Georgia judge, Stacey Abrams' sister, rules against voter purge before Senate runoffs

A voter purge shortly before a run off election of national importance? Can voter suppression be any more blatant? Do it after.
but they moved???
so why keep them on when they dont live there anymore??
Strawman. No one is arguing voter rolls shouldn’t be kept up to date Or purged. The issue is the timing.

You don’t know for sure if they moved or not, there is usually a process that allows for challenges and reinstatement in plenty of time for an election.
theres never a better time than right before an election,, you do want to insure theres no possibility of wrong doing dont you???

its not like its going to take a lot of time or money,, all they have to do is hit delete,,, the list is already made,,

Purges often include a number of legitimate voters, who will, in this case lack the time to challenge it. That is why it is usually done well before an election. To use your words: you do
want to insure theres no possibility of wrong doing dont you???
before we open up how we vote, do you want to ensure we minimize the potential of wrongdoing?

equal application of principles would be amazing.
Remember the saying "unintended consequences". This, of the Trump loss in particular Battleground States due to Bidens overwhelming popularity.

Per the article:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case.

A Georgia judge who is the sister of Democratic politician Stacey Abrams refused to recuse herself from a crucial election case, instead ruling against the purge of 4,000 voters from state rolls before Senate runoffs.

U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner's ruling comes after two counties voted to remove a tranche of voters' names from their rosters after two separate complaints alleged that publicly available voter registration data matched unverified change-of-address records by the U.S. Postal Service.

The complaints in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties, however, failed to prove that the voters had actually given up Georgia residences, according to reports by Politico.

Marc Elias, a Democratic Party attorney whose group Democracy Forward filed the lawsuit challenging the purges, called Gardner's decision a "blow to GOP voter suppression."
Why should she recuse herself? Abrams isn’t an elected official.

Her sister ran for Governor there, for the Dem Party. She was appointed by Obama, who is still very active in politics.

Are we to pretend her and her sister don't speak anymore?

Plus Stacy Abrams was credited with "getting out the Dem vote" during the general election, and is doing the same thing for this election.
WOW! How evil could one get, than to encourage citizens to utilize their Constitutional right to vote! That's just HORRIBLE! Criminal! :rolleyes:
Wait until Joseph Biden (God's choice) changes the law to make it easier to vote, with automatic registration when you turn 18, like Selective Service. Their heads will explode.
Remember the saying "unintended consequences". This, of the Trump loss in particular Battleground States due to Bidens overwhelming popularity.

Per the article:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case.

A Georgia judge who is the sister of Democratic politician Stacey Abrams refused to recuse herself from a crucial election case, instead ruling against the purge of 4,000 voters from state rolls before Senate runoffs.

U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner's ruling comes after two counties voted to remove a tranche of voters' names from their rosters after two separate complaints alleged that publicly available voter registration data matched unverified change-of-address records by the U.S. Postal Service.

The complaints in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties, however, failed to prove that the voters had actually given up Georgia residences, according to reports by Politico.

Marc Elias, a Democratic Party attorney whose group Democracy Forward filed the lawsuit challenging the purges, called Gardner's decision a "blow to GOP voter suppression."
So she broke 2 laws then, and it's up to someone with brass round thingies to file charges on both grounds and have her removed from the bench and then file charges on Stacy if at any time she communicated about the voter case =obstruction of justice.
Blah blah blah - keep crying bitch.
Remember the saying "unintended consequences". This, of the Trump loss in particular Battleground States due to Bidens overwhelming popularity.

Per the article:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case.

A Georgia judge who is the sister of Democratic politician Stacey Abrams refused to recuse herself from a crucial election case, instead ruling against the purge of 4,000 voters from state rolls before Senate runoffs.

U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner's ruling comes after two counties voted to remove a tranche of voters' names from their rosters after two separate complaints alleged that publicly available voter registration data matched unverified change-of-address records by the U.S. Postal Service.

The complaints in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties, however, failed to prove that the voters had actually given up Georgia residences, according to reports by Politico.

Marc Elias, a Democratic Party attorney whose group Democracy Forward filed the lawsuit challenging the purges, called Gardner's decision a "blow to GOP voter suppression."

Why would Georgia try to remove voters from the rolls after the federal election and before the run-offs? There isn't adequate time for a proper notification to challenge such voter suppression.

Sounds like Georgia is once against trying the suppress the vote.

Nice try at trying to blame the judge for this bullshit.

I blame the judge for not recusing herself. So would you if you cared about Equal Justice before the law, Access to Justice and transparent, fair Due Process. As you are Canadian I expect nothing less of you than the opinion you just expressed. The concept of conflict of interest flies right over your head.
Remember the saying "unintended consequences". This, of the Trump loss in particular Battleground States due to Bidens overwhelming popularity.

Per the article:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case.

A Georgia judge who is the sister of Democratic politician Stacey Abrams refused to recuse herself from a crucial election case, instead ruling against the purge of 4,000 voters from state rolls before Senate runoffs.

U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner's ruling comes after two counties voted to remove a tranche of voters' names from their rosters after two separate complaints alleged that publicly available voter registration data matched unverified change-of-address records by the U.S. Postal Service.

The complaints in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties, however, failed to prove that the voters had actually given up Georgia residences, according to reports by Politico.

Marc Elias, a Democratic Party attorney whose group Democracy Forward filed the lawsuit challenging the purges, called Gardner's decision a "blow to GOP voter suppression."

Also federal laws forbid the removal of voters from the rolls 90 days before the election.
I don't think that covers special elections such as run offs

You think?
Can't you read? He said "I can't think". I believe him.
Remember the saying "unintended consequences". This, of the Trump loss in particular Battleground States due to Bidens overwhelming popularity.

Per the article:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case.

A Georgia judge who is the sister of Democratic politician Stacey Abrams refused to recuse herself from a crucial election case, instead ruling against the purge of 4,000 voters from state rolls before Senate runoffs.

U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner's ruling comes after two counties voted to remove a tranche of voters' names from their rosters after two separate complaints alleged that publicly available voter registration data matched unverified change-of-address records by the U.S. Postal Service.

The complaints in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties, however, failed to prove that the voters had actually given up Georgia residences, according to reports by Politico.

Marc Elias, a Democratic Party attorney whose group Democracy Forward filed the lawsuit challenging the purges, called Gardner's decision a "blow to GOP voter suppression."
Why should she recuse herself? Abrams isn’t an elected official.

Her sister ran for Governor there, for the Dem Party. She was appointed by Obama, who is still very active in politics.

Are we to pretend her and her sister don't speak anymore?

So you are essentially saying because of the she should recuse herself from ruling on anything political?

No, not seeing a conflict here. Using your logic every Trump judge should be recused.
Of course being an uneducated partisan ass you see nothing wrong. Simple ethics dictates recusal in a case involving a family member. Any decision could easily be appealed and overturned by a higher court. It’s called common sense and doing the right thing. Something you and your leftist friends can’t comprehend.
You're going to have a rough 12 years.
A voter purge shortly before a run off election of national importance? Can voter suppression be any more blatant? Do it after.
Conversely, expanding voting methods just before an election without testing that clearly benefits 1 side; could fraud be any more obvious?
One topic at a time. What are your thoughts on what is happening here?
if they should not be there, remove them.

The counties seemed to have improperly relied on unverified change-of-address data to invalidate registrations, the judge, Leslie Abrams Gardner, said in her order filed late on Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia.
"seeme to have"? how do we not know? they did or they did not.

Is it appropriate to do a voter roll purge a week before an election?
is it appropriate to change voting rules just before an election?

normally no. I would say not. but if one side can do whatever they feel so can the other.

Two different things. Let’s hash out the one before going into the what about isms. Purging voter rolls, with insufficient time for voters to remedy it, is no less than an attempt to disenfranchise. Typically, this is done and should be done, either on an off year or well ahead of any election. Would you agree or disagree?
Then so is changing our election laws one month before an election.
A voter purge shortly before a run off election of national importance? Can voter suppression be any more blatant? Do it after.
Conversely, expanding voting methods just before an election without testing that clearly benefits 1 side; could fraud be any more obvious?
Both sides played by the same rules. The only difference was you had an orange buffoon telling his cult followers NOT to mail in their ballots and NOT to trust drop boxes and only vote in person. Combine that with cultists getting their daily programming that Trump was going to win in a landslide and I'm sure there were plenty of cultists who blew it off.
A voter purge shortly before a run off election of national importance? Can voter suppression be any more blatant? Do it after.
Conversely, expanding voting methods just before an election without testing that clearly benefits 1 side; could fraud be any more obvious?
One topic at a time. What are your thoughts on what is happening here?
if they should not be there, remove them.

The counties seemed to have improperly relied on unverified change-of-address data to invalidate registrations, the judge, Leslie Abrams Gardner, said in her order filed late on Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia.
"seeme to have"? how do we not know? they did or they did not.

Is it appropriate to do a voter roll purge a week before an election?
is it appropriate to change voting rules just before an election?

normally no. I would say not. but if one side can do whatever they feel so can the other.

Two different things. Let’s hash out the one before going into the what about isms. Purging voter rolls, with insufficient time for voters to remedy it, is no less than an attempt to disenfranchise. Typically, this is done and should be done, either on an off year or well ahead of any election. Would you agree or disagree?
Then so is changing our election laws one month before an election.
Specifically what law, changed by whom, and who, if any were disenfranchised?
A voter purge shortly before a run off election of national importance? Can voter suppression be any more blatant? Do it after.
Conversely, expanding voting methods just before an election without testing that clearly benefits 1 side; could fraud be any more obvious?
One topic at a time. What are your thoughts on what is happening here?
if they should not be there, remove them.

The counties seemed to have improperly relied on unverified change-of-address data to invalidate registrations, the judge, Leslie Abrams Gardner, said in her order filed late on Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia.
"seeme to have"? how do we not know? they did or they did not.

Is it appropriate to do a voter roll purge a week before an election?
is it appropriate to change voting rules just before an election?

normally no. I would say not. but if one side can do whatever they feel so can the other.

Two different things. Let’s hash out the one before going into the what about isms. Purging voter rolls, with insufficient time for voters to remedy it, is no less than an attempt to disenfranchise. Typically, this is done and should be done, either on an off year or well ahead of any election. Would you agree or disagree?
Then so is changing our election laws one month before an election.
Specifically what law, changed by whom, and who, if any were disenfranchised?

You can't be this stupid.
Remember the saying "unintended consequences". This, of the Trump loss in particular Battleground States due to Bidens overwhelming popularity.

Per the article:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case.

A Georgia judge who is the sister of Democratic politician Stacey Abrams refused to recuse herself from a crucial election case, instead ruling against the purge of 4,000 voters from state rolls before Senate runoffs.

U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner's ruling comes after two counties voted to remove a tranche of voters' names from their rosters after two separate complaints alleged that publicly available voter registration data matched unverified change-of-address records by the U.S. Postal Service.

The complaints in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties, however, failed to prove that the voters had actually given up Georgia residences, according to reports by Politico.

Marc Elias, a Democratic Party attorney whose group Democracy Forward filed the lawsuit challenging the purges, called Gardner's decision a "blow to GOP voter suppression."
Why should she recuse herself? Abrams isn’t an elected official.

Her sister ran for Governor there, for the Dem Party. She was appointed by Obama, who is still very active in politics.

Are we to pretend her and her sister don't speak anymore?

Plus Stacy Abrams was credited with "getting out the Dem vote" during the general election, and is doing the same thing for this election.
WOW! How evil could one get, than to encourage citizens to utilize their Constitutional right to vote! That's just HORRIBLE! Criminal! :rolleyes:
You have a constitutional right to vote once in the place you live and that right should be defended for you by requiring an ID.
Yet that right mentioned in the Constitution doesn't say that it takes an ID to vote.
A voter purge shortly before a run off election of national importance? Can voter suppression be any more blatant? Do it after.
Conversely, expanding voting methods just before an election without testing that clearly benefits 1 side; could fraud be any more obvious?
Both sides played by the same rules. The only difference was you had an orange buffoon telling his cult followers NOT to mail in their ballots and NOT to trust drop boxes and only vote in person. Combine that with cultists getting their daily programming that Trump was going to win in a landslide and I'm sure there were plenty of cultists who blew it off.
Fuck off.
A voter purge shortly before a run off election of national importance? Can voter suppression be any more blatant? Do it after.
Conversely, expanding voting methods just before an election without testing that clearly benefits 1 side; could fraud be any more obvious?
Both sides played by the same rules. The only difference was you had an orange buffoon telling his cult followers NOT to mail in their ballots and NOT to trust drop boxes and only vote in person. Combine that with cultists getting their daily programming that Trump was going to win in a landslide and I'm sure there were plenty of cultists who blew it off.
On the other hand, we had your side using the printing press to crank out hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes and then counting them without observers in the middle of the night.
Remember the saying "unintended consequences". This, of the Trump loss in particular Battleground States due to Bidens overwhelming popularity.

Per the article:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case.

A Georgia judge who is the sister of Democratic politician Stacey Abrams refused to recuse herself from a crucial election case, instead ruling against the purge of 4,000 voters from state rolls before Senate runoffs.

U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner's ruling comes after two counties voted to remove a tranche of voters' names from their rosters after two separate complaints alleged that publicly available voter registration data matched unverified change-of-address records by the U.S. Postal Service.

The complaints in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties, however, failed to prove that the voters had actually given up Georgia residences, according to reports by Politico.

Marc Elias, a Democratic Party attorney whose group Democracy Forward filed the lawsuit challenging the purges, called Gardner's decision a "blow to GOP voter suppression."
A corrupt democrat asshole? I’m soooo shocked.
Name the corruption.
A voter purge shortly before a run off election of national importance? Can voter suppression be any more blatant? Do it after.
but they moved???
so why keep them on when they dont live there anymore??
Strawman. No one is arguing voter rolls shouldn’t be kept up to date Or purged. The issue is the timing.

You don’t know for sure if they moved or not, there is usually a process that allows for challenges and reinstatement in plenty of time for an election.
theres never a better time than right before an election,, you do want to insure theres no possibility of wrong doing dont you???

its not like its going to take a lot of time or money,, all they have to do is hit delete,,, the list is already made,,

Purges often include a number of legitimate voters, who will, in this case lack the time to challenge it. That is why it is usually done well before an election. To use your words: you do
want to insure theres no possibility of wrong doing dont you???
before we open up how we vote, do you want to ensure we minimize the potential of wrongdoing?

equal application of principles would be amazing.
From my personal perspective, and based upon statements by those overseeing the elections, and the results of court chal,Engels, we seem to have done so. But it isn’t just minimizing potential of wrongdoing that is involved. There is a counterweight on tbe other end of the plank that must be taken into account and balanced: the voter’s rights.
Remember the saying "unintended consequences". This, of the Trump loss in particular Battleground States due to Bidens overwhelming popularity.

Per the article:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case.

A Georgia judge who is the sister of Democratic politician Stacey Abrams refused to recuse herself from a crucial election case, instead ruling against the purge of 4,000 voters from state rolls before Senate runoffs.

U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner's ruling comes after two counties voted to remove a tranche of voters' names from their rosters after two separate complaints alleged that publicly available voter registration data matched unverified change-of-address records by the U.S. Postal Service.

The complaints in Muscogee and Ben Hill counties, however, failed to prove that the voters had actually given up Georgia residences, according to reports by Politico.

Marc Elias, a Democratic Party attorney whose group Democracy Forward filed the lawsuit challenging the purges, called Gardner's decision a "blow to GOP voter suppression."
Why should she recuse herself? Abrams isn’t an elected official.

You are seriously ignorant. The rules on reclusal are NOT designed for just political figures or public figures or just Republicans.. Lemme help you out here..

28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (

Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

(b)He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:
Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;
Where in private practice he served as lawyer in the matter in controversy, or a lawyer with whom he previously practiced law served during such association as a lawyer concerning the matter, or the judge or such lawyer has been a material witness concerning it;
Where he has served in governmental employment and in such capacity participated as counsel, adviser or material witness concerning the proceeding or expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy;
He knows that he, individually or as a fiduciary, or his spouse or minor child residing in his household, has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any other interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding;
(5)He or his spouse, or a person within the third degree of relationship to either of them, or the spouse of such a person:
Is a party to the proceeding, or an officer, director, or trustee of a party;
Is acting as a lawyer in the proceeding;

Is known by the judge to have an interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding;

Is to the judge’s knowledge likely to be a material witness in the proceeding.


Stacey Abrams is THE REASON those 4000 NON RESIDENTS voted the last time and is determined that they vote THIS TIME.. She's running the steal in Georgia and bragging about it.. No way her sister doesn't know this..

It's pitchfork time.. If I lived in Georgia -- I'd be spending the week protesting outside that courthouse..

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