God created a man


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

And man could not multiply and fill the earth alone and he saw a need to create a companion which means a compliment to him and he took a rib from man and he created a wo-man. Meaning from man. Each had a place in the marriage arrangement and after 6,000 years it has not changed. the purpose of the marriage arrangement, Ms. Soto mayor, is still procreation. Many of our lenders complain because Americans are not producing enough children. And many women have children way beyond the age of 50 and beyond the age of reproductions. Even though Sarah gave birth to Isaac way beyond her years of reproduction. God’s plan was that at some point in life the reproduction process was to cease. Not a reason to support same sex marriage but a reason to oppose same sex marriage.

It is because of traditional marriage that life continues on. Even gay couples need the assistance of the opposite sex to produce a child that becomes a part of their family. It took a male and a female to create that child.

If Sotomayor is gay, she should recuse her self from the argument of same sex marriage. How many issues so far as she recused herself from?

And man could not multiply and fill the earth alone and he saw a need to create a companion which means a compliment to him and he took a rib from man and he created a wo-man. Meaning from man. Each had a place in the marriage arrangement and after 6,000 years it has not changed. the purpose of the marriage arrangement, Ms. Soto mayor, is still procreation. Many of our lenders complain because Americans are not producing enough children. And many women have children way beyond the age of 50 and beyond the age of reproductions. Even though Sarah gave birth to Isaac way beyond her years of reproduction. God’s plan was that at some point in life the reproduction process was to cease. Not a reason to support same sex marriage but a reason to oppose same sex marriage.

It is because of traditional marriage that life continues on. Even gay couples need the assistance of the opposite sex to produce a child that becomes a part of their family. It took a male and a female to create that child.

If Sotomayor is gay, she should recuse her self from the argument of same sex marriage. How many issues so far as she recused herself from?

We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".
Those children that are part of their families are produced by uniting a male an a female. When same sex marriages are physically able to do that, than I will accept it as equal.
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".

That is your opinion. I see unending evidence of the existence of a GOD and a Savior.
Maybe they is why we have ape like habits. The missing link proved that there is not enough evidence to prove we came from apes. Darwin did not believe it himself. You do know the meaning of "theory" don't you?
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".

That is your opinion. I see unending evidence of the existence of a GOD and a Savior.
Maybe they is why we have ape like habits. The missing link proved that there is not enough evidence to prove we came from apes. Darwin did not believe it himself. You do know the meaning of "theory" don't you?
"Missing link"?

Have you opened a science text in the last 75 year's?
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".

That is your opinion. I see unending evidence of the existence of a GOD and a Savior.
Maybe they is why we have ape like habits. The missing link proved that there is not enough evidence to prove we came from apes. Darwin did not believe it himself. You do know the meaning of "theory" don't you?

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Scientists create scientific theories from hypotheses that have been corroborated through the scientific method, then gather evidence to test their accuracy. As with all forms of scientific knowledge, scientific theories are inductive in nature and do not make apodictic propositions; instead, they aim for predictive and explanatory force.
The strength of a scientific theory is related to the diversity of phenomena it can explain, which is measured by its ability to make falsifiable predictions with respect to those phenomena. Theories are improved as more evidence is gathered, so that accuracy in prediction improves over time. Scientists use theories as a foundation to gain further scientific knowledge, as well as to accomplish goals such as inventing technology or curing disease.
Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge. This is significantly different from the word "theory" in common usage, which implies that something is unsubstantiated or speculative.:eusa_whistle:

Creationists argue that evolution is "only a theory and cannot be proven."

As used in science, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena.

Any scientific theory must be based on a careful and rational examination of the facts. A clear distinction needs to be made between facts (things which can be observed and/or measured) and theories (explanations which correlate and interpret the facts.

A fact is something that is supported by unmistakeable evidence. For example, the Grand Canyon cuts through layers of different kinds of rock, such as the Coconino sandstone, Hermit shale, and Redwall limestone. These rock layers often contain fossils that are found only in certain layers. Those are the facts.

It is a fact is that fossil skulls have been found that are intermediate in appearance between humans and modern apes. It is a fact that fossils have been found that are clearly intermediate in appearance between dinosaurs and birds.

Facts may be interpreted in different ways by different individuals, but that doesn't change the facts themselves.

Theories may be good, bad, or indifferent. They may be well established by the factual evidence, or they may lack credibility. Before a theory is given any credence in the scientific community, it must be subjected to "peer review." This means that the proposed theory must be published in a legitimate scientific journal in order to provide the opportunity for other scientists to evaluate the relevant factual information and publish their conclusions.

Creationists refuse to subject their "theories" to peer reviews, because they know they don't fit the facts. The creationist mindset is distorted by the concept of "good science" (creationism) vs. "bad science" (anything not in agreement with creationism). Creation "scientists" are biblical fundamentalists who can not accept anything contrary to their sectarian religious beliefs.:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
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Those children that are part of their families are produced by uniting a male an a female. When same sex marriages are physically able to do that, than I will accept it as equal.

No one is asking you to accept anything as equal.
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".

You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".

You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

And man could not multiply and fill the earth alone and he saw a need to create a companion which means a compliment to him and he took a rib from man and he created a wo-man. Meaning from man. Each had a place in the marriage arrangement and after 6,000 years it has not changed. the purpose of the marriage arrangement, Ms. Soto mayor, is still procreation. Many of our lenders complain because Americans are not producing enough children. And many women have children way beyond the age of 50 and beyond the age of reproductions. Even though Sarah gave birth to Isaac way beyond her years of reproduction. God’s plan was that at some point in life the reproduction process was to cease. Not a reason to support same sex marriage but a reason to oppose same sex marriage.

It is because of traditional marriage that life continues on. Even gay couples need the assistance of the opposite sex to produce a child that becomes a part of their family. It took a male and a female to create that child.

If Sotomayor is gay, she should recuse her self from the argument of same sex marriage. How many issues so far as she recused herself from?


Using that logic, heterosexuals also ought to recuse themselves.
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".

You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

Where did original matter and energy come from? The Big Bang just spontaneously created them? Out of what?
You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

Where did original matter and energy come from? The Big Bang just spontaneously created them? Out of what?

The lack of scientific knowledge at this point of what caused the big bang does not default to a sky fairy for an explanation and cause:eusa_whistle:
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".

You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

Who said anything about feelings other than you?

You may no find the evidence all around you credible, but that doesnt mean it doesn't exist. Any that just demands we ask the question: if you believe your position is strong, why do you feel the need to pretend there is no contrary evidence?

And man could not multiply and fill the earth alone and he saw a need to create a companion which means a compliment to him and he took a rib from man and he created a wo-man. Meaning from man. Each had a place in the marriage arrangement and after 6,000 years it has not changed. the purpose of the marriage arrangement, Ms. Soto mayor, is still procreation. Many of our lenders complain because Americans are not producing enough children. And many women have children way beyond the age of 50 and beyond the age of reproductions. Even though Sarah gave birth to Isaac way beyond her years of reproduction. God’s plan was that at some point in life the reproduction process was to cease. Not a reason to support same sex marriage but a reason to oppose same sex marriage.

It is because of traditional marriage that life continues on. Even gay couples need the assistance of the opposite sex to produce a child that becomes a part of their family. It took a male and a female to create that child.

If Sotomayor is gay, she should recuse her self from the argument of same sex marriage. How many issues so far as she recused herself from?


Using that logic, heterosexuals also ought to recuse themselves.

While i dont agree with her logic, i dont see that your conclusion that hetrosexuals ought to recuse himself necesarily flows from her claims. If we followed her logic (again I don't) then a homosexual would have a major stake in the cases, but countless heterosexuals have demonstrated that they don't care about the gay marriage issue. According to their position, they have no stake in the matter and wouldn't be biased by remaining on the court.

It's a silly point though. Even if she recused herself, we would still need 5 justices to sustain Prop 8 because a 4-4 Court decision doesn't do jack.
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".

You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

We don't have "gods".....we have ONE God. Shows how much you know....
You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

Who said anything about feelings other than you?

You may no find the evidence all around you credible, but that doesnt mean it doesn't exist. Any that just demands we ask the question: if you believe your position is strong, why do you feel the need to pretend there is no contrary evidence?

Its pretty typical for religious people to have such "feelings" .

Well honestly, you have offered no credible evidence to support your claims to gods. Therefore, I'm denying no contrary evidence. A book, we know was written by fallible and superstitious humans is not credible evidence of gods

The model of the natural world with natural causations has the advantage of empirical data to support it. The theistic model--- well, you haven’t really expressed a model other than an insistence that a supernatural force we cannot access or even understand is extant but of course your model is never open to investigation, you cannot demonstrate your model other than to claim “because I say so”, and we are somehow left to consider this as reality?

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