Los Angeles wants rent price controls


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Los Angeles wants rent price controls

Los Angeles is a socialist mess anyways, I would probably support it if it helped someone , but I know how it will go, poor people will still be paying $1900 per month, and Spielberg will rent a house on the beach and his landlord will be rent controlled at $500 per month.

You just can't give corrupt governments more power
All of cali needs rent control. Its ridiculous how much it costs to find a roof here. RIDICULOUS. Especially on the beach but even inland, its horrendous. And they wonder why there are so many homeless.
Los Angeles wants rent price controls

Los Angeles is a socialist mess anyways, I would probably support it if it helped someone , but I know how it will go, poor people will still be paying $1900 per month, and Spielberg will rent a house on the beach and his landlord will be rent controlled at $500 per month.

You just can't give corrupt governments more power

But then again when other countries produce cheaper goods, all of a sudden the right become socialists too.
All of cali needs rent control. Its ridiculous how much it costs to find a roof here. RIDICULOUS. Especially on the beach but even inland, its horrendous. And they wonder why there are so many homeless.
The last thing California needs is more government interference in the housing market. The price of housing is so high there mainly because there are so many legal restrictions on where you can build and what you can build.

Maybe all of California should be allowed to become a socialist state and let them see how that works out for them....... On the other hand I really don't want them fleeing their socialist paradise and coming to Iowa in a few years so let's don't do that.


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Rent controls create slum lords and housing shortages.

Housing prices are insane, sure. Let's address the reasons...
Housing prices are insane, sure. Let's address the reasons...

I agree. No landlord should be part of any ethnic syndicate that swallowed up massive amounts of real estate in American starting in the 50's and earlier because they pooled their money.

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