Germany's Answer To Anti-Semitic Violence: 'You Jews Should Stop Wearing Kippas In Public'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Can you try not LOOKING like Jews when you go out in public?'


German Government Official Urges Jews Not to Wear Kippas in Public to Avoid Anti-Semitic Violence

Germany’s government commissioner on anti-Semitism has warned Jews about the potential dangers of wearing the traditional Kippah cap in the face of rising anti-Jewish attacks. Klein’s comments came just weeks after Berlin’s top legal expert on antisemitism said the issue remains entrenched in German society...Antisemitic crimes rose by 20% in Germany last year.

"Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said on Sunday that the warning to Jews on the dangers of wearing the kippah were a “capitulation to anti-Semitism” and evidence Jews were unsafe there."

"Rivlin said Klein’s remarks “shocked” him, and while appreciating the German government’s “commitment to the Jewish community,” accused it of bowing to those targeting Jews in Germany."

If the words spoken by Germany's Commissioner on Anti-Semitism shocks Israel's President, he should be mortified at the steaming piles of anti-Semitic hatred flowing from the Democratic Party here in the US these days, as well as the Democratic party's complete embrace and defense of it....

Disgrace: German Government Official Urges Jews Not to Wear Kippas in Public to Avoid Anti-Semitic Violence
The same thing happened in France. The men started wearing baseball caps so no one would see the kippah.
German pigs' "Holocaust guilt" is faker than a $6 bill. A few years ago German sewer rats were extravagantly welcoming fake refugees of the most praised-by-Hitler, Nazi-collaborating, Jew-exterminating hate ideology on the planet. These Germans are a phony, lying, unbelievably pompous walking disease we should have exterminated down to the last woman and child in WWII (Unless you've dealt with hundreds of German backpackers, as if have, you have no idea how rotten and subhuman that nationality is). We should have let the Soviets have these Krauts completely.

German diseasebags are the ultimate parasites on America; most overspoiled, overpampered, overprivileged, overindulged little piles of feces who USE America for every convenience and advtange they can while cursing and dehumanizing Americans at the same time. THAT, ladies & gentleman, is the syphilitic European nationality I want utterly destroyed off this planet. German garbage are simply evil at the fundamental level. In the past 100 years, every time GermanoSWINE have exercised any kind of power, the rest of Europe gets Fucked with a capital F.
Okay so we know if Muslim women were told they should not wear the hijab to avoid violence there would be outrage and such suggestion would be labeled islamophobic... so asking Jews to stop wearing kappas in public is clearly anti-semitic.

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