Globalization: A Masked Drama


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a globalization-politics omen tale inspired by the humanism-paranoia films Patriot Games and Bulworth.



In a small town in England, young adults purchased intriguing Oriental masks for Halloween and started dancing in the streets wearing them as a special 'courtship ritual.' When journalists asked them why these Oriental masks signified a courtship ritual, the mask-wearing Halloween revellers explained that East-West relations signified a custom of modern era globalization politics. Two weeks later, there was an IRA-related terrorist bombing in London.

When the culprits for the terrorist deed were arrested, they were interrogated by the British police. The IRA members responsible for the bombing explained that when they read about the Oriental mask-wearing Halloween British revellers making a symbolic gesture about East-West culture-relations and globalization politics, they became enraged, since the British Parliament had for years ignored the pleas of under-represented Irish Catholics living in Belfast, Northern Ireland under the English flag and British Protestant rule. It was anarchy!

Then, a CNN journalist did a special report regarding the Oriental-mask wearing Halloween revellers in England and how it prompted rageful IRA terrorists to carry out a bombing in London. The journalist, Christina, hailed from an Irish-American family and was interested in the complications/contradictions in modern era globalization politics that seemed to prioritize consumerism ahead of culture-exchange and political discussion. Christian stated in her reports that the mask-revelry catalyzed IRA terrorism in England signalled a symbolic challenge for the capitalism-centric Trump Administration --- to balance trade with real diplomacy.


I've read some of your post and have yet to fully understand one.
Are the stories you are making up like anti capitalism stories?
I need a dummy translations for these haha.
Fabulous Dragons

Well, Joker, thanks for your interest. I studied psychology in college and became interested in links between culture and religion. I make Christian HTML websites and post ideas about modernism and basic short-stories about modernism-culture paranoia.

Most of my stories are not overtly anti-capitalism but rather consumerism-paranoia or 'omen-tales,' and some are inspired by the films Wall Street, Hellraiser, and Dick Tracy.

I like ideas about 'cultural fitness' and am inspired by modern-age consumerism-savvy lifestyle 'arenas' such as Fabletics (chic Kate Hudson fitness-gear company) and Planet Hollywood (movie-based restaurant chain).

There's no reason capitalism can't be evaluated/appreciated in terms of 'folk fantasia.'

In any case, I've been blogging on the Internet about these interests for about 15 years now, so I'm retiring very very soon (maybe even this week or tomorrow!), so to note, I'm actually happy with what I've written/presented.

With that said/explained, here's a USMB post/story you might like more than this one (which is rather 'generic anthropologically'):

Tales of the Scarecrow: Utopia (Writing Forum)

Hope that helped (and thanks for your feedback!).

Happy reads!

Fabulous Dragons

Well, Joker, thanks for your interest. I studied psychology in college and became interested in links between culture and religion. I make Christian HTML websites and post ideas about modernism and basic short-stories about modernism-culture paranoia.

Most of my stories are not overtly anti-capitalism but rather consumerism-paranoia or 'omen-tales,' and some are inspired by the films Wall Street, Hellraiser, and Dick Tracy.

I like ideas about 'cultural fitness' and am inspired by modern-age consumerism-savvy lifestyle 'arenas' such as Fabletics (chic Kate Hudson fitness-gear company) and Planet Hollywood (movie-based restaurant chain).

There's no reason capitalism can't be evaluated/appreciated in terms of 'folk fantasia.'

In any case, I've been blogging on the Internet about these interests for about 15 years now, so I'm retiring very very soon (maybe even this week or tomorrow!), so to note, I'm actually happy with what I've written/presented.

With that said/explained, here's a USMB post/story you might like more than this one (which is rather 'generic anthropologically'):

Tales of the Scarecrow: Utopia (Writing Forum)

Hope that helped (and thanks for your feedback!).

Happy reads!

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Haha thanks I hope my lack of understanding things like this comes from a lack of knowledge in writing then a simple lack of intelligence. Good luck to you in whatever you do next.

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