GHOSTS!!! Are you a Believer?

Do you believe in ghosts or a spirit world among us?

  • Yes I do.

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • No I don't.

    Votes: 14 36.8%
  • I don't know but I have an open mind about it.

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • I get creeped out by the whole concept.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Several of the Denizens of the USMB Coffee Shop admit to being fans of the popular TV series "Ghost Hunters". With Halloween coming a week from now and images of black cats, witches, and spooky scenes prominent in every store we enter, I was just wondering:

Do you really believe there are such things as ghosts? A spirit world that exists among us? Have you ever seen a ghost? Or are you a hardcore skeptic or non believer?

One of the more fascinating places the Ghost Hunters have visited is the historic St. James Hotel at Cimarron NM.

A photo of the upstairs hallway and claimed to show one of the ghosts who live there is here:


And a snip from an official ghost hunter write up:

As ghost hunters we were excited to stay in the second most haunted room of the St. James Hotel. The most haunted room, as told on the Unsolved Mysteries TV series, has been sealed for the protection of hotel employees and guests. The ghostly inhabitant still makes claim to owning the hotel as he won it in a Old West poker game on the very same night he was murdered in room 18. This hotel is full of Old West history, having guests such as Jesse James and Doc Holliday. We walked about the hotel using our EMF meters and found some strange readings. We also gathered some strange sounds from room 18 (the sealed room) which we are still analyzing.

As I was falling asleep I felt a tender touch on my back and then noticed that my wife was not lying near enough to have touched me. When I inquired if she had just touched me...she had not! Immediately after, she was startled by invisible fingers gliding over her hand.

Finally we slept, until 3:00 a.m. when we were awakened by a strange scream coming from inside our room, the Mary Lambert room. I began taking photographs, one of which contained a vortex. Vortex's are funnels of energy that are associated with ghostly activity.

The strangest phenomenon was a picture I had taken of the second story window. There is a face in the window...not a reflection, not someone looking in. A ghostly face staring back as I was walking past the forbidden room 18.

Even if you are not a ghost hunter, the history, the wonderful staff, and the great food makes St. James Hotel a wonderful vacation spot.

Submitted by Rick Smithson, May, 2005 - Rick is a certified ghost hunter and member of the International Ghost Hunters Society

The Ghosts of the St James Hotel - Cimarron, New Mexico - Page 3

So, are you a believer? Or no?

Let's keep this thread friendly please folks.
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Count me in as a non-believer. Other things I don't believe in:

1. Alien visitation
2. Psychic anything
3. Herbal Medicine
4. Sasquatch
5. Loch Ness monster
6. Abominable Snowman
7. Chupacabra
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I've been ghosthunting quite a few times. Certainly I've seen things that I cannot explain... and I'm always the one who can find the rational explanations. In fact, I have video clips of some stuff that's happened on our ghosthunts that, even when I watch it back, I think 'that's got to be faked'... and I was the one filming, and no one else had access to the film.

Weird shit.
Count me in as a non-believer. Other things I don't believe in:

1. Alien visitation
2. Psychic anything
3. Herbal Medicine
4. Sasquatch
5. Loch Ness monster
6. Abominable Snowman
7. Chupacabra

You left out Santa Claus and Big Foot. :)
Several of the Denizens of the USMB Coffee Shop admit to being fans of the popular TV series "Ghost Hunters". With Halloween coming a week from now and images of black cats, witches, and spooky scenes prominent in every store we enter, I was just wondering:

Do you really believe there are such things as ghosts? A spirit world that exists among us? Have you ever seen a ghost? Are are you a hardcore skeptic or non believer?

One of the more fascinating places the Ghost Hunters have visited is the historic St. James Hotel at Cimarron NM.

A photo of the upstairs hallway and claimed to show one of the ghosts who live there is here:


And a snip from an official ghost hunter write up:

As ghost hunters we were excited to stay in the second most haunted room of the St. James Hotel. The most haunted room, as told on the Unsolved Mysteries TV series, has been sealed for the protection of hotel employees and guests. The ghostly inhabitant still makes claim to owning the hotel as he won it in a Old West poker game on the very same night he was murdered in room 18. This hotel is full of Old West history, having guests such as Jesse James and Doc Holliday. We walked about the hotel using our EMF meters and found some strange readings. We also gathered some strange sounds from room 18 (the sealed room) which we are still analyzing.

As I was falling asleep I felt a tender touch on my back and then noticed that my wife was not lying near enough to have touched me. When I inquired if she had just touched me...she had not! Immediately after, she was startled by invisible fingers gliding over her hand.

Finally we slept, until 3:00 a.m. when we were awakened by a strange scream coming from inside our room, the Mary Lambert room. I began taking photographs, one of which contained a vortex. Vortex's are funnels of energy that are associated with ghostly activity.

The strangest phenomenon was a picture I had taken of the second story window. There is a face in the window...not a reflection, not someone looking in. A ghostly face staring back as I was walking past the forbidden room 18.

Even if you are not a ghost hunter, the history, the wonderful staff, and the great food makes St. James Hotel a wonderful vacation spot.

Submitted by Rick Smithson, May, 2005 - Rick is a certified ghost hunter and member of the International Ghost Hunters Society

The Ghosts of the St James Hotel - Cimarron, New Mexico - Page 3
So, are you a believer? Or no?

Let's keep this thread friendly please folks.
I think the hotel could have some asbestos on that floor, and the owners are getting perks from fronting with the ghost balderdash.

I think intuitive powers are the gift of some people, but I have a hard time believing ghosts roam around the earth after life.

Some of the people who believe in ghosts seem to really get into it. I don't know what to make of that. About all I've ever known about people I knew who died were my own memories of them.

I have to vote no, I don't believe in ghosts. I do believe in memories, though.
I don't think I can appropriately articulate into words how I feel on the subject... (I'm the only 'open mind' so far) But I don't rule out the possibility.

What are we, really? Electrical, chemical impulses flowing through a bag of meat... I have to entertain the possibility that in certain cases, those impulses don't die with the body and "Live" on in some other medium for a period of time... Nawmean?

But as far as having seen one, heard or 'Felt' one, no it's not happened to me.
I've been ghosthunting quite a few times. Certainly I've seen things that I cannot explain... and I'm always the one who can find the rational explanations. In fact, I have video clips of some stuff that's happened on our ghosthunts that, even when I watch it back, I think 'that's got to be faked'... and I was the one filming, and no one else had access to the film.

Weird shit.

I haven't done any serious ghost hunting but I used to play with a Ouiji board when I was a kid. I am 100% certain that almost all of that activity was manipulated by those playing, but there was one time I asked a question that only I knew the answer. And I didn't participate in the activity. Those playing, however, without any one of them possibly knowing the answer, spelled it out. And that did creep me out.

It was never duplicated, however.

I will have to say however, standing in a darkened hallway of the St. James Hotel, with no human companion there with me, I had an overwhelming sense that I was not alone.

I have not personally seen a ghost that I know of.
I don't think I can appropriately articulate into words how I feel on the subject... (I'm the only 'open mind' so far) But I don't rule out the possibility.

What are we, really? Electrical, chemical impulses flowing through a bag of meat... I have to entertain the possibility that in certain cases, those impulses don't die with the body and "Live" on in some other medium for a period of time... Nawmean?

But as far as having seen one, heard or 'Felt' one, no it's not happened to me.

Me either. I have seen pictures but although they look so real, I just attribute it to film noise or digital blurs.. I have always been afraid to watch ghost stories and yet I don't really know whether I believe.

If I had seen anything, I might be happy to know that there is an afterlife..
I find it all very fascinating and would love to have a personal far though no spirits have visited me to my knowledge.
I find it all very fascinating and would love to have a personal far though no spirits have visited me to my knowledge.

That's where I am too Sherry. I think I WANT ghosts to be real and keep hoping for a non traumatic encounter. I also have not ruled out extra terrestrial visitations but so far have had no close encounters of the third kind or any other kind.

But I also know people that I know to be credible, not given to over active imaginations, and not the type to make up stories who report encounters with ghosts. And what they believed to be extra terrestrial experiences. So I keep an open mind.
After my husband died, I felt a presence, for the lack of a better term, in the room with me many nights. Once I felt that I would touch it if I reached up and turned on the lamp, so I got up and went to the light switch by the door. I definitely felt that I had brushed past something in my bedroom. Then I moved. It only happened one other time and that was when a patient I was caring for on a cancer unit died. I threw pillows that night thinking someone had come in the french doors in by bedroom.

I have gotten odd light effects in cemetery photos. When I was in Egypt I got an 'orb' in one of my Great Pyramid pics. There is nothing reflective on that pyramid and I have no idea how this happened. Orbs in photos are supposed to be manifestations of spirits.


I think it is conceivable that spirits could be all around us. To some forms of energy our own living bodies are opaque. Think how strang we would look to someone with the right kind of vision to see us that way!

Well, whatever. When I become a spirit, I hope I have better things to do than hanging around and creeping people out!
Several of the Denizens of the USMB Coffee Shop admit to being fans of the popular TV series "Ghost Hunters". With Halloween coming a week from now and images of black cats, witches, and spooky scenes prominent in every store we enter, I was just wondering:

Do you really believe there are such things as ghosts? A spirit world that exists among us? Have you ever seen a ghost? Or are you a hardcore skeptic or non believer?

One of the more fascinating places the Ghost Hunters have visited is the historic St. James Hotel at Cimarron NM.

A photo of the upstairs hallway and claimed to show one of the ghosts who live there is here:


And a snip from an official ghost hunter write up:

As ghost hunters we were excited to stay in the second most haunted room of the St. James Hotel. The most haunted room, as told on the Unsolved Mysteries TV series, has been sealed for the protection of hotel employees and guests. The ghostly inhabitant still makes claim to owning the hotel as he won it in a Old West poker game on the very same night he was murdered in room 18. This hotel is full of Old West history, having guests such as Jesse James and Doc Holliday. We walked about the hotel using our EMF meters and found some strange readings. We also gathered some strange sounds from room 18 (the sealed room) which we are still analyzing.

As I was falling asleep I felt a tender touch on my back and then noticed that my wife was not lying near enough to have touched me. When I inquired if she had just touched me...she had not! Immediately after, she was startled by invisible fingers gliding over her hand.

Finally we slept, until 3:00 a.m. when we were awakened by a strange scream coming from inside our room, the Mary Lambert room. I began taking photographs, one of which contained a vortex. Vortex's are funnels of energy that are associated with ghostly activity.

The strangest phenomenon was a picture I had taken of the second story window. There is a face in the window...not a reflection, not someone looking in. A ghostly face staring back as I was walking past the forbidden room 18.

Even if you are not a ghost hunter, the history, the wonderful staff, and the great food makes St. James Hotel a wonderful vacation spot.

Submitted by Rick Smithson, May, 2005 - Rick is a certified ghost hunter and member of the International Ghost Hunters Society

The Ghosts of the St James Hotel - Cimarron, New Mexico - Page 3

So, are you a believer? Or no?

Let's keep this thread friendly please folks.

I dont, but I dont belittle those who do. I have just never seen anything to convince me they are out there.
I've been ghosthunting quite a few times. Certainly I've seen things that I cannot explain... and I'm always the one who can find the rational explanations. In fact, I have video clips of some stuff that's happened on our ghosthunts that, even when I watch it back, I think 'that's got to be faked'... and I was the one filming, and no one else had access to the film.

Weird shit.

I haven't done any serious ghost hunting but I used to play with a Ouiji board when I was a kid. I am 100% certain that almost all of that activity was manipulated by those playing, but there was one time I asked a question that only I knew the answer. And I didn't participate in the activity. Those playing, however, without any one of them possibly knowing the answer, spelled it out. And that did creep me out.

It was never duplicated, however.

I will have to say however, standing in a darkened hallway of the St. James Hotel, with no human companion there with me, I had an overwhelming sense that I was not alone.

I have not personally seen a ghost that I know of.

I was with a group of regular buddies that I go ghosthunting with. We had just finished an investigation into a old local pub. We were sitting in the bar, with all our equipment switched off and ready to be packed away. One of the team left his EMF meter on the bar and it just went off. Now, anyone who knows about EMF meters knows they don't just go off. They go off only when they detect an electro magnetic field. We all stopped talking and looked at the meter... which stopped.

Other stories... meh, I got a few but I can't be arsed to type them out. LOL
We have ghost hunters here. They do it on weekends when they are not playing Magic. No shit. They want to check out my place. I told them if they cut there hair and shave I may consider it.
Count me in as a non-believer. Other things I don't believe in:

1. Alien visitation
2. Psychic anything
3. Herbal Medicine
4. Sasquatch
5. Loch Ness monster
6. Abominable Snowman
7. Chupacabra


When I was sixteen, I was sent up to Canada to be with my sister when she had her first child. Her husband was in Forestry and out of town when the baby was due. She went into labor and her friend Dixie (a nurse) and I took her to the was a long labor...Dixie arranged for me to stay in the nurses quarters 2 blocks away. At about 2am, I started hearing my sister's voice. I went to the receptionist and she told me no, my sister hadn't been there, to go back to my room and they will call me if anything changes.

Back in my room, I could still hear my sisters voice....I went looking for Dixie, knowing that if Sue was there, she'd be with her friend. I found Dixie, not in her room but in the sick room...I thought it rather odd that Canadians have a sick room in the nurses quarters near the hospital. Dixie hadn't seen my sister, told me I was hearing things and to go back to bed.

Back in my room I listened closely to see if I could make out what she was saying, I clearly heard her say "Lemonade? Lemonade will be fine."

I decided this was God telling me not to worry and to get some sleep. Next morning bright and early I walked over to the hospital. My sister was still in her room, still pregnant. She was talking to me but my eyes kept going to the empty pitcher on the end table. She asked me what was going on. I said "Did you by chance have lemonade at 2:30 in the morning?" She said, "Yeah, how'd you know?"
When I was young I read "2001" (A Clarke) which begins with a posited premise that that for every person alive alive there are thirty spirits. But it got me to thinking. :) Now "modern humanity" is considered to be ~100,000 years old. So, as a given, if I apply two decades as a nominal span to a "modern generation," that's ~5,000 generations and so if I move to apply a statistical determination with a graphing to the standard distributive population curve, then apply the operation of a rough "integral" on the maximal area beneath the curve... ie. instead of the standard dx, you just divide by the average lifespan of an individual, then this relationship will also work in population rate estimates.

eg. if there are six billion humans at this given time and our worldwide average lifespan is ~75 years, then that means that 6bn/75 = 80 million people born per year, and also 80 million dying per year, if the population was static (not growing or shrinking). This relationship works for stable populations with the result being ~3 (strong rounding) people born per second and else fails when the populations are not stable (reality). This is just a static rough estimate of the spirits that could be revolving around us.

That's a lot of spirits to my calculations. To Arthur's posited premise? It's one hello of a lot of spirits (pun intended) and maybe they are here because they can't go there. :eek:

Seeing but not interacting must be hello... :eek: Believe? I have a hard enough time with the reality within my perspective and my personal faith. So I don't know.

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