Global Warming...a manipulated result of altered data


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Retroactive re-writing of scientific to fit the narrative of the left.

If this is the truth exposed, the useful idiots will remain unconvinced. Those that will profit most from the deconstruction of American industrial energy endeavors and the destroying the demand for labor that goes with them are the rich liberal politicians whose wealth comes from controlling masses of poverty stricken citizens.

German Scientist Accused NASA of ‘Massive’ Temperature Alterations
Oh gods, another anti tax scientist. A geologist. Who would have thought geology would have been the branch of science to combine economic policy with science? Well, apart from the oil companies they're engaged with.

Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Friedrich-Karl Ewert EIKE


Universität. - GH - Paderborn, Abt. Höxter (ret.)

EIKE's slogan is “Nicht das Klima ist bedroht, sondern unsere Freiheit! Umweltschutz: Ja! Klimaschutz: Nein,” which roughly translates to “Not the climate is at risk, but our freedom! Environmental protection: Yes! Climate protection: No.” [1]

EIKE “rejects any 'climate policy'” that would cause increases in takes
[edit...taxes, I assume] while supporting the creation of “policy initiatives” by “providing scientific expertise. Holger J. Thuss, president of EIKE, and is also the co-founder of CFACT Europe. EIKE's general secretary, Wolfgang Müller, is also responsible for the Climate Change Programme of CFACT. [2], [3]
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I was particiularly impressed with “Mankind always knew that constantly there are climate changes,” according to a translation of Ewert’s EIKE article. “The parable of the seven fat and seven lean years [is] an indication.” and that he found the Earth had COOLED 1.11C (~2F) since 1940.


Uh... yeah...
Catapult? Let me guess, English is not your native language.

You think NOAA/GISS' data is propaganda but believe a retired and likely senile geologist who quotes parables in Genesis as evidence that global temperatures have not only gone in the opposite direction that every climate scientist on Earth has found, but at twice the rate? And, note that he has done this "manually" with 1,120 land-based weather stations. Yeah... catapult.
The hockey stick was never debunked. The only issue of note from the release of stolen emails was that Phil Jones wasn't happy with the practice of harassment by FOIA requests. The reason we have an extremely strong consensus among scientists that global warming is taking place and that human activities are its primary cause is because that is the conclusion that an overwhelming amount of evidence and the science applied to that evidence support.

-- Another Navy vet
Furthermore, the work done by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) does not meet the basic standards set by reputable scientific journals because its “conclusions go [contrary] to observed facts; the figures used are deliberately chosen to support its conclusions (with no regard for the most basic scientific honesty); and the variability of natural phenomena is passed over without comment.”

Even if there were such a thing as global warming, “then we should celebrate,” the mathematicians said. “And if it does not exist, then we simply shall have to carry on switching on the central heating.”

“French policy [on] CO2 is particularly stupid, since we are one of the countries with the cleanest industrial sector,” the white paper pointed out, slamming “virtuous” policies that have resulted in a significant loss of industrial activity and the resultant loss of jobs that has left three million French unemployed even as global CO2 emissions continue to rise.

French Mathematicians Blast UN’s ‘Costly & Pointless Crusade’ Against Global Warming
Retroactive re-writing of scientific to fit the narrative of the left.

If this is the truth exposed, the useful idiots will remain unconvinced. Those that will profit most from the deconstruction of American industrial energy endeavors and the destroying the demand for labor that goes with them are the rich liberal politicians whose wealth comes from controlling masses of poverty stricken citizens.

German Scientist Accused NASA of ‘Massive’ Temperature Alterations

Brought to you by the good people at the American Petroleum Institute.
The hockey stick was never debunked. The only issue of note from the release of stolen emails was that Phil Jones wasn't happy with the practice of harassment by FOIA requests. The reason we have an extremely strong consensus among scientists that global warming is taking place and that human activities are its primary cause is because that is the conclusion that an overwhelming amount of evidence and the science applied to that evidence support.

-- Another Navy vet
Thousands of scientists can be duped into concurrence with a false conclusion based on manipulation of historical records used to reach the conclusion---especially when the measurements cannot be repeated.

The discrepancies between the archived public records and the adjusted records presented by the doomsday squad reveal the dishonesty of the politically motivated 'scientists'.
I was particiularly impressed with “Mankind always knew that constantly there are climate changes,” according to a translation of Ewert’s EIKE article. “The parable of the seven fat and seven lean years [is] an indication.” and that he found the Earth had COOLED 1.11C (~2F) since 1940.


Uh... yeah...

Oh look! An AGW believer uses manipulated data to prove that there is no manipulated data.

What a shock!
LOL. So there are even fruitloop geologists. Who'ad thunk it!

And all that manipulated data is melting the alpine glaciers, and the polar caps. My goodness, that is some pretty potent manipulation.
Thousands of scientists can be duped into concurrence with a false conclusion based on manipulation of historical records used to reach the conclusion---especially when the measurements cannot be repeated.

The discrepancies between the archived public records and the adjusted records presented by the doomsday squad reveal the dishonesty of the politically motivated 'scientists'.
So, are you saying the archived public records are still available to any scientist who wishes to falsify published global temperature trends, yet the vast majority of climate scientists do not wish the fame and fortune attendant on such work?

It must be a conspiracy.
Oh look! An AGW believer uses manipulated data to prove that there is no manipulated data.

What a shock!
Just about all scientific data is manipulated in the process of becoming information. The satellite data set which flat earthers are so fond of presenting has had the fuck manipulated out of it in the attempt to match real world observations. Let's hear you squeal about that.
Thousands of scientists can be duped into concurrence with a false conclusion based on manipulation of historical records used to reach the conclusion---especially when the measurements cannot be repeated.

The discrepancies between the archived public records and the adjusted records presented by the doomsday squad reveal the dishonesty of the politically motivated 'scientists'.
So, are you saying the archived public records are still available to any scientist who wishes to falsify published global temperature trends, yet the vast majority of climate scientists do not wish the fame and fortune attendant on such work?

It must be a conspiracy.
No. I said what I said. The archived records have not changed. The 'scientists' wanting to back up the false narrative of the government presented data that did not match the archived records. That is all.
Thousands of scientists can be duped into concurrence with a false conclusion based on manipulation of historical records used to reach the conclusion---especially when the measurements cannot be repeated.

The discrepancies between the archived public records and the adjusted records presented by the doomsday squad reveal the dishonesty of the politically motivated 'scientists'.
So, are you saying the archived public records are still available to any scientist who wishes to falsify published global temperature trends, yet the vast majority of climate scientists do not wish the fame and fortune attendant on such work?

It must be a conspiracy.
No. I said what I said. The archived records have not changed. The 'scientists' wanting to back up the false narrative of the government presented data that did not match the archived records. That is all.

Even the latest satellite records show the fraud when compared to the heavily altered HCN networks.

These people will lie about the data set manipulations and fabrications. Like Michale Mann they will cut out the historical records showing no empirical rise and attach tree ring proxies showing massive rise (after they throw out 12 of the 14 data sets showing there is no rise) and claim its all ok and that merging these kinds of records is ok while not mentioning it in their paper.. Deceptions and manipulations are their game.
Oh look! An AGW believer uses manipulated data to prove that there is no manipulated data.

What a shock!
Just about all scientific data is manipulated in the process of becoming information. The satellite data set which flat earthers are so fond of presenting has had the fuck manipulated out of it in the attempt to match real world observations. Let's hear you squeal about that.

I would except that you are using the same definition of manipulated. Why is it that there is south fraud in "climate science" and so many of its true believers like you use deception and often outright lies?
Why is it that deniers feel so free to make accusations without ever producing any actual supporting evidence?

Show us some published science that shows such "manipulations" weren't necessary or that they are producing false results.

And you might think about explaining why - if these manipulations are intended to make global warming look worse than it actually is (more warming) - the net result of all adjustments has made it look better (less warming).

When you give up trying to find some valid science supporting your accusations, check this out for a good explanation of a lot of the adjustments: why they're being made, what they're accomplishing and what the corrected results show,.
Understanding adjustments to temperature data
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No. I said what I said.

Thousands of scientists can be duped into concurrence with a false conclusion based on manipulation of historical records used to reach the conclusion---especially when the measurements cannot be repeated.
Self contradictory. If the original data still exists why does it matter that the measurements cannot be repeated? And all historical data is 'manipulated' to turn it into information.

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