Getting it straight; Pamela Geller is a nut.

Colin Powell Rips Sarah Palin, Others for Racism Within GOP

Colin Powell went in on his own Republican Party during an interview on “Meet the Press” Sunday, calling out some “former governors” as using racist statements to describe President Obama and noting that there is a “dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party.”

“What do I mean by that?,” he explained. “What I mean by that is they still sort of look down on minorities.”

Powell specifically pointed to October 2012 comments by former Alaska Gov. and Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin on the attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

“When I see a former governor say that the president is ‘shuckin’ and jivin’ — that’s a racial-era slave term,” Powell said, referring to Palin’s words on Obama’s response.

You imagine this as proof of something?

Yes, it's proof that you're in denial, as you support trailer trash.

Does it wound your ego to KNOW Palin is more successful than you will ever be if you live to 300? All politics aside, she sure seems to be YOUR superior by any reasonable measure.

LOL! That, by far, is the most ignorant comment I've read by you.]

Does it hurt to know it's true?
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

So, her answer to the problem was akin to jumping on the internet to bad mouth her boss was she was hammered?
Our leftist trash is using Geller as a pressure-valve to relieve their angst over Hillary self-destructing, Barry showing himself to be the muslim trojan horse we always knew he was, and the prospect of a GOP government for the next 12-16 years. A Jewish woman who reminds them of Sarah Palin, appearing on Fox News, trashing their beloved Mo appeasers is a perfect target for the screechers. :badgrin:
you can always dream...
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.

Poster uses the most strident terms for Ms Geller: "hate monger," "whacky bitch," "crazy nut," but can only muster a wimpy "fanatics" to describe the two Muslim terrorists.

iamwhatiseem. Yes, from here you seem spineless & sharia compliant.
being a hate monger is not a prerequisite for being a fanatic

[ fəˈnatik ]
noun: fanatic · plural noun: fanatics

  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
    synonyms: zealot · extremist · militant · dogmatist · devotee · adherent ·
    sectarian · bigot · partisan · radical · diehard · maniac
but stupidity is.

you can always dream...

Dream? You lost the House, you just lost the Senate, Hillary might well end up indicted instead of inaugurated, and there's still time to impeach the muslim traitor you idiots REelected after he'd already screwed the pooch for 4 years. I'd imagine by this time next year you'll have disappeared from USMB.

you can always dream...

Dream? You lost the House, you just lost the Senate, Hillary might well end up indicted instead of inaugurated, and there's still time to impeach the muslim traitor you idiots REelected after he'd already screwed the pooch for 4 years. I'd imagine by this time next year you'll have disappeared from USMB.
sorry bullshit "we" have lost nothing...they was congress is going, by the time the election come around there will a sea change in the makeup of both houses and you'll go batshit!
Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I disproved this lie a couple days ago using your own links. :eusa_snooty:

I had no interest in Pam Geller until---this week. I do not cite POV people on this messageboard-----and, so, never accessed her site or anything ABOUT her until yesterday.
She DID NOT endorse the killing of muslim children at the
"camp" Anyone suggesting that she did is reading comprehension challenged------she discussed reasons why Breivnik resented muslim immigrants in Norway.
Reasons why people resent an immigrant population
does not constitute JUSTIFICATION for killing them ----in the early 20th century-------mostly Irish immigrants attacked
blacks who had migrated from the south to New York City-----the REASON they did it was because blacks were taking
the non-skilled jobs that Irish immigrants needed<< fact not
The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

wow, I swear some of you live in bubble and have no clue to things going on around you. No offense dear. but that was head shaking unbelievable.

Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I accessed her website for the first time based on your claims,,, Coyote------she, clearly, did not advocate the
actions of Breivnik------she simply discussed them in the
context of that which is going on in Norway which to some
citizens there seems threatening. -----kinda like saying-----
IF SOME INEBRIATE in the hills of Georgia actually did
believe that some blacks had raped his daughters and then
joined a vigilante group------there would be a logical reason
to CONSIDER his ---"POV" Pamela did not come close
to JUSTIFYING the killing of kids in the camp--

I did not say "advocate". I said she justified. And she did by attacking the victims and implying they deserved it.

you can always dream...

Dream? You lost the House, you just lost the Senate, Hillary might well end up indicted instead of inaugurated, and there's still time to impeach the muslim traitor you idiots REelected after he'd already screwed the pooch for 4 years. I'd imagine by this time next year you'll have disappeared from USMB.
sorry bullshit "we" have lost nothing...they was congress is going, by the time the election come around there will a sea change in the makeup of both houses and you'll go batshit!

Is English your second or third language?
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.

Most of us don't get our point across the way Geller did.
But in this country, we should defend her right to do it. She was exercising her first amendment rights. All of those other things she did are irrelevant to this discussion. List each of them separately and look at them objectively. We may then find some to be right and others wrong. But they have no bearing on her exercising her first amendment rights by holding that Mohammed drawing contest.

I find it odd that Liberals who defend the right of two Gay people to demand that a bakery bake their wedding cake even if it causes the bakery owners to go against their principles......but those same Liberals do not defend Geller's right to host a Mohammed drawing contest because it might offend Muslims.
Liberals are at odds with themselves on this one.
Makes no sense.

I haven't seen many liberals here not defending her right to say what she said. There is a difference between that and condoning content. Even Neo-Nazi's have a right to free speech but we don't have to like their message.
Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I disproved this lie a couple days ago using your own links. :eusa_snooty:

Not disproved in the least. She gave lip service to claiming she did not approve and then went on to justify it. Not one word of sorrow for the victims.
She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

wow, I swear some of you live in bubble and have no clue to things going on around you. No offense dear. but that was head shaking unbelievable.

Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I accessed her website for the first time based on your claims,,, Coyote------she, clearly, did not advocate the
actions of Breivnik------she simply discussed them in the
context of that which is going on in Norway which to some
citizens there seems threatening. -----kinda like saying-----
IF SOME INEBRIATE in the hills of Georgia actually did
believe that some blacks had raped his daughters and then
joined a vigilante group------there would be a logical reason
to CONSIDER his ---"POV" Pamela did not come close
to JUSTIFYING the killing of kids in the camp--

I did not say "advocate". I said she justified. And she did by attacking the victims and implying they deserved it.

she neither justified nor "implied" that they deserved it-----you are DESPERATE. She provided an explanation as to
why a young Norwegian might resent muslim immigrants ---
no more exciting than the explanation as to why Irish
workers in New York City hated black migrants from post
civil war ----- GONE WITH THE WIND southern USA.
Even after black males were hanged from Lamp-posts in New York City in the early 1900s------some people were
talking about ways to discourage that migration and lots of
"normals" supported programs to ameliorate the
"problem" ------(one of the ways was to BLAME IT ON DA JOOOOS). Immigration quotas are nothing new in the USA -------you want to call them all ---CRIMINAL? ok fine with me so long as you are completely even handed about it
Not disproved in the least. She gave lip service to claiming she did not approve and then went on to justify it. Not one word of sorrow for the victims.

Your side has kept her quite busy defending the rest of the lies about her and her motives. Your links clearly showed her disgust at that event and linking her to it. You should set a better example here.
Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I disproved this lie a couple days ago using your own links. :eusa_snooty:

Not disproved in the least. She gave lip service to claiming she did not approve and then went on to justify it. Not one word of sorrow for the victims.

not the first time you have played your idiot Nazi game accusation "YOU ARE GUILTY BECAUSE YOU DID NOT SEND FLOWERS" It would be nice if you took care to apply that silly hypocrisy in an even handed manner.--------so far you missed that mark COMPLETELY
That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

wow, I swear some of you live in bubble and have no clue to things going on around you. No offense dear. but that was head shaking unbelievable.

Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I accessed her website for the first time based on your claims,,, Coyote------she, clearly, did not advocate the
actions of Breivnik------she simply discussed them in the
context of that which is going on in Norway which to some
citizens there seems threatening. -----kinda like saying-----
IF SOME INEBRIATE in the hills of Georgia actually did
believe that some blacks had raped his daughters and then
joined a vigilante group------there would be a logical reason
to CONSIDER his ---"POV" Pamela did not come close
to JUSTIFYING the killing of kids in the camp--

I did not say "advocate". I said she justified. And she did by attacking the victims and implying they deserved it.

she neither justified nor "implied" that they deserved it-----you are DESPERATE. She provided an explanation as to
why a young Norwegian might resent muslim immigrants ---
no more exciting than the explanation as to why Irish
workers in New York City hated black migrants from post
civil war ----- GONE WITH THE WIND southern USA.
Even after black males were hanged from Lamp-posts in New York City in the early 1900s------some people were
talking about ways to discourage that migration and lots of
"normals" supported programs to ameliorate the
"problem" ------(one of the ways was to BLAME IT ON DA JOOOOS). Immigration quotas are nothing new in the USA -------you want to call them all ---CRIMINAL? ok fine with me so long as you are completely even handed about it

She compared the kids to Hitler Youth and similar, claimed their camp was an “indoctrination training center”, wrote that the victims would have grown up to become "future leaders of the party responsible for flooding Norway with Muslims who refuse to assimilate, who commit major violence against Norwegian natives including violent gang rapes, with impunity, and who live on the dole". In other words she justified it by attacking the victims.
Not disproved in the least. She gave lip service to claiming she did not approve and then went on to justify it. Not one word of sorrow for the victims.

Your side has kept her quite busy defending the rest of the lies about her and her motives. Your links clearly showed her disgust at that event and linking her to it. You should set a better example here.

Of course she's disgusted. No one likes to be outed as a bigot.

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