Giveth.....and Taketh?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. “In what will likely infuriate plenty of legal gun owners, New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this afternoon that he’d like the state’s legislature to consider all options in debating new gun control measures, including “confiscation” of “assault” weapons or “mandatory sales to the state” and “permitting.”

2. “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it,” he said.
Listen belwow, via WGDJ-AM…”
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo On Gun Control: ‘Confiscation Could Be An Option’ | Mediaite

3. “The mere idea that the New York government could confiscate private, legally owned property is bad enough. Cuomo, however seems to think this is actually within his power to do.

4. Expect to see this kind of proposal spread throughout other deep blue states in the near future. I don’t think many of this will actually become law (unless liberals have really gone off the deep end), but the fact that it is being proposed and considered show just how tightly Democrats and liberals hold to the idea of never letting a crisis go to waste."
NY Gov. Cuomo: Gun Confiscation “Could Be An Option” | The Right Sphere

5. "I’m sick of people saying “hunters don’t need an assault weapon to go hunting”. or “I don’t need a 30 round magazine to shoot a deer”. or “I don’t need an assault weapon for home protection”.

Why do we let them get away with saying such stupid stuff? Who the hell are these people to say what I need or want for anything I choose. Does Barack and Michelle need to spend $4 million of tax payer’s money on their 20 day Christmas vacation? Do people need to ride around in a Cadillac? Why not a Dodge or Chevy? Does Tiger Woods need $50 million a year? Why do these sports and movie stars need such big homes? I say make them live in a relatively modest home … like mine. They don’t need a 50,000 square foot home and fancy cars and body guards …
Andrew Cuomo: Gun Confiscation

I'm seeing a pattern here....

"Kagan's name was also on a brief, United States V. Stevens, dug up by the Washington Examiner, stating: "Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs."
If the government doesn't like what you say, Elena Kagan believes it is the duty of courts to tell you to shut up. If some pantywaist is offended by what you say, Elena Kagan believes your words can be "disappeared".
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"

If Liberals have the view that they can take away unalienable rights....
...heck, I guess they believe they can take anything.
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Ask the Korean shop owners of Los Angeles if they need assault rifles. Ask them if they have ever gone hunting with them.
Let Revolutionary War II begin. These filthy liberals have turned full blown dictator, tyranny communist.

Is this America, or North Korea?
Let Revolutionary War II begin. These filthy liberals have turned full blown dictator, tyranny communist.

Is this America, or North Korea?

Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

John Donne
Meditation 17
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
1. “In what will likely infuriate plenty of legal gun owners, New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this afternoon that he’d like the state’s legislature to consider all options in debating new gun control measures, including “confiscation” of “assault” weapons or “mandatory sales to the state” and “permitting.”

2. “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it,” he said.
Listen belwow, via WGDJ-AM…”
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo On Gun Control: ‘Confiscation Could Be An Option’ | Mediaite

3. “The mere idea that the New York government could confiscate private, legally owned property is bad enough. Cuomo, however seems to think this is actually within his power to do.

4. Expect to see this kind of proposal spread throughout other deep blue states in the near future. I don’t think many of this will actually become law (unless liberals have really gone off the deep end), but the fact that it is being proposed and considered show just how tightly Democrats and liberals hold to the idea of never letting a crisis go to waste."
NY Gov. Cuomo: Gun Confiscation “Could Be An Option” | The Right Sphere

5. "I’m sick of people saying “hunters don’t need an assault weapon to go hunting”. or “I don’t need a 30 round magazine to shoot a deer”. or “I don’t need an assault weapon for home protection”.

Why do we let them get away with saying such stupid stuff? Who the hell are these people to say what I need or want for anything I choose. Does Barack and Michelle need to spend $4 million of tax payer’s money on their 20 day Christmas vacation? Do people need to ride around in a Cadillac? Why not a Dodge or Chevy? Does Tiger Woods need $50 million a year? Why do these sports and movie stars need such big homes? I say make them live in a relatively modest home … like mine. They don’t need a 50,000 square foot home and fancy cars and body guards …
Andrew Cuomo: Gun Confiscation

I'm seeing a pattern here....

"Kagan's name was also on a brief, United States V. Stevens, dug up by the Washington Examiner, stating: "Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs."
If the government doesn't like what you say, Elena Kagan believes it is the duty of courts to tell you to shut up. If some pantywaist is offended by what you say, Elena Kagan believes your words can be "disappeared".
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"

If Liberals have the view that they can take away unalienable rights....
...heck, I guess they believe they can take anything.

The OP succeeds in only embellishing her credentials as a liar:

3. “The mere idea that the New York government could confiscate private, legally owned property is bad enough. Cuomo, however seems to think this is actually within his power to do.

At no time did Cuomo state he could unilaterally confiscate firearms solely on his authority as governor.

His comments were made in the context of proposing legislation to New York State lawmakers:

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Thursday that he had started discussions with leaders of the State Legislature about new gun control measures, and that he planned to propose a package of gun legislation in his State of the State address on Jan. 9.

He added that he was focusing his attention on changing state laws restricting the possession of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. The governor described the state’s existing ban on those items as having “more holes than Swiss cheese.”

“I don’t think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, ‘I need an assault weapon to go hunting,’ ” he said. At the same time, he noted that he owns a shotgun that he has used for hunting, and said, “There is a balance here — I understand the rights of gun owners; I understand the rights of hunters.”

One may disagree with Cuomo on the issue, but as governor it is perfectly appropriate for him to meet with lawmakers and propose legislation. Those proposals will be reviewed by elected representatives of the people of New York in Albany, in accordance with the democratic process.

And again we see the hypocrisy of the right, where guns are concerned, the states clearly have no ‘rights.’
1. “In what will likely infuriate plenty of legal gun owners, New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this afternoon that he’d like the state’s legislature to consider all options in debating new gun control measures, including “confiscation” of “assault” weapons or “mandatory sales to the state” and “permitting.”

2. “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it,” he said.
Listen belwow, via WGDJ-AM…”
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo On Gun Control: ‘Confiscation Could Be An Option’ | Mediaite

3. “The mere idea that the New York government could confiscate private, legally owned property is bad enough. Cuomo, however seems to think this is actually within his power to do.

4. Expect to see this kind of proposal spread throughout other deep blue states in the near future. I don’t think many of this will actually become law (unless liberals have really gone off the deep end), but the fact that it is being proposed and considered show just how tightly Democrats and liberals hold to the idea of never letting a crisis go to waste."
NY Gov. Cuomo: Gun Confiscation “Could Be An Option” | The Right Sphere

5. "I’m sick of people saying “hunters don’t need an assault weapon to go hunting”. or “I don’t need a 30 round magazine to shoot a deer”. or “I don’t need an assault weapon for home protection”.

Why do we let them get away with saying such stupid stuff? Who the hell are these people to say what I need or want for anything I choose. Does Barack and Michelle need to spend $4 million of tax payer’s money on their 20 day Christmas vacation? Do people need to ride around in a Cadillac? Why not a Dodge or Chevy? Does Tiger Woods need $50 million a year? Why do these sports and movie stars need such big homes? I say make them live in a relatively modest home … like mine. They don’t need a 50,000 square foot home and fancy cars and body guards …
Andrew Cuomo: Gun Confiscation

I'm seeing a pattern here....

"Kagan's name was also on a brief, United States V. Stevens, dug up by the Washington Examiner, stating: "Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs."
If the government doesn't like what you say, Elena Kagan believes it is the duty of courts to tell you to shut up. If some pantywaist is offended by what you say, Elena Kagan believes your words can be "disappeared".
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"

If Liberals have the view that they can take away unalienable rights....
...heck, I guess they believe they can take anything.

The OP succeeds in only embellishing her credentials as a liar:

3. “The mere idea that the New York government could confiscate private, legally owned property is bad enough. Cuomo, however seems to think this is actually within his power to do.

At no time did Cuomo state he could unilaterally confiscate firearms solely on his authority as governor.

His comments were made in the context of proposing legislation to New York State lawmakers:

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Thursday that he had started discussions with leaders of the State Legislature about new gun control measures, and that he planned to propose a package of gun legislation in his State of the State address on Jan. 9.

He added that he was focusing his attention on changing state laws restricting the possession of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. The governor described the state’s existing ban on those items as having “more holes than Swiss cheese.”

“I don’t think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, ‘I need an assault weapon to go hunting,’ ” he said. At the same time, he noted that he owns a shotgun that he has used for hunting, and said, “There is a balance here — I understand the rights of gun owners; I understand the rights of hunters.”

One may disagree with Cuomo on the issue, but as governor it is perfectly appropriate for him to meet with lawmakers and propose legislation. Those proposals will be reviewed by elected representatives of the people of New York in Albany, in accordance with the democratic process.

And again we see the hypocrisy of the right, where guns are concerned, the states clearly have no ‘rights.’

There are no lies in the OP.
I never lie.

Rather,,,,you seem to still be smarting over my series of OP's in which I disposed of the idea that lawyers follow the law, the Constitution.

You, stung by those OP's, was my intention.

Now, advice:
See if you still have the barrel, so you can go back to that for which which you have the aptitude: rodeo clown.
1. “In what will likely infuriate plenty of legal gun owners, New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this afternoon that he’d like the state’s legislature to consider all options in debating new gun control measures, including “confiscation” of “assault” weapons or “mandatory sales to the state” and “permitting.”

2. “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it,” he said.
Listen belwow, via WGDJ-AM…”
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo On Gun Control: ‘Confiscation Could Be An Option’ | Mediaite

3. “The mere idea that the New York government could confiscate private, legally owned property is bad enough. Cuomo, however seems to think this is actually within his power to do.

4. Expect to see this kind of proposal spread throughout other deep blue states in the near future. I don’t think many of this will actually become law (unless liberals have really gone off the deep end), but the fact that it is being proposed and considered show just how tightly Democrats and liberals hold to the idea of never letting a crisis go to waste."
NY Gov. Cuomo: Gun Confiscation “Could Be An Option” | The Right Sphere

5. "I’m sick of people saying “hunters don’t need an assault weapon to go hunting”. or “I don’t need a 30 round magazine to shoot a deer”. or “I don’t need an assault weapon for home protection”.

Why do we let them get away with saying such stupid stuff? Who the hell are these people to say what I need or want for anything I choose. Does Barack and Michelle need to spend $4 million of tax payer’s money on their 20 day Christmas vacation? Do people need to ride around in a Cadillac? Why not a Dodge or Chevy? Does Tiger Woods need $50 million a year? Why do these sports and movie stars need such big homes? I say make them live in a relatively modest home … like mine. They don’t need a 50,000 square foot home and fancy cars and body guards …
Andrew Cuomo: Gun Confiscation

I'm seeing a pattern here....

"Kagan's name was also on a brief, United States V. Stevens, dug up by the Washington Examiner, stating: "Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs."
If the government doesn't like what you say, Elena Kagan believes it is the duty of courts to tell you to shut up. If some pantywaist is offended by what you say, Elena Kagan believes your words can be "disappeared".
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"

If Liberals have the view that they can take away unalienable rights....
...heck, I guess they believe they can take anything.

The OP succeeds in only embellishing her credentials as a liar:

3. “The mere idea that the New York government could confiscate private, legally owned property is bad enough. Cuomo, however seems to think this is actually within his power to do.

At no time did Cuomo state he could unilaterally confiscate firearms solely on his authority as governor.

His comments were made in the context of proposing legislation to New York State lawmakers:

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Thursday that he had started discussions with leaders of the State Legislature about new gun control measures, and that he planned to propose a package of gun legislation in his State of the State address on Jan. 9.

He added that he was focusing his attention on changing state laws restricting the possession of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. The governor described the state’s existing ban on those items as having “more holes than Swiss cheese.”

“I don’t think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, ‘I need an assault weapon to go hunting,’ ” he said. At the same time, he noted that he owns a shotgun that he has used for hunting, and said, “There is a balance here — I understand the rights of gun owners; I understand the rights of hunters.”

One may disagree with Cuomo on the issue, but as governor it is perfectly appropriate for him to meet with lawmakers and propose legislation. Those proposals will be reviewed by elected representatives of the people of New York in Albany, in accordance with the democratic process.

And again we see the hypocrisy of the right, where guns are concerned, the states clearly have no ‘rights.’

States rights were never meant to supersede the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The entire point of the Constitution and Bill f Rights was to prevent the federal government (and state governments) from trampling on the liberties of the states and the individuals.
Ah, look at all the lonely people.

Do you not give it a rest on Christmas?

If only you had the gift of irony.
Posting that posters should 'give it a rest'!!!
Can't make this stuff up!

Makes me think of Hobbes' comment in "The Leviathan,"...

"And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short."

No doubt you'll miss the is your wont....if life is 'solitary, poore, nasty, [and] brutish,'
....why complain that it is short?

You are today's winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor."
1. “In what will likely infuriate plenty of legal gun owners, New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this afternoon that he’d like the state’s legislature to consider all options in debating new gun control measures, including “confiscation” of “assault” weapons or “mandatory sales to the state” and “permitting.”

2. “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it,” he said.
Listen belwow, via WGDJ-AM…”
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo On Gun Control: ‘Confiscation Could Be An Option’ | Mediaite

3. “The mere idea that the New York government could confiscate private, legally owned property is bad enough. Cuomo, however seems to think this is actually within his power to do.

4. Expect to see this kind of proposal spread throughout other deep blue states in the near future. I don’t think many of this will actually become law (unless liberals have really gone off the deep end), but the fact that it is being proposed and considered show just how tightly Democrats and liberals hold to the idea of never letting a crisis go to waste."
NY Gov. Cuomo: Gun Confiscation “Could Be An Option” | The Right Sphere

5. "I’m sick of people saying “hunters don’t need an assault weapon to go hunting”. or “I don’t need a 30 round magazine to shoot a deer”. or “I don’t need an assault weapon for home protection”.

Why do we let them get away with saying such stupid stuff? Who the hell are these people to say what I need or want for anything I choose. Does Barack and Michelle need to spend $4 million of tax payer’s money on their 20 day Christmas vacation? Do people need to ride around in a Cadillac? Why not a Dodge or Chevy? Does Tiger Woods need $50 million a year? Why do these sports and movie stars need such big homes? I say make them live in a relatively modest home … like mine. They don’t need a 50,000 square foot home and fancy cars and body guards …
Andrew Cuomo: Gun Confiscation

I'm seeing a pattern here....

"Kagan's name was also on a brief, United States V. Stevens, dug up by the Washington Examiner, stating: "Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs."
If the government doesn't like what you say, Elena Kagan believes it is the duty of courts to tell you to shut up. If some pantywaist is offended by what you say, Elena Kagan believes your words can be "disappeared".
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"
WyBlog -- Elena Kagan's America: some speech can be "disappeared"

If Liberals have the view that they can take away unalienable rights....
...heck, I guess they believe they can take anything.

The OP succeeds in only embellishing her credentials as a liar:

At no time did Cuomo state he could unilaterally confiscate firearms solely on his authority as governor.

His comments were made in the context of proposing legislation to New York State lawmakers:

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Thursday that he had started discussions with leaders of the State Legislature about new gun control measures, and that he planned to propose a package of gun legislation in his State of the State address on Jan. 9.

He added that he was focusing his attention on changing state laws restricting the possession of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. The governor described the state’s existing ban on those items as having “more holes than Swiss cheese.”

“I don’t think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, ‘I need an assault weapon to go hunting,’ ” he said. At the same time, he noted that he owns a shotgun that he has used for hunting, and said, “There is a balance here — I understand the rights of gun owners; I understand the rights of hunters.”

One may disagree with Cuomo on the issue, but as governor it is perfectly appropriate for him to meet with lawmakers and propose legislation. Those proposals will be reviewed by elected representatives of the people of New York in Albany, in accordance with the democratic process.

And again we see the hypocrisy of the right, where guns are concerned, the states clearly have no ‘rights.’

States rights were never meant to supersede the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The entire point of the Constitution and Bill f Rights was to prevent the federal government (and state governments) from trampling on the liberties of the states and the individuals.

Alan....there is some indication that Claypot is a lawyer.
Lawyers are taught that the Constitution is best forgotten and ignored....
In its place, the case law system.

Either we honor the Constitution, or become a vassal of the United Nations. Where to find the ideas for the ‘global governance project’? It’s easy enough to find them on the websites of the UN, the European Union, the American Bar Association, the deans of most law schools and universities, most of the leading foundations.
John Fonte, "Sovereignty or Submission."

May I take this opportunity to prove what a problem-solver I am?

Two at a time:
Lawyers and teachers should swap paychecks.

Two problems fixed.
Last edited:
Ah, look at all the lonely people.

Do you not give it a rest on Christmas?

If only you had the gift of irony.
Posting that posters should 'give it a rest'!!!
Can't make this stuff up!

Makes me think of Hobbes' comment in "The Leviathan,"...

"And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short."

No doubt you'll miss the is your wont....if life is 'solitary, poore, nasty, [and] brutish,'
....why complain that it is short?

You are today's winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor."

Could you press some if my shirts with your gift of irony?
Ah, look at all the lonely people.

Do you not give it a rest on Christmas?

If only you had the gift of irony.
Posting that posters should 'give it a rest'!!!
Can't make this stuff up!

Makes me think of Hobbes' comment in "The Leviathan,"...

"And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short."

No doubt you'll miss the is your wont....if life is 'solitary, poore, nasty, [and] brutish,'
....why complain that it is short?

You are today's winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor."

Could you press some if my shirts with your gift of irony?

I can tell you didn't open the present I left for you under the's labeled "Tovex"...

.(...kinda it wen you're alone)
If only you had the gift of irony.
Posting that posters should 'give it a rest'!!!
Can't make this stuff up!

Makes me think of Hobbes' comment in "The Leviathan,"...

"And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short."

No doubt you'll miss the is your wont....if life is 'solitary, poore, nasty, [and] brutish,'
....why complain that it is short?

You are today's winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor."

Could you press some if my shirts with your gift of irony?

I can tell you didn't open the present I left for you under the's labeled "Tovex"...

.(...kinda it wen you're alone)

According to the British, Americans do not understand irony. One of those stupid things that the Brits say to attempt to found clever and intelligent.

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