Get Involved... Fight Back!!!


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI

By: Edward L. Daley

Well, Pinko De Mayo has come and gone, and this year's celebration of the Bolshevik Revolution by communism's useful idiots had new life breathed into it in the United States. Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and their misguided supporters decided to protest against the rule of law in our country on the one day of the year that reminds most older Americans of the genocidal policies of men like Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.

Hundreds of businesses across the country closed their doors in deference to the wishes of America's illegal workforce, and many teachers failed to prevent their dangerously naive students from joining demonstrations which only proved to the rest of us just how utterly foolish and immoral years of systematic liberal brainwashing has left them.

Members of the drive-by media, as Rush Limbaugh likes to call it, were perfectly giddy with all the excitement, as news trucks took up strategic positions in key cities where communist-backed organizations had promised to hold mass rallies in support of illegal workers. Referring to the events as "immigration rights protests", most of the "mainstream" press was more than happy to promote the efforts of a loose confederation of international communists, ACLU activists, radical Muslims, and unapologetic, law-breaking foreigners.

Average American citizens could do little but sit and watch as hoards of illegals and their collaborators marched in streets across the U.S., openly mocking our immigrations laws, while politicians from Washington D.C. to Washington State either cheered on the protesters or hid from view.

The disturbing displays caused many, if not most, Americans to recoil in disgust and anger, as anti-illegal alien sentiment rose to near boiling point. Furious bloggers took to the internet to discuss potential counter-measures, including a boycott of companies that hire illegal workers, and a march on Washington D.C. later in the month. Calls for the removal from office of politicians who support any sort of amnesty proposal, have become as common in recent days as prostitution in Amsterdam, and those calls only grew in frequency and volume on Monday.

Of course, the majority of news organizations, which most folks consider (and rightly so) to be complicit in this outrageous plot to usurp the rule of law, have failed to appreciate the growing animus and distrust felt by their readers/viewers with respect to them. The routine marginalizing by the media in general of anyone who speaks out against the threat of illegal immigration, has caused many formerly non-political individuals to take sides with a variety of patriotic groups nationwide that are currently in the process of organizing retaliatory actions against the pro-illegals crowd.

As condescending leftists like California Senate Majority Leader, Gloria Romero, champion the cause of illegal aliens, and supporters of the movement continue to insult those of us who actually understand the concepts of right and wrong by calling us racists and xenophobes, conservative talk radio hosts and political columnists are hammering home the truth of the matter to their audiences.

The illegal alien situation, which was once seen by many as an unpleasant, yet largely uncorrectable problem, is now being taken very seriously by the majority of U.S. citizens, who no longer believe that stopping the flow of illegals into this country is such an insurmountable task. Tens of millions of Americans have finally had enough of their elected officials' indifference to the alien invasion of our country, and they plan to punish those politicians in November unless radical changes are made to our border policies.

In the meantime, companies that chose to shut down production on May the 1st, or that have a history of exploiting illegal workers for profit, are being added to lists circulating throughout cyberspace, and those businesses will soon become the targets of extended boycotts by American consumers who are unwilling to forgive them for helping to fuel the fire of the most vile socio-political movement in recent U.S. history.

If you count yourself as a loyal citizen of the United States, and you're as outraged by the recent activities of illegal aliens as so many of your fellow countrymen are, join them in what is being termed the 'Great American Boycott' of 2006. Find out which companies support illegal immigration (see below) and let them know that you will no longer purchase their goods or services as long as they continue down their current path.

Furthermore, be sure to inform your elected representatives that you will not be supporting their reelection campaigns if they fail in their responsibility to strictly enforce our immigration laws. The time has come to stand up and be counted, ladies and gentlemen. Don't sit idle while millions of illegal aliens and thousands of U.S. businesses brazenly flaunt their contempt for the legitimate authority that we, the American citizenry, have bestowed upon our government. Get involved... fight back!
I already wrote a scathing e-mail telling my two traitor of Senators, I will actively campaign against them being reelected. I also had a brick sent to them.. To me that money was worth it...
I've also written to President Bush, a number of times telling him what I think of his stance on this.....I'm surprised I haven't lost my e-mail account about some of the things I've said to him...:dev2:
We also need to contact the Reps who are listening to us, the American people and let them know we are with them........

Pale has the right idea....Boycott all the companies who are benefiting from this illegal invasion...

I know Tyson chicken is right up there at the top....

But search out all the other companies, and boycott the shit out of them...
SCREW THEM, as they are doing to us....

I'm with you my brother all the way in this fight.

I just hope more people will get involved... This is for our survival, as Americans of the United States of America....

You might think this is all paranoia, but I certainly don't believe it is...
Read below what they think of us...

Go to their websites, and you'll get a feel for what they really think of us, do nothing lazy Americans who only value materialist things chickenshits blowhards....

I posted this earlier, but everybody needs to see this... This is what were up against......

"California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn't like it should leave."
– Mario Obledo, co-founder of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, or MALDEF in a radio interview on KIEV.

"Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die ... through love of having children, we are going to take over."
– Augustin Cebeda, of the Brown Berets, at a rally in Los Angeles.

"We have an aging white America. They are dying. They are sh----- in their pants with
fear! I love it! We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the
worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him!"
– Jose Angel Gutierrez, political science professor at the University of Texas at Arlington.

"Because our numbers are growing ... [some are] afraid that we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions.They are right, we will take them over, and we are not going to go away – we are here to stay, and we are saying 'ya basta' (enough!)."
– Richard Alatorre, former Los Angeles city councilman.

"The American Southwest "... seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico
without firing a single shot."
– Carlos Lloret de Mola, July 20, 1982, the Mexican newspaper Excelsior.

"We are practicing La Reconquista in California."
– Jose Angel Pescador Osuna, Mexican consul-general, at Southwestern University School of Law.

We need to take this very seriously... This is no joke.... It's smacking us right in our face and Now.. You all saw the marches.. That IS HOW THEY FEEL. THEY WANT WHAT WE MADE this Country into AND TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM US..... As they say.....without even firing a shot....
  • Thanks
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Stephanie said:
I already wrote a scathing e-mail telling my two traitor of Senators, I will actively campaign against them being reelected. I also had a brick sent to them.. To me that money was worth it...
I've also written to President Bush, a number of times telling him what I think of his stance on this.....I'm surprised I haven't lost my e-mail account about some of the things I've said to him...:dev2:
We also need to contact the Reps who are listening to us, the American people and let them know we are with them........

Pale has the right idea....Boycott all the companies who are benefiting from this illegal invasion...

I know Tyson chicken is right up there at the top....

But search out all the other companies, and boycott the shit out of them...
SCREW THEM, as they are doing to us....

I'm with you my brother all the way in this fight.

I just hope more people will get involved... This is for our survival, as Americans of the United States of America....

You might think this is all paranoia, but I certainly don't believe it is...
Read below what they think of us...

Go to their websites, and you'll get a feel for what they really think of us, do nothing lazy Americans who only value materialist things chickenshits blowhards....

I posted this earlier, but everybody needs to see this... This is what were up against......

"California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn't like it should leave."
– Mario Obledo, co-founder of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, or MALDEF in a radio interview on KIEV.

"Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die ... through love of having children, we are going to take over."
– Augustin Cebeda, of the Brown Berets, at a rally in Los Angeles.

"We have an aging white America. They are dying. They are sh----- in their pants with
fear! I love it! We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the
worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him!"
– Jose Angel Gutierrez, political science professor at the University of Texas at Arlington.

"Because our numbers are growing ... [some are] afraid that we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions.They are right, we will take them over, and we are not going to go away – we are here to stay, and we are saying 'ya basta' (enough!)."
– Richard Alatorre, former Los Angeles city councilman.

"The American Southwest "... seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico
without firing a single shot."
– Carlos Lloret de Mola, July 20, 1982, the Mexican newspaper Excelsior.

"We are practicing La Reconquista in California."
– Jose Angel Pescador Osuna, Mexican consul-general, at Southwestern University School of Law.

We need to take this very seriously... This is no joke.... It's smacking us right in our face and Now.. You all saw the marches.. That IS HOW THEY FEEL. THEY WANT WHAT WE MADE this Country into AND TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM US..... As they say.....without even firing a shot....

Thanks for the contribution Stephenie, I do appreciate it. And I'm in this fight with you too sister, to the end, "even if we have to kill them ".

Everytime I find a good piece on illegal aliens, I send it to everyone I have in my email, which is considerable. I hope it makes a difference.

I too have written my congressmen and senators, even the President, and got a letter from the White House in return. But I'm not giving up. I'm going to write to someone voicing my oppisition to this illegal mexican invasion every day.

I don't think people take this seriously enough Stephenie. They won't right up until they lose their country, then they'll stand there with pie on their face and say, "what happened"? Well, while you were sleeping, the mexicans took over our country.

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