Global Warming


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
Conservative part of the Northwest
Another mild winter here in NY.

Probably because of Global Warming

We have a superstorm earlier

Probably because of Global Warming

Last year we had one big snow storm

Probably because of Global Warming

And then it was a mild winder last year

Probably because of Global Warming

the year before we had a dozen snow storms

Probably because of Global Warming
You'd think the great warming would have created a lot of "hot" tickets.

Today in the Upper Mohave the low temparature was 33 degrees.

In July the high will be around 110.

Pretty much normal.

It's cool in the winter and One Hundred and Stupid in the summer. Pretty much like it's always been.
Climate Change Threatens American Biodiversity...
Report: US Ecosystems More Stressed Than Ever
December 21, 2012 - Natural ecosystems in the United States are under greater stress from climate change than at any previous time in human history, according to a new report.
Experts from government agencies, academia and environmental organizations say these stressed ecosystems are also stressing wild plant and animal species, threatening the nation’s biodiversity. When Super Storm Sandy ravaged the U.S. East Coast and inundated New York City in late October, many wondered if such extreme weather events might be linked to climate change, the gradual warming of the planet caused, in part, by decades of industrial emissions. For New York governor Andrew Cuomo, there was no doubt. “Climate change is a reality,” he said after Sandy struck.

Wreaking havoc

The same global reality that swamped New York City is also wreaking havoc on the nation’s wild places, according to a warning contained in the new report, "Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services." Bruce Stein, a scientist with the National Wildlife Federation and a co-author of the report, says one of its key findings is that climate change is causing many plant and animal species to shift their geographic range and distribution faster than anticipated. “What that means is that, as these species shift out of their historic ranges, we’re starting to see biological events happening earlier," Stein says. "We’re starting to see mismatches between things like flowers and their pollinators, and species that actually depend on one another.”

The impact of a warmer world isn’t just felt in more intense heat waves, droughts and storms every summer, but also in winters that are less cold. “And those cold temperatures are a critical regulator of species outbreaks and also of species distributions," says ecologist Peter Groffman with the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and also a co-author of the report. "And so what we’ve seen is that these pest outbreaks are much worse than they would be because we’ve lost these very cold temperatures.”

Assault on trees

Bug infestations are killing millions of trees in U.S. forests. If that assault continues, the report warns, tree mortality rates in western U.S. forests could double every 17 to 29 years. The loss of trees would lead to earlier melting of mountain snowpack and reduce the amount of water available for spring planting season. “These changes in the winter affect ecosystems, biodiversity, during the summer period," Groffman says. "There are big changes in the timing of spring and fall, which affects the success for a variety of plant and animal species, and it affects the ability of ecosystems to hold on to improved water quality and air quality.”

That also means less water for people and communities to drink, says another report co-author, Mary Ruckelshaus, managing director of the Natural Capital Project. “By most projections, climate change is going to triple the fraction of countries that are at high, or at very high, risk of running out of water," Ruckelshaus says. "People’s source of water is going to be increasingly imperiled due to climate change.”

High stakes
Another mild winter here in NY.

Probably because of Global Warming

We have a superstorm earlier

Probably because of Global Warming

Last year we had one big snow storm

Probably because of Global Warming

And then it was a mild winder last year

Probably because of Global Warming

the year before we had a dozen snow storms

Probably because of Global Warming

Even though I know you're being sarcastic and I'm presuming you don't fall for this global warming hype, I would really like some global warming alarmist kook to explain this one to me ...

"We have a superstorm earlier

Probably because of Global Warming"

Anyone who thinks Superstorm Sandy had squat to do with global warming is a loon and simply can't be taken seriously.

Superstorm Sandy was a result of several different given factors all coming together at just the right time, to produce the storm of which transpired. It had to do with a cold front from the west, coming together with a hurricane in the Atlantic, during high tide, during a full moon, which set the stage for Superstorm Sandy to be as destructive as it was. Global warming did not miraculously cause the cold front to come together with the hurricane, global warming did not miraculously cause all these factors to come together at high tide and, global warming did not cause all of these factors to conveniently culminate during a full moon. Had any of these factors not been present during Superstorm Sandy, it may not have been such a big deal, especially if the cold front hadn't met with the hurricane (or more appropriately tropical storm). Hurricane Sandy, when it made landfall, was pretty much a wimpy hurricane and had it not been for the cold front, it would have just been a normal tropical storm they likely see quite often in that area.
(I thought there was a separate forum for threads about the environment. Maybe a mod/admin will move it to the correct forum. Or, maybe not.)

Is Global Warming Happening Faster Than Expected?: Scientific American

Over the past decade scientists thought they had figured out how to protect humanity from the worst dangers of climate change.

Global Warming is Accelerating - National Wildlife Federation

Scientists documented major changes to natural systems around the planet in the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). New science published after the IPCC report has shown how global warming is happening faster than anticipated. Sea-level rise may be accelerating, Arctic sea ice is rapidly melting, and forests are being transformed.

Oh, and yes, of course I know this is a dumb joke for dumb people.
As it was explained on TWC, GW is more or less responsible for a greater or fewer number of hurricanes than normal.
As with the nonsense about the 'Unskewed polls', the nonsense expressed here concerning global warming will come back and bite you in the ass.

And make you nincompoops look the asses you are.
(I thought there was a separate forum for threads about the environment. Maybe a mod/admin will move it to the correct forum. Or, maybe not.)

Is Global Warming Happening Faster Than Expected?: Scientific American

Over the past decade scientists thought they had figured out how to protect humanity from the worst dangers of climate change.
Global Warming is Accelerating - National Wildlife Federation

Scientists documented major changes to natural systems around the planet in the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). New science published after the IPCC report has shown how global warming is happening faster than anticipated. Sea-level rise may be accelerating, Arctic sea ice is rapidly melting, and forests are being transformed.
Oh, and yes, of course I know this is a dumb joke for dumb people.


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