! I am not some lower lifeform living parasitically on the Earth!

I am a beloved creation of god that is nestled in the lords bosom! Therefore the earth is to be our servant for only the beloved is saved from calamity.. Take for instance the early martyrs oChristianity--are they not with our beloved lord?

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