Gingrich--S.C debate-kicks CNN balls up to eyeballs over marital question.

I have family members that got a divorce after 20 years--that never would have dreamed of putting out a hit like this woman did on ABC news. This woman is absolutely insane.

Why? Because she said something about your candidate that you don't like?

I don't know whether Newt did or didn't do it. But it's sure as heck nice to know about potential character flaws now during the primary rather than in late October if he's the nominee.
I take it you're not married or never have been--:lol:

If you think the way Newt has treated the people around him in his life is acceptable, then I wouldn't suggest you lead a nation either.

Then I suppose you were against Bill Clinton too? Add to that JFK--John McCain--and of course Dwight D. Eiisenhower.

Other than Eisenhower, I completely agree that I wouldn't suggest any of them to lead the nation.

I hold my own on Eisenhower because I am personally unaware of his womanizing or character deficiencies in that area.
Newt had the audacity to take the righteous indignation route? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What a fucking douchebag.

I'm sorry, but anyone who believes Newt went to God for forgiveness and is a good boy now is an ignorant country fuck rube. But Gingrus loves you, yes he does!
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I take it you're not married or never have been--:lol:

If you think the way Newt has treated the people around him in his life is acceptable, then I wouldn't suggest you lead a nation either.

Then I suppose you were against Bill Clinton too? Add to that JFK--John McCain--and of course Dwight D. Eiisenhower.

I have never been a fan of Clinton's leadership. In fact I believe he made more than a few decisions that have severely damaged the country to a degree greater than most of his critics realize. I was so impressed with McCain that rather than have any blood on my hands I decided not to participate in the 2008 election. As to the others, I wasn't alive then so I can't really say. That being said I doubt any historian would rank Newt's legacy of moral failure and self-destruction below that of JFK or Eisenhower.
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I'm sorry, but Newt's answer here is complete bullcrap. It is an issue of this campaign because character is an issue. As much as Newt and his supporters would like to deny it Character does and always will matter.

We are going to be electing the next man to Preside over this nation. This man will take oaths to defend the Constitution. Integrity and character are vital because we've seen too many times what happens to men without character who take oaths to defend the Constitution and trample it.

I dont want someone in power who I can't trust to give that power back when he is required to. I'm not sure we can trust Obama that way and that is a concern. Why should I vote for someone who has the same character flaws as Obama times 10.

I take it you're not married or never have been--:lol:

I'm sure that would surprise my wife.

Then you haven't been married for very long. Because me being married to the same guy for 39 years know alot of family and friends that are divorced and didn't make it. And NONE of them have aired their dirty laundry over national news over it.
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Newt had the audacity to take the righteous indignation route? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What a fucking douchebag.

I'm sorry, but anyone who believes Newt went to God for forgiveness and is a good boy now is an ignorant country fuck rube. But Gingrus loves you, yes he does!
Irrelevant to the fact that CNN producers decided to lead off the debate with a sleazy second-hand tabloid charge, that had no corroboration whatsoever.

As big a douchebag and generally horrible political figure I find Gigrich to be, he hit that hanging curve clean out of the park.
Newt left his first wife when she had cancer.

Newt left his second wife when she had MS.

I hope Calista has good health insurance.
Newt had the audacity to take the righteous indignation route? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What a fucking douchebag.

I'm sorry, but anyone who believes Newt went to God for forgiveness and is a good boy now is an ignorant country fuck rube. But Gingrus loves you, yes he does!
Irrelevant to the fact that CNN producers decided to lead off the debate with a sleazy second-hand tabloid charge, that had no corroboration whatsoever.

As big a douchebag and generally horrible political figure I find Gigrich to be, he hit that hanging curve clean out of the park.

And they got their asse's kicked for doing it.
Newt left his first wife when she had cancer.

Newt left his second wife when she had MS.

I hope Calista has good health insurance.

Maybe you should re-check your FACTS--before you make a dumb-ass out of yourself again.
Newt's adultery: Forgive and forget? - Roger Simon -

Newt is a low life scum bag.

Here is something that I consider closer to despicable: “Gingrich divorced his first wife, Jackie, as she was being treated for cancer,” ABC News reported, and he moved to divorce his second wife, Marianne, “just months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.”

But that is not despicable to Newt Gingrich. To him it is despicable that ABC put Marianne on the air saying that Gingrich had requested an “open marriage” so he could more easily pursue his multi-year affair with a congressional aide.

Newt was married to her for 18 years. Marriages break up. People have affairs. It's called life.

Shit happens. He fully admits he was a scumbucket womaniser in the past. Gingrich says he has worked this out with God, begged for forgiveness and seems to be for all intent and purposes on the straight and narrow these days.

Please nominate Newt Gingrich for President.
I take it you're not married or never have been--:lol:

I'm sure that would surprise my wife.

Then you haven't been married for very long. Because me being married to the same guy for 39 years know alot of family and friends that are divorced and didn't make it. And NONE of them have aired their dirty laundry over national news over it.

And how many of your family and friends were running for President of the United States?

You honestly think that the public doesnt have a right to know potential character issues with candidates for President?
Newt cheated on two wifes.

And it's all the media's fault!

You know, you could at least be honest. Not a single person has blamed the media for Newt's infidelity. Bringing up a straw man on a serious issue like this just destroys any credibility you might otherwise have had.
Newt had the audacity to take the righteous indignation route? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What a fucking douchebag.

I'm sorry, but anyone who believes Newt went to God for forgiveness and is a good boy now is an ignorant country fuck rube. But Gingrus loves you, yes he does!
Irrelevant to the fact that CNN producers decided to lead off the debate with a sleazy second-hand tabloid charge, that had no corroboration whatsoever.

As big a douchebag and generally horrible political figure I find Gigrich to be, he hit that hanging curve clean out of the park.

No corroboration? We heard it directly from his ex. How exactly do you expect to get it any more corroborated?
All's you need to do is watch this--and understand what happened 15 years ago between his X wife and himself--and Newt Gingrich's response--that was asked by John King of CNN in the S. Carolina debate in January 19, 2012.--LOL. Of course the question being his X wife of 15 years decided to air her 15 year old dirty laundry on her x husband during an ABC interview that is out the eve of the S. Carolina primary.

Newt Gingrich ***RIPS*** into John King on the 1st question in tonites GOP debate. - YouTube


That was sweet!

[ame=]Napoleon Dynamite Skills (Haxing skills) - YouTube[/ame]
That's what I love about Newt, that's Newt at his best, he won't be intimidated, he won't be Alinskyed and he told the whole LMSM they can suck his chubby.


That was PERFECT!!!

[ame=]Newt Gingrich asked about Palin's Experience. Checkmate. - YouTube[/ame]
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Newt had the audacity to take the righteous indignation route? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

What a fucking douchebag.

I'm sorry, but anyone who believes Newt went to God for forgiveness and is a good boy now is an ignorant country fuck rube. But Gingrus loves you, yes he does!
Irrelevant to the fact that CNN producers decided to lead off the debate with a sleazy second-hand tabloid charge, that had no corroboration whatsoever.

As big a douchebag and generally horrible political figure I find Gigrich to be, he hit that hanging curve clean out of the park.

Newt lit him up on that!

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