Gingrich Flip-Flops On Libya


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Gingrich Criticized Obama For Not Intervening In Libya, But Now Criticizes Him For Intervening In Libya

Earlier this month, former Speaker of the House and current presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich was hammering President Obama for not intervening in Libya. Asked, “what would you do about Libya?” Gingrich responded:
Exercise a no-fly zone this evening. … We don’t need to have the United Nations. All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we’re intervening.
During appearances that same day, Gingrich also said that he would provide help to the Libyan rebels on top of the no-fly zone: “This is a moment to get rid of him. Do it. Get it over with.” He later mocked Obama for filling out an NCAA bracket while France took the lead on intervention.
Now that Obama has initiated a no-fly zone over Libya, Gingrich has completely reversed his position with no apparent explanation. He told Politico over the weekend — less than 24 hours after Obama took action — that “it is impossible to make sense of the standard for intervention in Libya except opportunism and news media publicity.” This morning on the Today Show, he said plainly, “I would not have intervened”:

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What? You got a problem with flip flopping? Asswipe promised before he was elected to free us from foreign oil now he goes down to Brazil promises to fund them 2 Billion dollars to drill oil wells and says we'll be their best customers.. this while thousands of our own oil jobs are lost because of his disgraceful BAN on drilling in the gulf of Mexico. Since he's the one in power I suggest you whine about that for awhile.. go.
What? You got a problem with flip flopping? Asswipe promised before he was elected to free us from foreign oil now he goes down to Brazil promises to fund them 2 Billion dollars to drill oil wells and says we'll be their best customers.. this while thousands of our own oil jobs are lost because of his disgraceful BAN on drilling in the gulf of Mexico. Since he's the one in power I suggest you whine about that for awhile.. go.
WillowTree needs a hug!
The right wing doesn't know what their message on Libya is supposed to be. If President Obama does it, they are against it...even if it is something they are for (like bombing the shit out of a Middle East Country).

[ame=""]Whatever it is, I'm Against it[/ame]
Gingrich is not flip flopping, he is being totally consistent in saying Obama is wrong even when he is right, that is how he makes his money.
I'm sure alot of people who were originally for intervention will flip on Libya before this is through. The more information we recieve, the less this seems like a good idea. I mean wouldnt it have been nice to know the rebels were members of Al Qaeda before we supported them?
Gingrich Criticized Obama For Not Intervening In Libya, But Now Criticizes Him For Intervening In Libya

Earlier this month, former Speaker of the House and current presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich was hammering President Obama for not intervening in Libya. Asked, “what would you do about Libya?” Gingrich responded:
Exercise a no-fly zone this evening. … We don’t need to have the United Nations. All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we’re intervening.
During appearances that same day, Gingrich also said that he would provide help to the Libyan rebels on top of the no-fly zone: “This is a moment to get rid of him. Do it. Get it over with.” He later mocked Obama for filling out an NCAA bracket while France took the lead on intervention.
Now that Obama has initiated a no-fly zone over Libya, Gingrich has completely reversed his position with no apparent explanation. He told Politico over the weekend — less than 24 hours after Obama took action — that “it is impossible to make sense of the standard for intervention in Libya except opportunism and news media publicity.” This morning on the Today Show, he said plainly, “I would not have intervened”:

More . . .

Reminds me of the Democrats that signed off on Iraq and Afghanistan, then tried to claim they didn't know the intel they read was bad, same as Bush. Now, is Gingrich privy to all that is involved with Libya? If not, well he's being Gingrich. So what. He doesn't hold office, last I checked.
From what I just read he is not criticizing him for going into Libya. he is criticizing him for not having a clear exit strat. For basically putting so many constraints on the mission in order to get the Arab league on board, that we might as well not be doing it at all.

nice try though.
This is one of those good "Flip-Flops." Nice to see Gingrich coming around. These Bombings are just wrong. This is a Libyan Civil War and we have no business bombing & killing those people. Kudos to Gingrich for seeing the light on this one. Now i just hope others do as well.
Gingrich Flip-Flops On Libya

Obama flip flopped on Libya as well. He flip flopped on Egypt, and he has no flip flopped on the war powers act.

Your point?

so let us get this correct -- you don't like Obama or Gingrich because they both flip flop, or you like your flip flops means tested?
Synth, since you've been such a good, little, whiny-ass liberal, you don't have to vote for him. You're excused.
This thread is simply more proof of the latent dishonesty of Lefties in here. Clearly he is complaining about going in to late and with out a clear end game, and with a coalition so complicated it may keep us from achieving our goal.

Yet these liberals in here are trying to say he is complaining about going in at all.

You guys never met a lie you didn't love I see.
This thread is simply more proof of the latent dishonesty of Lefties in here. Clearly he is complaining about going in to late and with out a clear end game, and with a coalition so complicated it may keep us from achieving our goal.

Yet these liberals in here are trying to say he is complaining about going in at all.

You guys never met a lie you didn't love I see.

The above postis simply more proof of the latent dishonesty of Righties in here. Clearly the wingnut-douchebagh is complaining about anything Obama does or says.

Yet these conservative nutjobs in here are trying to say Obama is inexperienced as President.

clue: Obama now has 2 years of experience that no other contender will have in 2012.

keep it up losers. keep it up

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