Gingrich Hypocrisy


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
You've got to admire Gingrich's chutzpah. After taking nearly $2 million pimping Freddie Mac, we now find that he was once a paid adviser to the private equity buyout firm, Forstmann Little. Forstmann Little is the same type of firm as Bain Capital, the firm which is the subject of a 28 minute film produced by the Gingrich camp which blasts Mitt Romney.

Some members of the buyout industry said that for all his criticisms of Bain, Mr. Gingrich once benefited from the business as an adviser to Forstmann Little & Co. That firm led lucrative takeovers of Dr Pepper Co., Gulfstream Aerospace Corp., Topps Co. and others, deals that helped make its recently deceased founder, Theodore Forstmann, a billionaire. ...

As an adviser to the firm, Mr. Gingrich attended meetings two or three times a year, though he didn't spend much time working on the firm's deals, according to a person close to the matter.

"The private-equity bashing by Newt is most ironic," says Scott Higbee, a partner at Partners Group, a Boston-based firm that invests about $25 billion in private-equity firms including Bain and Carlyle. "It seems like a case of a cornered animal grasping to maintain relevancy."

Attacks on Romney Divide GOP -
Wow- that was kind of desperate, wasn't it?

He knows someone who was kind of in the same business? Really?

Once again, October 2012. Commercial starts off with Mitt Saying "I like to be able to fire people".

Crying Ampad Workers talking about how they lost their jobs.
Crying KB Toy Workers talking about how they lost their jobs.
Crying GS Steel workers talking about how they lost their jobs.

I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message.

Just doesn't look good, man.
Wow- that was kind of desperate, wasn't it?

He knows someone who was kind of in the same business? Really?

Gingrich was a paid adviser to Forstmann Little. Forstmann Little is in the exact same business as Bain Capital (just not as good).

Maybe you'd be just as outraged if Gingrich were a Mormon.
Wow- that was kind of desperate, wasn't it?

He knows someone who was kind of in the same business? Really?

Gingrich was a paid adviser to Forstmann Little. Forstmann Little is in the exact same business as Bain Capital (just not as good).

Maybe you'd be just as outraged if Gingrich were a Mormon.

Hey, i'm a "paid advisor" for a company that buys out other companies.

Being part of the hypocrisy is not the same as running the hypocrisy.

Guy, there's just no way this smells good for Romney. Either Gingrich (and Perry and Huntsman) bring this up, or Obama will.

But if you are trying to get the vote of Joe who has an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, and is making less than he did five years ago because his employer knows he can get away with that shit in this economy, running a guy who made his fortune destroying jobs for profit is simply a bad PR Move. You might as well run a commercial having him clubbing baby seals outside his mansion.
Private Equity companies buy companies that are going to fail. They aren't 'raiding', they are salvaging. Hysterical bullshit and hyperbole are not rational.

However, I am not surprised that Gingrich is a hypocrite.
Private Equity companies buy companies that are going to fail. They aren't 'raiding', they are salvaging. Hysterical bullshit and hyperbole are not rational.

However, I am not surprised that Gingrich is a hypocrite.

Yes, I can see, the slogan now.

"It's your own damned fault you peasants lost your jobs. You weren't working hard enough to make me rich!"

Please. Please go with that.

Because nothing will energize working folks more... just not in the way you want.
Wow- that was kind of desperate, wasn't it?

He knows someone who was kind of in the same business? Really?

Gingrich was a paid adviser to Forstmann Little. Forstmann Little is in the exact same business as Bain Capital (just not as good).

Maybe you'd be just as outraged if Gingrich were a Mormon.

Hey, i'm a "paid advisor" for a company that buys out other companies.

Being part of the hypocrisy is not the same as running the hypocrisy.

Guy, there's just no way this smells good for Romney. Either Gingrich (and Perry and Huntsman) bring this up, or Obama will.

But if you are trying to get the vote of Joe who has an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, and is making less than he did five years ago because his employer knows he can get away with that shit in this economy, running a guy who made his fortune destroying jobs for profit is simply a bad PR Move. You might as well run a commercial having him clubbing baby seals outside his mansion.


As long as he's not a Mormon capitalist, you'll rationalize away anything!

Newt's finished. Stick a fork in him.
I'm sure Newt was being paid in his capacity as a historian by the private equity firm...and not for his political connections to Congress to enable the vultures in their corporate raiding enterprises.
I'm sure Newt was being paid in his capacity as a historian by the private equity firm...and not for his political connections to Congress to enable the vultures in their corporate raiding enterprises.

Except no one has ever proved he did any actual lobbying.

YOu know, I really do love the Newt bashers.

On one side, they claim he was such an awful speaker that everyone in Congress hated him and couldn't wait to see him go...

While also claiming that he was so influential that he could waltz back into Congress and bend these guys to his very will.

Hmmmmm.... seems like a contradiction.
Wow- that was kind of desperate, wasn't it?

He knows someone who was kind of in the same business? Really?

Gingrich was a paid adviser to Forstmann Little. Forstmann Little is in the exact same business as Bain Capital (just not as good).

Maybe you'd be just as outraged if Gingrich were a Mormon.

Hey, i'm a "paid advisor" for a company that buys out other companies.

Being part of the hypocrisy is not the same as running the hypocrisy.

Guy, there's just no way this smells good for Romney. Either Gingrich (and Perry and Huntsman) bring this up, or Obama will.

But if you are trying to get the vote of Joe who has an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, and is making less than he did five years ago because his employer knows he can get away with that shit in this economy, running a guy who made his fortune destroying jobs for profit is simply a bad PR Move. You might as well run a commercial having him clubbing baby seals outside his mansion.

Him clubbing baby seals to get people to think about anything other than Bain capital would only enhance his image for the good.

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