Election 2012: Tea Party vrs RINO Establishment


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Tea Party V. Establishment In 2012 Race: A Battle For The GOP Soul? | Fox News

Well one candidate has the endorsements of Thompson, Cain, Nancy Reagan, Tea Party groups across the country and Sarah Palin while the other has the endorsement of every neocon rag out there, and Bob Dole and John McCain both of whom are establishment sock pupets and always ready to jump to the RINO tune being played and other RINO stooges like Pawlenty.

Any thinking conservative should be able to read this writing on the wall and know what to do.
Newt stands for everything the Tea Party opposes. Unless of course, the Tea Party was lying about opposing big government progressives.

Don't let a smooth talker convince you he is something he isn't.
Newt stands for everything the Tea Party opposes. Unless of course, the Tea Party was lying about opposing big government progressives.

Don't let a smooth talker convince you he is something he isn't.

Well, no one has ever accused Romney of being a smooth talker, but he is trying to convice us he's something he's not.

Of course, with Romney, I think his real postion on any issue is so secret, even he doesn't know what it is.
Did Nancy Reagan really endorse Newt?

In 1995 she gave a speech stating that Goldwater passed the torch of conservative leadership to Reagan and now Reagan has passed that torch on to Gingrich.

Basically it puts the lie to these Romney slanders that Newt despised REagan or that Reagan thought nothing of Newt Gingrich.
Newt stands for everything the Tea Party opposes. Unless of course, the Tea Party was lying about opposing big government progressives.

Don't let a smooth talker convince you he is something he isn't.

Well, no one has ever accused Romney of being a smooth talker, but he is trying to convice us he's something he's not.

Well, he is more concerned about convincing all of us that whoever else is challenging him in the polls is the anti-Christ. Gingrich was never a Libertarian style conservative, but he is a conservative more along the lines of Reagan, but libertarians dont recognise Reagan as a true conservative either, as Paul discontinued his relationship with the Reagan administration early in Reagans first term.

As to Gingrich opposing everything the TPM stands for, I dont thinkn you understand the TPM. Its mostly about reducing taxes and little more than that. Many in the group have ideas on other topics, like social issues, libertarianism and so forth.

But Gingrich is the top choice of TPM people according to the polls, and whatever it is you think should disqualify Gingrich from TPM support, apparently they dont share your view of what the TPM stands for.

In political terms the fate of the TPOM within the GOP rides on Gingriches coat-tails. If Romney wins it will be played as the defeat of the TPM, which it will be, as the RINO establishment will purge the TPM from every office and position inthe GOP that they can for the next four years until another candidate wins the nomination.

Of course, with Romney, I think his real postion on any issue is so secret, even he doesn't know what it is.

If you want to know Romney's position on issues, look at what his supporters are saying; he is a social liberal who will try to balance the budget with an austerity budget. If you want to to see the USA go through the riots that Greece and other nations in Europe are going through, then vote for Romney.
Did Nancy Reagan really endorse Newt?

In 1995 she gave a speech stating that Goldwater passed the torch of conservative leadership to Reagan and now Reagan has passed that torch on to Gingrich.

Basically it puts the lie to these Romney slanders that Newt despised REagan or that Reagan thought nothing of Newt Gingrich.

How does it do that? Just because Nancy endorsed Newt doesn't mean that Reagan would have. Didn't Newtie get an honorable mention in Reagan's biography though? Something about him having an idea that wasn't very good. Not much mention for someone you think should get your "torch".

Did Nancy Reagan really endorse Newt?

In 1995 she gave a speech stating that Goldwater passed the torch of conservative leadership to Reagan and now Reagan has passed that torch on to Gingrich.

Basically it puts the lie to these Romney slanders that Newt despised REagan or that Reagan thought nothing of Newt Gingrich.

How does it do that? Just because Nancy endorsed Newt doesn't mean that Reagan would have.

Obviously you dont know shit about the relationship between Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy, which is par for the course for you.

Didn't Newtie get an honorable mention in Reagan's biography though? Something about him having an idea that wasn't very good.

I know it is hard for leftwing Alinski ideologues like you to realize that not everyone uses every facet of their life to promote their ideology from a funeral eulogy like the Wellstone funeral to a autobiography like Reagans, but it is true, most people really dont do that.

He wrote a history about hislife and the major events in it.

Do you know for a fact that Reagans autobriography only mentions Gingrich once or is this just one more factoid you believe cause you saw it on TV?

Not much mention for someone you think should get your "torch".


The hatred the left has for Gingrich says more about who they are truly worried about than their lies they repeat on public forums.
Gingrich is a Rockefeller Republican, not a Goldwater Conservative.
Reagan raised taxes,expanded the government, ran a deficit and exploded the national debt.
And the iron curtain came tumbling down because of what Reagan did building the military up the way he did. You can thank him for it now.

Bullshit! the cold war and building up the military delayed the fall of the Soviet Union. If Reagan gets any credit it is for his diplomacy and friendship with Gorbachev.
Reagan raised taxes,expanded the government, ran a deficit and exploded the national debt.
And the iron curtain came tumbling down because of what Reagan did building the military up the way he did. You can thank him for it now.

Bullshit! the cold war and building up the military delayed the fall of the Soviet Union. If Reagan gets any credit it is for his diplomacy and friendship with Gorbachev.

And bullshit to you the communist socialism fed economy could not keep up with the capitalist system of the U.S.
And the iron curtain came tumbling down because of what Reagan did building the military up the way he did. You can thank him for it now.

Bullshit! the cold war and building up the military delayed the fall of the Soviet Union. If Reagan gets any credit it is for his diplomacy and friendship with Gorbachev.

And bullshit to you the communist socialism fed economy could not keep up with the capitalist system of the U.S.

Reagan didn't invent capitalism. He spent more on the military. Those are two different things.
Bullshit! the cold war and building up the military delayed the fall of the Soviet Union. If Reagan gets any credit it is for his diplomacy and friendship with Gorbachev.

And bullshit to you the communist socialism fed economy could not keep up with the capitalist system of the U.S.

Reagan didn't invent capitalism. He spent more on the military. Those are two different things.

Who said Reagan did? I said he used it to defeat the communist socialism fed economy using the capitalist system of the U.S. USING IS NOT INVENTING OR DID YOU INVENT YOUR CAR SINCE YOU USE IT?
And the iron curtain came tumbling down because of what Reagan did building the military up the way he did. You can thank him for it now.

Bullshit! the cold war and building up the military delayed the fall of the Soviet Union. If Reagan gets any credit it is for his diplomacy and friendship with Gorbachev.

And bullshit to you the communist socialism fed economy could not keep up with the capitalist system of the U.S.

It kept up for almost 80 years and only changed when we made the choice diplomacy over rhetoric.
Bullshit! the cold war and building up the military delayed the fall of the Soviet Union. If Reagan gets any credit it is for his diplomacy and friendship with Gorbachev.

And bullshit to you the communist socialism fed economy could not keep up with the capitalist system of the U.S.

It kept up for almost 80 years and only changed when we made the choice diplomacy over rhetoric.

It wasn't a super power until after WW 2 and FDR was gone. The communist were push by any other President like Reagan pushed them. And they broke.
Tea Party V. Establishment In 2012 Race: A Battle For The GOP Soul? | Fox News

Well one candidate has the endorsements of Thompson, Cain, Nancy Reagan, Tea Party groups across the country and Sarah Palin while the other has the endorsement of every neocon rag out there, and Bob Dole and John McCain both of whom are establishment sock pupets and always ready to jump to the RINO tune being played and other RINO stooges like Pawlenty.

Any thinking conservative should be able to read this writing on the wall and know what to do.

How can Mr. Holder be held responsible for what is, at it's very core, a plan set in motion by the shrub, dick(less), gonzo and the ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists who thought that sending guns south of border (tighter control of the U.S./Mexican Border under Obama btw)?

Once again, RePugs set a plan in motion, it blows up in their face and want to shift blame to another person.
LOL here we go again. Being a larger-than-life figure who was nine-tenths illusion in BOTH of his careers -- movies and politics -- Ronald Reagan naturally spawns his own mythos. The amazing thing is that some people still believe it.

Reagan brought down the Soviet Union? Yeah, and the rooster crows in the sunrise, too.

We can go into the complicated reasons why the Soviet Union fell another time. Suffice it to say for the moment that there is no such thing as a country that controls its own currency going "bankrupt," that Soviet military spending did not change in response to Reagan's military buildup, was always higher than sustainable, and actually FELL under Gorbachev; that Gorbachev's political reforms had the unintended consequences of bringing to light many flaws in the system that had been concealed while the government held tight control over the media; that the drop in oil prices in the mid 1980s deprived the USSR, a net oil exporter, of needed hard-currency revenues; and that the country had been running on fumes ever since 1980 anyway.

What's more interesting in the context of this thread is that Republicans seem to have no current political leaders to rally around, and are reduced to invoking the name of a dead one.

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