Get the **** over it.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


Imam quoted;

"US policies were accessory to the crime that happened [on 9/11]."

"In the most direct sense, Osama bin Laden is made in the USA."

True. He just state a fact we don’t want to hear. US foreign policies, in the Middle East, prompted 9-11 and created terrorist and Bin laden. And the terrorism will continue as long as WE occupy Islamic land. It is commanded in the Koran.

Christian GOD say; “Vengeance is mine. Do not avenge yourselves.” which we chose to ignore and suffer the consequences. What happen to “ You will not need to fight…Stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah on your behalf.” We invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and have sent 5,000 of our young men and women to their deaths in vain. For what? Revenge

“blocking the Ground Zero mosque could lead to "something which could really become very, very, very dangerous indeed”

This is not a threat but a fact and warning.

Quote Arizona Senator;

To Americans, and especially those who live in New York City, Ground Zero is hallowed ground that will always retain the memory of the loss, devastation, and hope that grew out of 9/11. I believe that Ground Zero should be a place for remembrance, reflection, and healing.

Your “belief” and the “belief” of many, not all, Americans is miss-placed and not credible as Muslim American did cause 9-11 and should not be punished.

Have you ever stopped to think how Native American “feel” about our sacred land being disrespected? Now you know and it makes on difference.

The Mosque will not stop families of victims of 9-11 from reflecting and remembering their own.

“Remove the straw in our own eye before trying to remove the straw in other’s eye.” “Who is worthy of casting the first stone.’
Yawn.... That Iman needs to be run out of America on a rail. He doesn't do much to promote his religion as a religion of peace with all of his threats and other bullshit. I think we should be just as tolerant towards the muslims as they are being towards us - which is very little.
“blocking the Ground Zero mosque could lead to "something which could really become very, very, very dangerous indeed”

I guess that was meant to imply that idiots would attack us. However, I think the bigger threat would be the continued deterioration of the Constitution.

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