GLBT Citizens Saved Straight People and Joe Biden Thanks Them For It!

this man is a heartbeat away from President

how frkken scary is that

what a buffoon
it's people like him and this administration that just keeps shoving homosexual down our throats are the one causing them more harm than good

You can thank them with your help if you find people aren't ACCEPTING YOU

none of this is anything you should be proud of

there more people the country BESIDES the homosexual
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This is a very interesting write-up with some history about President Obama and his gravitation towards Gay rights, with a little help from his friend and assistant, Vice-President Joe Biden.

Why Joe Biden thanked LGBT people for saving straight people, and I do too!

Why is this in Politics?
Because it's a Political matter. And for your information, since you apparently don't know this or can't understand it, Joe Biden is the Vice President of the United States, and That is political also as well as what he espouses.

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