George Stephanopoulos puts Obama on the spot with a wonderful question.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Captain Choom has established a dangerous precedent. If a president doesn't like a law he can just ignore it as he pleases even if millions of criminals go unpunished.

Obama Absolutely Not Legitimate for Future Presidents to Apply My Logic on Executive Actions National Review Online

nov 23 2014
President Obama rejected the idea that his executive action on immigration sets a precedent for future presidents to enact their preferred policies without Congress, at least if the policy were tax reform.

George Stephanopoulos asked Obama in an interview airing on This Week about an analogy that many of the president’s critics have drawn: “How do you respond to the argument, a future president comes in, wants lower taxes. Doesn’t happen. Congress won’t do it — he says I’m not going to prosecute those who don’t pay capital gains tax.”

Obama didn’t respond to the question and continued with his talking points, prompting Stephanopoulos to press him again: “So you don’t think it’d be legitimate for a future president to make that argument?

“With respect to taxes? Absolutely not,” the president replied.
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Everyone realizes that for some insane reason we have tens of thousands of federal laws and no president can enforce them all. But illegally invading our country to steal jobs, govt benefits, and IDs from the lawful citizens is a terrible crime. And we have around 40 million invaders doing it!!! Laws against illegals must be enforced.
As of this point in time, how many angry Americans are marching in the streets of Washington in protest for this dastardly deed done by Obama?

Is it 10, 100, 1000, how many are protesting. Not online, that's the lazy persons means of protest and does nothing.

Like during the Vietnam war era, take it to the streets to show this administration you all mean business.

If you can't even stage a decent protest march, what the fuck is the problem?
Of course he doesn't think that is legitimate because lowering taxes is not something he supports that in the end will not matter if this action stands future Presidents which will include Republicans will use it citing what he did as precedent. It does not matter if it's the changes Harry Reid made in the Senate or what the President did with executive action making big changes in the rules for short term political gain will likely come back to bite you.
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As of this point in time, how many angry Americans are marching in the streets of Washington in protest for this dastardly deed done by Obama?

Is it 10, 100, 1000, how many are protesting. Not online, that's the lazy persons means of protest and does nothing.

Like during the Vietnam war era, take it to the streets to show this administration you all mean business.

If you can't even stage a decent protest march, what the fuck is the problem?

That's BS. Most white people have jobs and families to raise. and don't have the time to protest. We're not like you blacks who are all on welfare and have all the time in the world.

Online protesting does a lot of good. We don't have to go thru the media filter.

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