Georgia GOPer Complains About Early Voting, Excessive Black Voting


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Georgia GOPer Complains About Early Voting, Excessive Black Voting

You lost the war. Get over it. These hayseeds are still stuck in the post-civil reconstruction era -- they can't stand to see persons of color with the same rights and privileges as them.

The news was flagged by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. In a longwinded email state Sen. Frank Millar (pictured) rants that Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal "appointee Interim CEO Lee May has disappointed those of us that hoped he could help bring the county together."

Millar goes on to note that DeKalb county happens to include a number of African American mega churches.

"Now we are to have Sunday voting at South DeKalb Mall just prior to the election," Millar wrote in the email. "Per Jim Galloway of the AJC, this location is dominated by African American shoppers and it is near several large African American mega churches such as New Birth Missionary Baptist. Galloway also points out the Democratic Party thinks this is a wonderful idea – what a surprise. I’m sure Michelle Nunn and Jason Carter are delighted with this blatantly partisan move in DeKalb."

Millar's vow comes in response to news that DeKalb plans to reserve Oct. 26 for early voting. He ends the email saying he's spoken with other lawmakers.

"I have spoken with Representative Jacobs and we will try to eliminate this election law loophole in January. Galloway summed it up, 'Democrats are showing their hand on how they might boost their numbers.' For this to be called a 'non-partisan opportunity' by Interim CEO is an insult!"

Hey asshole. Hey idiot. We live in a REPUBLIC. We WANT everyone to vote, that way you get accurate representation.

Dipship flunked high school civics.
Approval polls seem to indicate that Obama is giving blacks a bad name(?), so any means of a restorative image making should be taken in the overall context in which it occurs. Some do vote, and even understand about politics and government(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many come to Lands of Many Nations--now after many years of politics and government(?)!)

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