George Soros invests millions into COAL!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Ask me how hard I laughed when I saw this in RealClearEnergy this morning?

Climate philanthropist George Soros invests millions in coal

More AGW k00k losing. The handful of religion faithful in here keep telling us, "Coal is dead!!" and point to stats that show huge solar % of course ( :funnyface::funnyface:)............but its still adds up to far less than 1%:rofl::rofl::rofl::rock:.

George Soros is laughing his balls off at these bubble dwelling fantasy nutters as he rakes in his billions!!!:spinner:
Ask me how hard I laughed when I saw this in RealClearEnergy this morning?

Climate philanthropist George Soros invests millions in coal

More AGW k00k losing. The handful of religion faithful in here keep telling us, "Coal is dead!!" and point to stats that show huge solar % of course ( :funnyface::funnyface:)............but its still adds up to far less than 1%:rofl::rofl::rofl::rock:.

George Soros is laughing his balls off at these bubble dwelling fantasy nutters as he rakes in his billions!!!:spinner:


probably good idea since Germany has gone back

to building coal plants hand over fist

Soros knows something the media isn't telling us. He doesn't put up one penny if the doesn't think it'll bring him $$$$$
Highlights the fact that coal is going NOWHERE for decades!!! And China........wel, China is going to be mining at a jaw dropping pace out past 2050! By then, the Chinese will be mining coal at levels 50% higher than today!!:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

Soros, while a total dick, is no dummy.........he knows world economies needs cheap energy in order to compete!!:coffee:
Good he can invest some of that fortune he has amassed in scrubbers for coal fired plants before he goes to meet the Maker.
that's why his puppet and crony Obama is attacking it. so he can make his benefactor rich all the while hurting us at the same time

they are both snakes.
Some of the kooks have claimed Obama drove down coal stock prices so Soros could pick them up cheap.

Blog: Wow! Obama drives down coal company stocks, and Soros buys them on the cheap

Skook, do you subscribe to that conspiracy theory?

Anyways, I'm not sure why Soros buying coal stocks means anything, but I guess Skook is so starved for any good news after so many months of failures.
soros invest millions in Brazilian oil just 2 weeks before obama gave them millions

nothing to see folks, move along

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