Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!!!!
...a man after midnight?

Sorry. Couldn't resist.


Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Actually, the Revolutionary war was about flat screen TVs and airports

just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.
I for one am disappointed. My government promised me the right to bear arms but I'm still waiting for them to issue me a nice artillery piece.
George Washington got elected by offering Free Stuff

Free IPhone
Free Flat Screen TVs
Free Tacos every Tuesday

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Regarding the topic...

This guy was a genius:

To understand the intent of self-government, and the principles on which such a government can be sustained, one need look no further than the Declaration of Independence...including the paragraph Jefferson wanted to include, but was overrules:

"[King George] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation hither … And he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which hehad deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Regarding the topic...

This guy was a genius:
View attachment 275350

To understand the intent of self-government, and the principles on which such a government can be sustained, one need look no further than the Declaration of Independence...including the paragraph Jefferson wanted to include, but was overrules:

"[King George] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation hither … And he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which hehad deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."

Today I'm gonna stick to what the Founders, the Declaration of Independence, classical liberals, conservatives, promise Americans.

To be a Progressive, a Democrat voter, one must be ignorant of our history, i.e., a government school grad, and not catch on to the alterations in the word ‘rights.’

5. At the direction of the Left, “more and more of what government does consists of transferring wealth to members of groups that the government has decided are entitled to transfers. And the word ‘rights’ is coming to be used interchangeably with ‘entitlements.’ Hence the unspoken but unmistakable supposition is that the more entitlements people enjoy, the more rights they have- and that rights, like entitlements, trickle down from government.”
George Will, “The Conservative Sensibility,” p. 93

6. Progressive Franklin Roosevelt took the idea of equality in our founding documents to the economic realm. The Second Bill of Rights, 1944, was actually a replacement of the Bill of Rights, and a redefinition of the relationship of the citizen and his government: a federal takeover of the responsibilities of everyday life:

The right to a useful and remunerative job…
The right to a good education.
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies…
The right to adequate protection fromn the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.
Then right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.
The right of every family to a decent home.
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation.

Ayn Rand, in reviewing each of the ‘rights’ guaranteed by FDR suggested asking ‘at whose expense?’

7. “[The New Bill of Rights] bound ordinary citizens to the federal government in a way that had not been imagined by the Founding Fathers. People came to rely on the state for their daily bread, and to take a much keener interest in the state itself.

Traditional values- thrift, independence, self-reliance- were replaced with new virtues: political activism and gaming the system. In the second Roosevelt era, people came to expect the state to take care of things at home.”
Bonner, Wiggins, “The New Empire of Debt: The Rise and Fall of an Epic Financial Bubble,” p. 134.

Under Progressives, theft from ones neighbors became a way of life.
Tax cuts for billionaires because they are needy and don’t have enough money.
just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.
Thomas Jefferson appears to have believed it. I cannot accept the notion that a guy that brilliant, who wrote the DoI and originally included a paragraph about slavery, and who was to chief proponent of the first step toward ending slavery (U.S. Slave Trade Act of 1807) was not deeply conflicted. He even wrote to his wife about the evils of slavery.

My theory is that Jefferson believed that he had to make a tough choice. He probably believed that he could only secure government of, by, and for the people (at least for the first time among mainly European nations) if he kept the Union together.

There's also this internal conflict:

At the time of the American Revolution, Jefferson was actively involved in legislation that he hoped would result in slavery’s abolition.5 In 1778, he drafted a Virginia law that prohibited the importation of enslaved Africans.6 In 1784, he proposed an ordinance that would ban slavery in the Northwest territories.7 But Jefferson always maintained that the decision to emancipate slaves would have to be part of a democratic process; abolition would be stymied until slaveowners consented to free their human property together in a large-scale act of emancipation. To Jefferson, it was anti-democratic and contrary to the principles of the American Revolution for the federal government to enact abolition or for only a few planters to free their slaves.8

Although Jefferson continued to advocate for abolition, the reality was that slavery was becoming more entrenched. The slave population in Virginia skyrocketed from 292,627 in 1790 to 469,757 in 1830. Jefferson had assumed that the abolition of the slave trade would weaken slavery and hasten its end. Instead, slavery became more widespread and profitable. In an attempt to erode Virginians’ support for slavery, he discouraged the cultivation of crops heavily dependent on slave labor—specifically tobacco—and encouraged the introduction of crops that needed little or no slave labor—wheat, sugar maples, short-grained rice, olive trees, and wine grapes.9 But by the 1800s, Virginia’s most valuable commodity and export was neither crops nor land, but slaves.

Jefferson & Slavery

Thomas Jefferson: Liberty & Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Did he make the right decision?

Would you want to be in Jefferson's position and be forced to decide?

Keep in mind that Virginia (Jefferson's home state) would not allow freed blacks to remain there, or they could be re-enslaved by others, so he was conflicted about that as well.

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Regarding the topic...

This guy was a genius:
View attachment 275350

To understand the intent of self-government, and the principles on which such a government can be sustained, one need look no further than the Declaration of Independence...including the paragraph Jefferson wanted to include, but was overrules:

"[King George] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation hither … And he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which hehad deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another."

Today I'm gonna stick to what the Founders, the Declaration of Independence, classical liberals, conservatives, promise Americans.

Sorry. I will stick to the topic.

I was just heading off the inevitable communist accusations about Jefferson's apparent cognitive dissonance, as you can see from Playtime's response.

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’

I am trying to understand your post and where it is targeted. This isn't meant to confront, but rather understand.

Let's say there is an intelligent, hard working guy who the state, or even police in America don't like. He is not entitled to have a big screen tv and a Mercedes Benz, but, he has the RIGHT to pursue, without interference, his vocation and place of work, correct? He can earn $100k a year and buy what he wants, correct? Or, are police free to destroy a man if he doesn't have a criminal record based on their "opinion/observation"?

Now, in Canada, the state interferes in this right of a citizen. They contact the employer, before, after, and even during employment (moving someone into Human Resources, for example), to ensure harm to that persons career.

In your opinion, is this acceptable?

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