Global economy in worst shape since 2009


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Global economy in worst shape since 2009 | General Headlines | Comcast

The global economy is in the worst shape since the dark days of 2009.

Six of the 17 countries that use the euro currency are in recession. The U.S. economy is struggling again. And the economic superstars of the developing world — China, India and Brazil — are in no position to come to the rescue. They're slowing, too.

The lengthening shadow over the world's economy illustrates one of the consequences of globalization: There's nowhere to hide.

Economies around the world have never been so tightly linked — which means that as one region weakens, others do, too. That's why Europe's slowdown is hurting factories in China. And why those Chinese factories are buying less iron ore from Brazil.

As a result of this global economic slowdown, the International Monetary Fund has reduced its forecast for world growth this year to 3.5 percent, the slowest since a 0.6 percent drop in 2009. Some economists predict the global economy will grow a full percentage point less.

Good job fearless leaders ,you have made a big shit sandwich of the world ,and have flushed America down the toilet.....:clap2::clap2:




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