Germany lost track of over 1 million 'refugees'


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
batten down the hatches folks, there's muslims on the loose.....

Germany admits it lost track of over 1 million 'refugees'

Germany admits it lost track of over 1 million 'refugees'

Interior Ministry admits 600,000 migrants have gone missing in or outside Germany, as police investigate mass New Year sex assault campaign.
In the wake of massive sexual assaults perpetrated by Muslim migrants on New Year's Eve, and the threat of jihadists infiltrating the sudden mass influx of "refugees," Germany admitted on Thursday that it has lost track of 600,000 asylum seekers.

By the end of 2015 Germany had registered 1.1 million asylum seekers under its EASY system, that records little data other than the applicant's country of origin, reports the British Daily Mail late Thursday.

But German Interior Ministry spokesperson Dr. Harald Neymanns admitted that over half-a-million of the migrants have gone unaccounted for, raising serious concerns.
Neymanns said in some cases the migrants may have gone on to a different country in the EU. He tried to minimize the threat by noting many migrants submit more than one application and that processing delays could also account for some of the missing "refugees."

As for how many of the 600,000 are still in Germany, he said it was "almost impossible" to tell.

The shocking revelation comes as Germany is still coping from a massive wave of sexual assaults on its women on New Year's Eve, in a campaign of harassment and rapes centered largely in Cologne, but that also took place in a number of other European states, including cities in Sweden as well as in Paris.

North Rhine Westphalia, where Cologne is situated, leads Germany in migrant absorption with 21% of the intake. The capital city of Berlin stands at just over 5%.

Police in Munsterland in North Rhine Westphalia on Thursday conducted a series of raids within the context of the investigation of the New Year's sexual assaults, which the German government originally covered up for days by not acknowledging they were perpetrated by Muslim migrants.

A full 150 asylum seekers were interrogated in the police raid at two refugee centers, with police finding that many of the "refugees" claimed to be from war torn Syria, but in fact were mostly from North Africa. They also discovered every second migrant had registered at least twice on the EASY system.

No fewer than 821 complaints of criminal incidents, including hundreds of sexual assaults, have been received by police from the New Year's attack. More than 520 sexual assaults, including three rapes, took place in Cologne alone.

Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne this week defended the sexual assailants, blaming the victims for "wearing perfume."

Germany is in fact not the only country to have potentially dangerous migrants go missing; a US State Department official admitted last month that US President Barack Obama's administration has lost track of thousands of foreigners in the US who had their visas pulled over terror suspicions.

The official, Michele Thoren Bond, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Consular Affairs, said the US had revoked over 122,000 visas since 2001, including 9,500 over terrorism concerns. She admitted to not having a clue where those who had their visas revoked currently are.
batten down the hatches folks, there's muslims on the loose.....

Germany admits it lost track of over 1 million 'refugees'

Germany admits it lost track of over 1 million 'refugees'

Interior Ministry admits 600,000 migrants have gone missing in or outside Germany, as police investigate mass New Year sex assault campaign.
In the wake of massive sexual assaults perpetrated by Muslim migrants on New Year's Eve, and the threat of jihadists infiltrating the sudden mass influx of "refugees," Germany admitted on Thursday that it has lost track of 600,000 asylum seekers.

By the end of 2015 Germany had registered 1.1 million asylum seekers under its EASY system, that records little data other than the applicant's country of origin, reports the British Daily Mail late Thursday.

But German Interior Ministry spokesperson Dr. Harald Neymanns admitted that over half-a-million of the migrants have gone unaccounted for, raising serious concerns.
Neymanns said in some cases the migrants may have gone on to a different country in the EU. He tried to minimize the threat by noting many migrants submit more than one application and that processing delays could also account for some of the missing "refugees."

As for how many of the 600,000 are still in Germany, he said it was "almost impossible" to tell.

The shocking revelation comes as Germany is still coping from a massive wave of sexual assaults on its women on New Year's Eve, in a campaign of harassment and rapes centered largely in Cologne, but that also took place in a number of other European states, including cities in Sweden as well as in Paris.

North Rhine Westphalia, where Cologne is situated, leads Germany in migrant absorption with 21% of the intake. The capital city of Berlin stands at just over 5%.

Police in Munsterland in North Rhine Westphalia on Thursday conducted a series of raids within the context of the investigation of the New Year's sexual assaults, which the German government originally covered up for days by not acknowledging they were perpetrated by Muslim migrants.

A full 150 asylum seekers were interrogated in the police raid at two refugee centers, with police finding that many of the "refugees" claimed to be from war torn Syria, but in fact were mostly from North Africa. They also discovered every second migrant had registered at least twice on the EASY system.

No fewer than 821 complaints of criminal incidents, including hundreds of sexual assaults, have been received by police from the New Year's attack. More than 520 sexual assaults, including three rapes, took place in Cologne alone.

Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne this week defended the sexual assailants, blaming the victims for "wearing perfume."

Germany is in fact not the only country to have potentially dangerous migrants go missing; a US State Department official admitted last month that US President Barack Obama's administration has lost track of thousands of foreigners in the US who had their visas pulled over terror suspicions.

The official, Michele Thoren Bond, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Consular Affairs, said the US had revoked over 122,000 visas since 2001, including 9,500 over terrorism concerns. She admitted to not having a clue where those who had their visas revoked currently are.
wearing perfume???
batten down the hatches folks, there's muslims on the loose.....

Germany admits it lost track of over 1 million 'refugees'

Germany admits it lost track of over 1 million 'refugees'

Interior Ministry admits 600,000 migrants have gone missing in or outside Germany, as police investigate mass New Year sex assault campaign.
In the wake of massive sexual assaults perpetrated by Muslim migrants on New Year's Eve, and the threat of jihadists infiltrating the sudden mass influx of "refugees," Germany admitted on Thursday that it has lost track of 600,000 asylum seekers.

By the end of 2015 Germany had registered 1.1 million asylum seekers under its EASY system, that records little data other than the applicant's country of origin, reports the British Daily Mail late Thursday.

But German Interior Ministry spokesperson Dr. Harald Neymanns admitted that over half-a-million of the migrants have gone unaccounted for, raising serious concerns.
Neymanns said in some cases the migrants may have gone on to a different country in the EU. He tried to minimize the threat by noting many migrants submit more than one application and that processing delays could also account for some of the missing "refugees."

As for how many of the 600,000 are still in Germany, he said it was "almost impossible" to tell.

The shocking revelation comes as Germany is still coping from a massive wave of sexual assaults on its women on New Year's Eve, in a campaign of harassment and rapes centered largely in Cologne, but that also took place in a number of other European states, including cities in Sweden as well as in Paris.

North Rhine Westphalia, where Cologne is situated, leads Germany in migrant absorption with 21% of the intake. The capital city of Berlin stands at just over 5%.

Police in Munsterland in North Rhine Westphalia on Thursday conducted a series of raids within the context of the investigation of the New Year's sexual assaults, which the German government originally covered up for days by not acknowledging they were perpetrated by Muslim migrants.

A full 150 asylum seekers were interrogated in the police raid at two refugee centers, with police finding that many of the "refugees" claimed to be from war torn Syria, but in fact were mostly from North Africa. They also discovered every second migrant had registered at least twice on the EASY system.

No fewer than 821 complaints of criminal incidents, including hundreds of sexual assaults, have been received by police from the New Year's attack. More than 520 sexual assaults, including three rapes, took place in Cologne alone.

Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne this week defended the sexual assailants, blaming the victims for "wearing perfume."

Germany is in fact not the only country to have potentially dangerous migrants go missing; a US State Department official admitted last month that US President Barack Obama's administration has lost track of thousands of foreigners in the US who had their visas pulled over terror suspicions.

The official, Michele Thoren Bond, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Consular Affairs, said the US had revoked over 122,000 visas since 2001, including 9,500 over terrorism concerns. She admitted to not having a clue where those who had their visas revoked currently are.
wearing perfume???

LOL, yeah I thought that was crazy.
They are also doing the nasties in pubic pools and spa intentionally.
Not just bad acts by ignorance or poor etiquette

The jacks are jerks
Granny says, "Dat's right - somebody needs to teach dem yahoos how to behave...

Teaching migrants how to behave
22 January 2016 - Migrants arriving in Finland are being offered classes on Finnish values and how to behave towards women. Concerned about a rise in the number of sexual assaults in the country, the government wants to make sure that people from very conservative cultures know what to expect in their new home.
Johanna is one of those energetic, animated teachers whose cheerful energy lures even the most reluctant pupil into engaging with the lesson. She uses both her hands to stress her meaning and she always softens any difficult points with a smile. "So in Finland," she says softly, "you can't buy a wife. A woman will only be your wife if she wants to be - because here women are men's equals."


Her pupils, all recently arrived asylum seekers at this reception centre hidden away in the snowy depths of the Finnish forest, watch her carefully - and I watch them. Some of the young Iraqi men, who already speak good English and passable Finnish, nod sagely. Others, particularly the older men, stare at one another with raised eyebrows as Johanna's words are translated into Arabic for them. One man, hunkered down inside his black ski jacket seems to be taking notes while there's a faint smile on the lips of the only headscarfed young woman in the room. "But you can go out to the disco with a woman here," adds Johanna brightly. "Although remember, even if she dances with you very closely and is wearing a short skirt, that doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you."

A Somali teenager pulls his woolly hat over his ears and cradles his head in his hands as if his brain can't cope with all this new information. "This is a very liberal country," he says incredulously. "We have a lot to learn. In my country if you make sexy with a woman you are killed!" He turns to his neighbour, a Malian man of a similar age to gauge his reaction. "It's quite amazing," the Malian nods. "In my country a woman should not go out without her husband or brother."

Dang those people over there are so fucked........completely sabotaged their own culture by buying progressive PCness over the last 25 years.

Lotsa interesting news stories to be forthcoming on the collapse of a culture.........when the fervent nationalism kicks in, the vids coming out of Germany will be epic........ :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
They are also doing the nasties in pubic pools and spa intentionally.
Not just bad acts by ignorance or poor etiquette

The jacks are jerks

Granny says, "Dat's right - somebody needs to teach dem yahoos how to behave...

Teaching migrants how to behave
22 January 2016 - Migrants arriving in Finland are being offered classes on Finnish values and how to behave towards women. Concerned about a rise in the number of sexual assaults in the country, the government wants to make sure that people from very conservative cultures know what to expect in their new home.
Johanna is one of those energetic, animated teachers whose cheerful energy lures even the most reluctant pupil into engaging with the lesson. She uses both her hands to stress her meaning and she always softens any difficult points with a smile. "So in Finland," she says softly, "you can't buy a wife. A woman will only be your wife if she wants to be - because here women are men's equals."


Her pupils, all recently arrived asylum seekers at this reception centre hidden away in the snowy depths of the Finnish forest, watch her carefully - and I watch them. Some of the young Iraqi men, who already speak good English and passable Finnish, nod sagely. Others, particularly the older men, stare at one another with raised eyebrows as Johanna's words are translated into Arabic for them. One man, hunkered down inside his black ski jacket seems to be taking notes while there's a faint smile on the lips of the only headscarfed young woman in the room. "But you can go out to the disco with a woman here," adds Johanna brightly. "Although remember, even if she dances with you very closely and is wearing a short skirt, that doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you."

A Somali teenager pulls his woolly hat over his ears and cradles his head in his hands as if his brain can't cope with all this new information. "This is a very liberal country," he says incredulously. "We have a lot to learn. In my country if you make sexy with a woman you are killed!" He turns to his neighbour, a Malian man of a similar age to gauge his reaction. "It's quite amazing," the Malian nods. "In my country a woman should not go out without her husband or brother."

Dang those people over there are so fucked........completely sabotaged their own culture by buying progressive PCness over the last 25 years.

Lotsa interesting news stories to be forthcoming on the collapse of a culture.........when the fervent nationalism kicks in, the vids coming out of Germany will be epic........ :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

What gets me is that they seem to think it's OK to behave like animals with no sense of self control? That it's okay to act like a depraved animal? As of men can't control themselves? And they use that as a DEFENSE??? I would think even the most hidden civilization in the deepest jungle would have better sense than that.
This is an intentional and deliberate act of terrorism.

And in combination with the point of this thread.....there is a million or more of these animals UNACCOUNTED for in Germany or wherever they have fled to. Not to mention even OUR own administration admits to having lost track of many & don't know where they are or what they're up to. You can bet your sweet keester, trouble is a brewing. It's only a matter of time before the SHTF.

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