Global temperature has not risen in 15 years....


Jan 22, 2012
So contrary to the bullshine Al Gore has been spurting; the global warming argument for C02 driving the temperature in our atmosphere is dead in the water.

As Reported by the Daily Mail:

Global warming has halted: That's what happened to 'warmest year on record' | Mail Online

:clap2: A main stream media outlet spurting a bit of truth for once.

The Climate Gate scandal 1 & 2.0 proved that this Global Warming scam is just a criminal conspiracy, but still Al Gore is peddling it! I think it is time for the people to demand an investigation into Al Gore for possible fraud. He is clearly making millions of dollars off of peddling the 'GREEN LIE'.

Will any laws passed this far be removed from the statute?

What do you guys think?
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So contrary to the bullshine Al Gore has been spurting; the global warming argument for C02 driving the the temperature of the planet is dead in the water.

As Reported by the Daily Mail:

Global warming has halted: That's what happened to 'warmest year on record' | Mail Online

:clap2: A main stream media outlet spurting a bit of truth for once.

The Climate Gate scandal 1 & 2.0 proved that this Global Warming scam is just a criminal conspiracy, but still Al Gore is peddling it! I think it is time for the people to demand an investigation into Al Gore for possible fraud. He is clearly making millions of dollars off of peddling the 'GREEN LIE'.

What do you guys think?

Respectfully, may I ask: Do you live in the UK? And if you do, why do you care about what Al Gore does? Educate me. Are his claims about global warming having an effect on the policies in your country?

Or is that just part of your nickname...just because? Or is it University of Kentucky?
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Why on earth wouldn't an honest person not be exposing the truth to people?
Why on earth wouldn't an honest person not be exposing the truth to people?

Are you a scientist? If you are, kudos to you. I'm not. And therefore, I don't have enough objective evidence to say whether it is true, or not.

I believe it, just from my own surroundings for the last 20 years. Odd weather. Tulips blooming in January..things like that.

I didn't see those things as a child.

Respectfully, may I ask: Do you live in the UK? And if you do, why do you care about what Al Gore does? Educate me. Are his claims about global warming having an effect on the policies in your country?

Or is that just part of your nickname...just because? Or is it University of Kentucky?[/QUOTE]

Yes I do live in the UK and Al Gore and his fairy tale has effected us big style in the UK.

Firstly Al Gores film "An inconvenient Truth" is being pushed in our schools like the AGW is a fact.

We are getting taxed in numerous ways because we are apparently emitting C02 in a number of ways like flying, using your car, and using gas and electricity etc..

Many polices from building control down to small business's are suffering because of the bureaucracy of doing this; that, and the other which in turn is costing money. (Particularly to small business.)

Finally the Global Warming argument will bring us into a post industrial era' were neo-feudalism runs rife. (That's not a society that I am willing to put my children through, after all we live in the 21st century.)

I hope this helps you understand a little.
So contrary to the bullshine Al Gore has been spurting; the global warming argument for C02 driving the the temperature of the planet is dead in the water.

As Reported by the Daily Mail:

Global warming has halted: That's what happened to 'warmest year on record' | Mail Online

:clap2: A main stream media outlet spurting a bit of truth for once.

The Climate Gate scandal 1 & 2.0 proved that this Global Warming scam is just a criminal conspiracy, but still Al Gore is peddling it! I think it is time for the people to demand an investigation into Al Gore for possible fraud. He is clearly making millions of dollars off of peddling the 'GREEN LIE'.

What do you guys think?

Respectfully, may I ask: Do you live in the UK? And if you do, why do you care about what Al Gore does? Educate me. Are his claims about global warming having an effect on the policies in your country?

Or is that just part of your nickname...just because? Or is it University of Kentucky?

Welcome to the Global Village, Mskafka.

Respectfully, may I ask: Do you live in the UK? And if you do, why do you care about what Al Gore does? Educate me. Are his claims about global warming having an effect on the policies in your country?

Or is that just part of your nickname...just because? Or is it University of Kentucky?[/QUOTE]

Yes I do live in the UK and Al Gore and his fairy tale has effected us big style in the UK.

Firstly Al Gores film "An inconvenient Truth" is being pushed in our schools like the AGW is a fact.

We are getting taxed in numerous ways because we are apparently emitting C02 in a number of ways like flying, using your car, and using gas and electricity etc..

Many polices from building control down to small business's are suffering because of the bureaucracy of doing this; that, and the other which in turn is costing money. (Particularly to small business.)

Finally the Global Warming argument will bring us into a post industrial era' were neo-feudalism runs rife. (That's not a society that I am willing to put my children through, after all we live in the 21st century.)

I hope this helps you understand a little.[/QUOTE]

Oh, absolutely. I had no idea that our former politicians had so influence in your country. Yes, that would be frustrating to me.

I'm not sure that he is really qualified to speak on these scientific theories. I guess he's just been chosen to be the mouthpiece on the issue. He had many majors in college. I think he dropped out of law school, but he may have finished later. Wow, I never knew how little I knew about the man.

I personally believe that he believes everything that he passionately advocates. However, many speculate that he's raking in the dough to peddle these theories and hypotheses.

If you're concerned with neo-feudalism, your gov't must REALLY be pushing the electric cars, and such. And that would be fine and good. But the problem is that most people just plain cannot afford the vehicles. I would LOVE to own one.

You seem like a reasonable and intelligent person. So I don't really have to tell you that elevating levels of CO2-if we are in fact able to decrease our emissions-is a good thing. CO2 is not "harmless". We are slowly suffocating ourselves. And it's not just us. It really does little good, if other countries aren't holding themselves to higher standards....and we know that they aren't.

But in any case, being forced to watch Al Gore (even though I actually do like the guy) is akin...I hate to say this; but socialism. But really, I do think they mean well. But there are REAL scientists who can explain this much more eloquently than Al Gore on the subject. I would suggest listening to them; if it has to be done.
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Why on earth wouldn't an honest person not be exposing the truth to people?

Because he's using truth to further a lie. Sure, things may be flat or actually become cooler for a while, but that's just natural cycles. You know, the thing they say "warmists" ignore, but is conveniently forgotten, when it serves the deniers' purpose. The bottom line is, if CO2 keeps going up, the extra trapped IR WILL effect temps. There's no getting around Conservation of Energy.

There's another way you can tell that this OP is bogus. People that know the subject, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore.
So contrary to the bullshine Al Gore has been spurting; the global warming argument for C02 driving the the temperature of the planet is dead in the water.

As Reported by the Daily Mail:

Global warming has halted: That's what happened to 'warmest year on record' | Mail Online

:clap2: A main stream media outlet spurting a bit of truth for once.

The Climate Gate scandal 1 & 2.0 proved that this Global Warming scam is just a criminal conspiracy, but still Al Gore is peddling it! I think it is time for the people to demand an investigation into Al Gore for possible fraud. He is clearly making millions of dollars off of peddling the 'GREEN LIE'.

What do you guys think?

Respectfully, may I ask: Do you live in the UK? And if you do, why do you care about what Al Gore does? Educate me. Are his claims about global warming having an effect on the policies in your country?

Or is that just part of your nickname...just because? Or is it University of Kentucky?

Welcome to the Global Village, Mskafka.
I hate it for them. I really do. That movie (no offense to anyone who enjoyed it) is as exciting as watching paint dry.

Respectfully, may I ask: Do you live in the UK? And if you do, why do you care about what Al Gore does? Educate me. Are his claims about global warming having an effect on the policies in your country?

Or is that just part of your nickname...just because? Or is it University of Kentucky?[/QUOTE]

Yes I do live in the UK and Al Gore and his fairy tale has effected us big style in the UK.

Firstly Al Gores film "An inconvenient Truth" is being pushed in our schools like the AGW is a fact.

We are getting taxed in numerous ways because we are apparently emitting C02 in a number of ways like flying, using your car, and using gas and electricity etc..

Many polices from building control down to small business's are suffering because of the bureaucracy of doing this; that, and the other which in turn is costing money. (Particularly to small business.)

Finally the Global Warming argument will bring us into a post industrial era' were neo-feudalism runs rife. (That's not a society that I am willing to put my children through, after all we live in the 21st century.)

I hope this helps you understand a little.[/QUOTE]

Whether Gore is right or not, whether climate change exists or not.... We've got one atmosphere and it's what separates us from oblivion. It's probably best not to screw with it at all. It's not like we have another world to go to if we blow it least not yet. I'm not sure how small business is suffering due to climate regulations but if it comes down to a choice between economic policy and breathing, I'll choose the latter.
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Just like Papa ObamaCare where people's health care and costs
were not the real reasons for the Left to pass it

So it is with Global Warming

The real issue that appeals to the Left is more
gov't control and a redistribution of wealth, as they see fit ,,,,
Why on earth wouldn't an honest person not be exposing the truth to people?

Because he's using truth to further a lie. Sure, things may be flat or actually become cooler for a while, but that's just natural cycles. You know, the thing they say "warmists" ignore, but is conveniently forgotten, when it serves the deniers' purpose. The bottom line is, if CO2 keeps going up, the extra trapped IR WILL effect temps. There's no getting around Conservation of Energy.

There's another way you can tell that this OP is bogus. People that know the subject, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore.

I do understand the theory. And hopefully, we can get through to some people, that rising levels of CO2 is not harmless. But until someone comes up with an alternative energy source that is safe, affordable, efficient, etc.., we have to go with what we have.

I recommend Dr. Stephen Hawking. He was much more convincing to me, than any other scientist. The man is BADLY crippled with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease. He has to speak through some kind of computer device.

[ame=]Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan on the Greenhouse Effect - YouTube[/ame]
Just like Papa ObamaCare where people's health care and costs
were not the real reasons for the Left to pass it

So it is with Global Warming

The real issue that appeals to the Left is more
gov't control and a redistribution of wealth, as they see fit ,,,,

Absolutely. That is exactly what moderates and the left want. I want some of my check taken (and it is through taxes paid) and given to those with diseases like ALS, MS, cancer, COPD, and other debilitating diseases-because they are no longer able to work.

That's the redistribution of wealth that I would like to continue to see.

I hope that you are right about global climate change. So you believe that it is a myth?

Hopefully you are right.
So that is what things like Solyndra and secret deal with Big Pharma

were all about

The Left should run with that....
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So that is what things like Solyndra and secret deal with Big Pharma

were all about

The Left should run with that....

While I will agree with you that Solyndra was a huge mess, I seem to be getting conflicting stories between Huffington Post, and Michelle Malkin.

I was just wondering: which are you referencing. Reading both, I got a totally different impression of what actually went down. Someone is lying. I guess it's up to you to decide which one.
I work on a UK island in the south Atlantic. Im as American as one can be.

The fact is its a fact CO2 does in effect provide a green house effect. If I have to fly on of you knuckle draggin Republicans to Mercury (the planet) to show you the green house effect sort of blows. Since I work for the space program, maybe I can arrange that as soon as Newty wins office, what say you knuckle head GOPers???? I buy, YOU FLY!
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Honestly, study our own solar system a tad, would ya. Green house effect is a very real thing. I am of the camp that thinks we are not helping but its not all our fault. Planets are typically living, breathing mounds of space derbies and gases, with the proper conditions, our own planet can cause massive climate change. I would think its common sense to realize we are not making things better.
I work on a UK island in the south Atlantic. Im as American as one can be.

The fact is its a fact CO2 does in effect provide a green house effect. If I have to fly on of you knuckle draggin Republicans to Mercury (the planet) to show you the green house effect sort of blows. Since I work for the space program, maybe I can arrange that as soon as Newty wins office, what say you knuckle head GOPers???? I buy, YOU FLY!

Honestly, study our own solar system a tad, would ya. Green house effect is a very real thing. I am of the camp that thinks we are not helping but its not all our fault. Planets are typically living, breathing mounds of space derbies and gases, with the proper conditions, our own planet can cause massive climate change. I would think its common sense to realize we are not making things better.

Well, Mr. Spaceman, you might actually want to study the solar system yourself as it will be difficult to illustrate the greenhouse effect with a planet that has little to no atmosphere...
it does lack a substantial atmosphere, and why is that???? lol, for half of Mercurys year, it does have a strong atmosphere, the other half, the sun cooks the gases into a cool looking tail that follows the planet on its orbit.

watch Mercury close enough for a full revolution, you will see the meanest global warming scenario imaginable.

if I must, to slow things down, lets use Venus then. go on, WIKI that bud.
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