Geriatric USMB Dem females losing it over Dem Primary

Old ladies like Valerie, maybe Ravi, Jillian, etc...

Why did you remove my name? You had me in distinguished company with Valerie, Ravi and jillian.
you said that you're a male. Were you Hillarying..... errr..... lying?

I am a male, but I was just questioning why you covered your tracks by editing your initial post after calling me "she" for so long?
You want me to call you "she"? Fine. Done.

Back to topic, old yentas voting based on gender as opposed to ability
looks like geriatric squat bomb is the one 'losing it' over his highly unqualified geriatric candidate:


Why females voting for HiLIARy is like shooting onesself in the foot

If you like "Too Big To Fail" Wall Street speculation, you'll love Hillary

Hillary "Squeaks by" in Nevada

Geriatric USMB Dem females losing it over Dem Primary
by the way, mister geriatric hater... guess who is the youngest candidate.

old man bernie, donald trump, or hillary...........??
a sanders presidency would be laughable, much like that movie 'weekend at bernie's'.
probably the same reason you fabricate thoughts and ascribe them to me...

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