Get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
You are right that he won't go away.
Much the same of Bill and Hillary.
Why leave when there is so much money to be had. Right?

I personally wish they would all go away
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
Why all the concern now? Why wasn't this a concern when Hillary was taking "Donations" from the kremlin? Talk about "coincidental".
He won't go away until the Clinton's stop funding him ....

He'll probably still be investigating ... and finding nothing ... after Trump's 4th term.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
why does that matter so much when others peoples dealings with foreigners dont matter? Somehow this is bad and the others isnt, im sure :rolleyes:
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
and i'm still waiting for proof of it. when it gets here, great. we can judge then. i do not believe that if hillary had won we'd give a flying horse shit about russia. hell we'd probably be selling them more nuclear material, ya know? all good.

the timing of the enemy i will hold into question. the russia hype is just COMMIE all over again to me. a fear tactic placed in us to make us think russia *can* pull this off. so far we have 400 fake accounts and $100k in ads, a fake trump dossier, and the fact trump meet with russians he's met with before, only now it's bad.

relying on "coincidence" is great if we can play that game too. ya know with obama and hillary but suddenly we need proof. actual verifiable proof. but for trump, we just need some speculation.

like i've said and no one seems to hear, if he is guilty, fry him. NO ONE is above the law.

no one.

so what law has trump broken he needs to be impeached for? if you're going to dovetail back into coincidental meetings then you damn well better not be happy with tarmac meetings in the night. yet i never hear you bitch about that.

i get the hate for trump. i do. i don't like the man but i'm not to hate. not yet anyway. but hillary, obama, trump, bush - you, me...we're kinda in this together and we really need to stop putting hate-shades on that block out all the good either can or could do.

yet, here we are.

now please get back to telling me why i'm wrong and trump is certainly guilty and we'll find out one day.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
Why all the concern now? Why wasn't this a concern when Hillary was taking "Donations" from the kremlin? Talk about "coincidental".
glad i'm not the only one picking up on that.

just use the same damn standards to just those you hate as those you love and much of this shit goes away. there's seldom a difference in what we consider right and wrong, only who we let get away because we either think like they do or we just like 'em.

then we wind up trashing each other for our own hypocrisies.
You are right that he won't go away.
Much the same of Bill and Hillary.
Why leave when there is so much money to be had. Right?

I personally wish they would all go away

Don't you care if Russia meddled in our elections?
Of course he is not going away. His entire job is to slow walk the "investigation" during this time and then heat it up again as the midterms get closer.

That is what is happening. Mueller, the lawyer and easily blackmailed stooge, is doing the bidding of the socialists or globalists.

He ever reveal what he found out about the solyndra money? Oh, he buried that? Yeah, he buried it, like any good lying lawyer.

Left wing sheep sure are predictably stupid as shit.
Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

If history is any guide , he's not going away for at least another 2 years (the average length of SP investigations is 2.4 years), of course it could turn out to be another Bill Clinton Whitewater transformed into Sex Scandal investigation which lasted for over 8 years.

In any case I suspect Mr. Mueller will provide much for the chattering bobble heads in both parties to blather on and spew vitriol at each over for some time to come. Then upon its conclusion release a slew of findings which will be chewed and tugged upon by the partisan dingo packs for some months and used as a grand standing platform by the mouthpieces of the partisan establishment for a short period after which they'll be discarded and forgotten.

In the end the probability is high that it'll just turn out to be an expensive and inefficient way to gin up fodder for campaign commercials.
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
Why all the concern now? Why wasn't this a concern when Hillary was taking "Donations" from the kremlin? Talk about "coincidental".
I don't know what you're talking about. The CGI? That was investigated, wasn't it?
Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

If history is any guide , he's not going away for at least another 2 years (the average length of SP investigations is 2.4 years), of course it could turn out to be another Bill Clinton Whitewater transformed into Sex Scandal investigation which lasted for over 8 years.

In any case I suspect Mr. Mueller will provide much for the chattering bobble heads in both parties to blather on and spew vitriol at each over for some time to come. Then upon its conclusion release a slew of findings which will be chewed and tugged upon by the partisan dingo packs for some months and used as a grand standing platform by the mouthpieces of the partisan establishment for a short period after which they'll be discarded and forgotten.

In the end the probability is high that it'll just turn out to be an expensive and inefficient way to gin up fodder for campaign commercials.
Good description of what the political outcome will be. But I don't think it will last that long; Mueller seems to be bulldozing through quite quickly. No one should forget, either, that this is only tangentially about Trump. It's about Russia.
You are right that he won't go away.
Much the same of Bill and Hillary.
Why leave when there is so much money to be had. Right?

I personally wish they would all go away

Don't you care if Russia meddled in our elections?
Frankly I'm not sure who meddled more The Russians, or the DNC.
I tend to think it was both.
Did you watch the DNC convention? I did. And it gave a pretty clear impression of a corrupt political party that would stoop to any length to retain power. DWS stepping down on the first night of the convention was hilarious. The Bernie supporters walking out was hilarious. The half empty convention hall was hilarious. Filling the vacant seats via an advertisement on Craig's list was hilarious.
Maybe the Russians were working for the DNC. (DNC/FSB)
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
why does that matter so much when others peoples dealings with foreigners dont matter? Somehow this is bad and the others isnt, im sure :rolleyes:
Collusion WOULD be bad, if it happened, wouldn't it?
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
Why all the concern now? Why wasn't this a concern when Hillary was taking "Donations" from the kremlin? Talk about "coincidental".
I don't know what you're talking about. The CGI? That was investigated, wasn't it?

What do you mean "was investigated"? CGI is still under investigation by the Senate vis-a-vis a new probe launched by Senator Grassley in June of this year.

That's what our boys and girls in Washington do instead of figuring out how to say, balance the governments finances, they "investigate" each other, think of it as a contact sport for Washingtonian assholes.
The Russians did not change the outcome of our election. This is partisan bullshit, nothing more. Well, maybe the correct term is "establishment bullshit". The DC elite establishment of both parties cannot deal with the FACT that the American people chose Trump to drain the DC swamp and rid the country of the establishment leeches in both parties, the media, and the idiots of Hollywood.

Trump is putting the people ahead of the elites and they cannot stand losing their power and corrupt influence.

Trump is the first American president in 30 years. (Reagan was the last one).
Trump supporters: I know you're not happy with Robert Mueller poking around in Donald Trump's affairs, and those of his family and associates. I also know you think this is a witch hunt, and a Liberal conspiracy to smear the Trump White House, but there are 2 things you'd better start warming up to:

1. Robert Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein a lifelong Republican appointed to his position by President George W Bush. Mr. Rosenstein found probable cause that Russia did indeed meddle in our election in 2016, and judged that a special counsel was warranted, so please....stop crying Liberal which hunt, it doesn't make any sense.

2. You folks didn't have any problems with special counsels when one was appointed to poke around in Bill Clinton's dealings with Whitewater real estate, and this investigation led them to the Monica Lewinski scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

Special counsels are a fact of life for Presidents, and if your golden boy is as squeaky clean as he claims, then there is nothing to worry about. So, put your big boy pants on and get used to Robert Mueller. He's not going away!

Rod Rosenstein’s Political Affiliation: Is He a Republican or a Democrat?
TRUMP HATERS - get used to him. he's not going away.

the more you do stupid juvenille shit like this and the whole WAH WE LOST THE ELECTION WAH the more you shove people away from your side of things. why not go after real issues? problems? find ways to work together vs. kick each other in the nuts all the time? the whole point of a 2 party system is sometimes you just don't like who is in power. sometimes quite strongly.

but in a country built for us all, this is not a single decision and when someone is president you may not like, tough shit. it happens and it will happen again. liberals need to learn to deal with it vs. pretending if they keep making shit up someone will finally give them their way.

so sure. keep this shit up and you'll have him for 8 years to say ANY DAY NOW YOU'LL SEE WE'RE RIGHT!
The Special Investigation, believe it or not, has nothing to do with "Wah--we lost the election." It has to do with Russia's backdoor attack on our democracy by interfering in our election to an unprecedented degree, and the Trump campaign's tremendous number of "coincidental" contacts with that country before and during the campaign. And the President's reaction by firing Comey, who was spear heading the investigation at the time.

Maybe it's coincidence -- Trump is an international businessman, after all, and a lot of his advisers and friends have contacts from around the world. But one thing you can be sure of, if it isn't a coincidence, Mueller will let us know when this is over.

Every American should be concerned by what Russia did. Anyone who wants to MAGA would want Russia to stay the hell out of it.
why does that matter so much when others peoples dealings with foreigners dont matter? Somehow this is bad and the others isnt, im sure :rolleyes:
Collusion WOULD be bad, if it happened, wouldn't it?
ohhh hell yes! But my point was, there could have been "collusion" all over the map and nobody gives a shit about them. Just TTTTTRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPP

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