Gillespie: The Israeli crimes are the most hideous crimes against humanity

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
LONDON, (PIC)-- The famous British singer Bobby Gillespie condemned the Israeli occupation's crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel.

In an interview with British journalists, Bobby Gillespie, the Scottish alternative rock band Primal Scream's founder, stated that "what is happening in Palestine is the most heinous crimes recorded in human history," stressing to the need to address these crimes.

He stressed all his band members’ support to Palestinian resistance and struggle movement.

He expressed his extreme dismay towards the American support for the Israeli practices that kill innocent Palestinians.

Gillespie revealed his intention to organize a concert in support of the children in Gaza Strip.

Gillespie: The Israeli crimes are the most hideous crimes against humanity
LONDON, (PIC)-- The famous British singer Bobby Gillespie condemned the Israeli occupation's crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel.

In an interview with British journalists, Bobby Gillespie, the Scottish alternative rock band Primal Scream's founder, stated that "what is happening in Palestine is the most heinous crimes recorded in human history," stressing to the need to address these crimes.

He stressed all his band members’ support to Palestinian resistance and struggle movement.

He expressed his extreme dismay towards the American support for the Israeli practices that kill innocent Palestinians.

Gillespie revealed his intention to organize a concert in support of the children in Gaza Strip.

Gillespie: The Israeli crimes are the most hideous crimes against humanity
Another tear jerking celebrity do gooder who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. They only take on these causes for publicity.
LONDON, (PIC)-- The famous British singer Bobby Gillespie condemned the Israeli occupation's crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel.

In an interview with British journalists, Bobby Gillespie, the Scottish alternative rock band Primal Scream's founder, stated that "what is happening in Palestine is the most heinous crimes recorded in human history," stressing to the need to address these crimes.

He stressed all his band members’ support to Palestinian resistance and struggle movement.

He expressed his extreme dismay towards the American support for the Israeli practices that kill innocent Palestinians.

Gillespie revealed his intention to organize a concert in support of the children in Gaza Strip.

Gillespie: The Israeli crimes are the most hideous crimes against humanity
Another tear jerking celebrity do gooder who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. They only take on these causes for publicity.

Just another crack in the wall.
LONDON, (PIC)-- The famous British singer Bobby Gillespie condemned the Israeli occupation's crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel. In an interview with British journalists, Bobby Gillespie, the Scottish alternative rock band Primal Scream's founder, stated that "what is happening in Palestine is the most heinous crimes recorded in human history," stressing to the need to address these crimes.
It was his alternative "primal scream", of course.
LONDON, (PIC)-- The famous British singer Bobby Gillespie condemned the Israeli occupation's crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel.

In an interview with British journalists, Bobby Gillespie, the Scottish alternative rock band Primal Scream's founder, stated that "what is happening in Palestine is the most heinous crimes recorded in human history," stressing to the need to address these crimes.

He stressed all his band members’ support to Palestinian resistance and struggle movement.

He expressed his extreme dismay towards the American support for the Israeli practices that kill innocent Palestinians.

Gillespie revealed his intention to organize a concert in support of the children in Gaza Strip.

Gillespie: The Israeli crimes are the most hideous crimes against humanity

A BRITISH MAN talked about war crimes? I'm sorry, but that is just ----->:lol:

I bet he hasn't been in Syria.
LONDON, (PIC)-- The famous British singer Bobby Gillespie condemned the Israeli occupation's crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel.

In an interview with British journalists, Bobby Gillespie, the Scottish alternative rock band Primal Scream's founder, stated that "what is happening in Palestine is the most heinous crimes recorded in human history," stressing to the need to address these crimes.

He stressed all his band members’ support to Palestinian resistance and struggle movement.

He expressed his extreme dismay towards the American support for the Israeli practices that kill innocent Palestinians.

Gillespie revealed his intention to organize a concert in support of the children in Gaza Strip.

Gillespie: The Israeli crimes are the most hideous crimes against humanity
Another tear jerking celebrity do gooder who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. They only take on these causes for publicity.

Just another crack in the wall.
Heres' what another famous celebrity has to offer. She is one of America's most famous models plus she runs her own multi-million dollar fashion company.

[ame=]Kathy Ireland "There's no place on earth like Israel" - YouTube[/ame]

LONDON, (PIC)-- The famous British singer Bobby Gillespie condemned the Israeli occupation's crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel.

In an interview with British journalists, Bobby Gillespie, the Scottish alternative rock band Primal Scream's founder, stated that "what is happening in Palestine is the most heinous crimes recorded in human history," stressing to the need to address these crimes.

He stressed all his band members’ support to Palestinian resistance and struggle movement.

He expressed his extreme dismay towards the American support for the Israeli practices that kill innocent Palestinians.

Gillespie revealed his intention to organize a concert in support of the children in Gaza Strip.

Gillespie: The Israeli crimes are the most hideous crimes against humanity
A singer? Really? You depend on entertainment figures for their views on geopolitics?

Bobby should work hard to RESCUE the "palestinians" He should air lift them all to a BEAUTIFUL CARRIBEAN ISLAND-----name it "paliland" where they can all live happily and safely I AM WILLING TO DONATE!!!!!!!! I wish that someone had cared enough for the welfare of the christians of Biafra, and the Hindus of East Pakistan, and the Jews of Europe, and the Southern Sudanese etc etc to air lift then out of danger GOD BLESS BOBBY for rescuing the "palis" from Israel
LONDON, (PIC)-- The famous British singer Bobby Gillespie condemned the Israeli occupation's crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel.

In an interview with British journalists, Bobby Gillespie, the Scottish alternative rock band Primal Scream's founder, stated that "what is happening in Palestine is the most heinous crimes recorded in human history," stressing to the need to address these crimes.

He stressed all his band members’ support to Palestinian resistance and struggle movement.

He expressed his extreme dismay towards the American support for the Israeli practices that kill innocent Palestinians.

Gillespie revealed his intention to organize a concert in support of the children in Gaza Strip.

Gillespie: The Israeli crimes are the most hideous crimes against humanity

Well, if Bobby said so....

I have to go with WWBS.
The term REMF would be shorter
Oooh. Are you one of those combat vets who believes he didn't need support troops to do his job?

Long walk to the war, wasn't it? :lmao:

Meanwhile, what's Bobby Gillespie done to earn the title of Expert in Geopolitics?

Oh, yeah -- he hates Israel. That's really all it takes for you moron, innit?
The term REMF would be shorter
Oooh. Are you one of those combat vets who believes he didn't need support troops to do his job?

Long walk to the war, wasn't it? :lmao:

A long yomp to the war it was indeed, there was no need for Air-Con Rangers
So, once you got there and used up your basic load-out, what did you do? Throw rocks? :lol:


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