German police raid 36 homes for 'hateful' social media posts


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Typical leftwing bullshit. People who disagree with the left or right in Germany will get arrested and face up to 5 years in jail. I can see why people like Griffin, Depp or the idiots behind the play about murdering Trump, aren't migrating to Germany. They'd be in deep shit. Nugent would be doing time, too, even though he was no where near as graphic as the play or Griffin's bloody mask.

In Germany, there is no such thing as free speech. Despite that, the left still sees people like Merkel as potential leaders of the world.

Germany doesn't tolerate 'hateful' social media posts while claiming they live in a free society. How free is it when freedom of speech is a crime punishable by jail time?

If you disagree politically, you're toast. If you have a problem with all the Muslims killing people, you'd best keep your mouth shut because you will go to jail if you openly express concern over the refugees pouring in.

Free society, my ass.

"WASHINGTON – German police recently raided the homes of 36 people accused of writing “hateful” posts on social media, with most of the raids targeting right-wing individuals.

Thirty-three of the raids concerned “politically motivated right-wing incitement,” while only two raids targeted people accused of left-wing extremist content. One of the raids targeted someone accused of making threats based on sexual orientation, according to the New York Times.

“Our free society must not allow a climate of fear, threat, criminal violence and violence either on the street or on the internet,” said Holger Münch, president of the Federal Criminal Police Office.

According to German law, social media users face up to five years in prison for “inciting racial hatred,” even if no physical violence is committed.

“Meanwhile, Islamists mow down people with cars and trucks at Christmas markets in Germany,” said Paul Nehlen, who recently announced he will challenge House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district primary in 2018.

“It’s madness. German authorities are backing their own citizens into a corner with these types of draconian measures. When did Germany become Cuba, jailing people for political dissent? I’ve heard some of the never-Trumper crowd in the U.S. and in Europe refer to German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the new leader of the free world. I wonder how those jailed German citizens living under Merkel’s jack-boot feel about her ‘free-world leadership.'”

Read more at German police raid 36 homes for ‘hateful’ social media posts
It's amazing to witness what is happening in Europe. Apparently as a citizen and a taxpayer you aren't allowed to say jack shit about what's happening to your country. You have no rights as a citizen.

Note: No women or children.

State of ‘Collapse’: Italy Overwhelmed as 13,500 African Migrants Arrive in Past Two Days

AP/Sima Diab

by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.27 Jun 20171572

Italy’s migrant welcome centers are in a state of “collapse” as huge waves of African migrants take advantage of the temperate climate to make the crossing from Libya to the Italian peninsula.
On Tuesday, 8,500 African migrants are reaching Italian shores aboard 14 different ships, adding to the 5,000 who arrived on Monday. The massive arrivals have led local media as well as politicians to speak of an authentic immigrant “invasion” exceeding the country’s capacity of assimilation.

Italy Overwhelmed as 13,500 African Migrants Arrive in Past Two Days
Typical leftwing bullshit. People who disagree with the left or right in Germany will get arrested and face up to 5 years in jail. I can see why people like Griffin, Depp or the idiots behind the play about murdering Trump, aren't migrating to Germany. They'd be in deep shit. Nugent would be doing time, too, even though he was no where near as graphic as the play or Griffin's bloody mask.

In Germany, there is no such thing as free speech. Despite that, the left still sees people like Merkel as potential leaders of the world.

Germany doesn't tolerate 'hateful' social media posts while claiming they live in a free society. How free is it when freedom of speech is a crime punishable by jail time?

If you disagree politically, you're toast. If you have a problem with all the Muslims killing people, you'd best keep your mouth shut because you will go to jail if you openly express concern over the refugees pouring in.

Free society, my ass.

"WASHINGTON – German police recently raided the homes of 36 people accused of writing “hateful” posts on social media, with most of the raids targeting right-wing individuals.

Thirty-three of the raids concerned “politically motivated right-wing incitement,” while only two raids targeted people accused of left-wing extremist content. One of the raids targeted someone accused of making threats based on sexual orientation, according to the New York Times.

“Our free society must not allow a climate of fear, threat, criminal violence and violence either on the street or on the internet,” said Holger Münch, president of the Federal Criminal Police Office.

According to German law, social media users face up to five years in prison for “inciting racial hatred,” even if no physical violence is committed.

“Meanwhile, Islamists mow down people with cars and trucks at Christmas markets in Germany,” said Paul Nehlen, who recently announced he will challenge House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district primary in 2018.

“It’s madness. German authorities are backing their own citizens into a corner with these types of draconian measures. When did Germany become Cuba, jailing people for political dissent? I’ve heard some of the never-Trumper crowd in the U.S. and in Europe refer to German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the new leader of the free world. I wonder how those jailed German citizens living under Merkel’s jack-boot feel about her ‘free-world leadership.'”

Read more at German police raid 36 homes for ‘hateful’ social media posts
World Nut Daily (WND)

Thirty-three of the raids concerned “politically motivated right-wing incitement,” while only two raids targeted people accused of left-wing extremist content.
So much for the bogus meme the Right doesn't spew violent rhetoric.
“Meanwhile, Islamists mow down people with cars and trucks at Christmas markets in Germany,” said Paul Nehlen, who recently announced he will challenge House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district primary in 2018.

I guess getting his ass kicked in the last primary 85-15 just wasn't punishment enough, eh?
Typical leftwing bullshit. People who disagree with the left or right in Germany will get arrested and face up to 5 years in jail. I can see why people like Griffin, Depp or the idiots behind the play about murdering Trump, aren't migrating to Germany. They'd be in deep shit. Nugent would be doing time, too, even though he was no where near as graphic as the play or Griffin's bloody mask.

In Germany, there is no such thing as free speech. Despite that, the left still sees people like Merkel as potential leaders of the world.

Germany doesn't tolerate 'hateful' social media posts while claiming they live in a free society. How free is it when freedom of speech is a crime punishable by jail time?

If you disagree politically, you're toast. If you have a problem with all the Muslims killing people, you'd best keep your mouth shut because you will go to jail if you openly express concern over the refugees pouring in.

Free society, my ass.

"WASHINGTON – German police recently raided the homes of 36 people accused of writing “hateful” posts on social media, with most of the raids targeting right-wing individuals.

Thirty-three of the raids concerned “politically motivated right-wing incitement,” while only two raids targeted people accused of left-wing extremist content. One of the raids targeted someone accused of making threats based on sexual orientation, according to the New York Times.

“Our free society must not allow a climate of fear, threat, criminal violence and violence either on the street or on the internet,” said Holger Münch, president of the Federal Criminal Police Office.

According to German law, social media users face up to five years in prison for “inciting racial hatred,” even if no physical violence is committed.

“Meanwhile, Islamists mow down people with cars and trucks at Christmas markets in Germany,” said Paul Nehlen, who recently announced he will challenge House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district primary in 2018.

“It’s madness. German authorities are backing their own citizens into a corner with these types of draconian measures. When did Germany become Cuba, jailing people for political dissent? I’ve heard some of the never-Trumper crowd in the U.S. and in Europe refer to German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the new leader of the free world. I wonder how those jailed German citizens living under Merkel’s jack-boot feel about her ‘free-world leadership.'”

Read more at German police raid 36 homes for ‘hateful’ social media posts
No free speech in most of Europe,England,Canada or South America. The TRUTH doesn't fear ANY investigation!
Thirty-three of the raids concerned “politically motivated right-wing incitement,” while only two raids targeted people accused of left-wing extremist content.
So much for the bogus meme the Right doesn't spew violent rhetoric.

They didn't say what the speech was.

There have been so many articles in the past. They gave no examples but they've also come down on people for saying they didn't like the refugees being there or for pointing out that the crime increased with refugees.
"German police raid 36 homes for 'hateful' social media posts"

Liberals are attempting to force the United States down the same path. Intolerance, violence, attempts to silence Free Speech....we have all seen the neo-Nazi snowflakes impose their will on others while trying to silence any voice but their own.


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