George Santos won't resign, better get used to him. New Republic says Santos has been actually a good distraction for the GOP!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
In a world where norms and codes of conduct mattered, George Santos’s would be an open and shut case. But as long as he remains useful to the narrow Republican House majority, the chronically dishonest congressman likely isn’t going anywhere.

To even call Santos a liar, in fact, risks understating the case. Politicians lie all the time, but their rhetorical contrivances usually have to do with things like the size of the federal deficit or how they once voted on a bill that no one remembers. What Santos does belongs to an entirely different, and altogether more postmodern, order of dishonesty and is less about stretching or bending the truth than pulling it straight from the ether.

Santos may thus be a bullshit merchant without peer, but if he does resign it will be less because his lies have “caught up with him” than because he ceases to be useful to the broader Republican cause. Raw, and in this case petty, calculations of power and ideology generally matter more in politics than norms or ethereal codes of conduct. GOP elites might be privately embarrassed by Santos, but the experience of the Trump and Obama eras suggest they grasp this reality better than their liberal adversaries — and will continue to remain impervious to shame and outrage until other considerations intrude.

In a world where norms and codes of conduct mattered, George Santos’s would be an open and shut case. But as long as he remains useful to the narrow Republican House majority, the chronically dishonest congressman likely isn’t going anywhere.

To even call Santos a liar, in fact, risks understating the case. Politicians lie all the time, but their rhetorical contrivances usually have to do with things like the size of the federal deficit or how they once voted on a bill that no one remembers. What Santos does belongs to an entirely different, and altogether more postmodern, order of dishonesty and is less about stretching or bending the truth than pulling it straight from the ether.

Santos may thus be a bullshit merchant without peer, but if he does resign it will be less because his lies have “caught up with him” than because he ceases to be useful to the broader Republican cause. Raw, and in this case petty, calculations of power and ideology generally matter more in politics than norms or ethereal codes of conduct. GOP elites might be privately embarrassed by Santos, but the experience of the Trump and Obama eras suggest they grasp this reality better than their liberal adversaries — and will continue to remain impervious to shame and outrage until other considerations intrude.

How long is the Santos story going to be able to cover for the Republicans' incompetence? The next election is still over 20 months away.
Well, we're expected to pretend adam schitt doesn't lie 100% of the time and doesn't molest young boys.

Both premises "would require the suspension of disbelief" to quote a smelly shit beast from many years ago.

The Dims do NOT have a patent or trademark on lying.... besides, Santos is actually a human being.

adam shitt boy toucher.jpg
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As has been stated thousands of times, if every Congressman who was elected based on lies were tossed out, they could hold a joint session of Congress in the back room of the local Denny's. For better or worse, there is no easy way to remove a duly-elected Congressperson, even one who has arguably committed "crimes." And if the Democrats in the Senate can fully exploit the votes of the mentally-impaired J. Fetter-woman (his own description), the Republicans can do the same with the Santos fellow.
Well, we're expected to pretend adam schitt doesn't lie 100% of the time and doesn't molest young boys.

Both premises "would require the suspension of disbelief" to quote a smelly shit beast from many years ago.

The Dims do NOT have a patent or trademark on lying.... besides, Santos is actually a human being.

View attachment 750919
Wrong forum!

Patriot Party Press- About Us


About Us​ is a subsidiary of the “America’s Last Line of Defense” network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery, or as Snopes called it before they lost their war on satire: Junk News

About Satire​

Before you complain and decide satire is synonymous with “comedy”:
sat·ire ˈsaˌtī(ə)r noun: The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, OR ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and satirical. See above if you’re still having an issue with that satire thing.
How long is the Santos story going to be able to cover for the Republicans' incompetence? The next election is still over 20 months away.

The Santos story is HIGHLIGHTING Republican incompetence in general, and Kevin McCarthy's weakness as speaker in particular.

Incompetence because Santos should never have been allowed to run. Incompetence because they should never have seated him. And incompetence because they can't seem to get rid of him. Republicans can't really afford to dump him and lose the seat, cutting their majority to 4 seats.

McCarthy looks weak by seating him on the Business Committee, or on any Committee at all, until his status is settled. Or even his identity.
Well, we're expected to pretend adam schitt doesn't lie 100% of the time and doesn't molest young boys.

Both premises "would require the suspension of disbelief" to quote a smelly shit beast from many years ago.

The Dims do NOT have a patent or trademark on lying.... besides, Santos is actually a human being.

View attachment 750919
Key words: "Reportedly". "Rumors"

You are such a rube!
Well, we're expected to pretend adam schitt doesn't lie 100% of the time and doesn't molest young boys.

Both premises "would require the suspension of disbelief" to quote a smelly shit beast from many years ago.

The Dims do NOT have a patent or trademark on lying.... besides, Santos is actually a human being.

View attachment 750919

But Republicans have a patent on gullibility and stupidity. You've been suckered by a fake new website.

As has been stated thousands of times, if every Congressman who was elected based on lies were tossed out, they could hold a joint session of Congress in the back room of the local Denny's.
You know, back in the day, it was only limp-wristed, long-haired, commie pinkoes who used this moral equivalency bullshit as a smokescreen for someone's bad behavior.

Shame on you.

Just how low do the scumbags infecting the GOP have to go before you finally say, "Enough"?
There are 435 representatives in congress. You don't have to get used to Santos because you won't even notice him. There are only 100 elected senators and the voters in Pa. elected a democrat who was impaired by a stroke and had a racist reputation for arming himself with a shotgun and chasing an innocent black guy from his neighborhood. Which politician is more dangerous?
How long is the Santos story going to be able to cover for the Republicans' incompetence? The next election is still over 20 months away.

Wrong forum!

Patriot Party Press- About Us


About Us​ is a subsidiary of the “America’s Last Line of Defense” network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery, or as Snopes called it before they lost their war on satire: Junk News

About Satire​

Before you complain and decide satire is synonymous with “comedy”:
sat·ire ˈsaˌtī(ə)r noun: The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, OR ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and satirical. See above if you’re still having an issue with that satire thing.

The Santos story is HIGHLIGHTING Republican incompetence in general, and Kevin McCarthy's weakness as speaker in particular.

Incompetence because Santos should never have been allowed to run. Incompetence because they should never have seated him. And incompetence because they can't seem to get rid of him. Republicans can't really afford to dump him and lose the seat, cutting their majority to 4 seats.

McCarthy looks weak by seating him on the Business Committee, or on any Committee at all, until his status is settled. Or even his identity.

Key words: "Reportedly". "Rumors"

You are such a rube!

You know, back in the day, it was only limp-wristed, long-haired, commie pinkoes who used this moral equivalency bullshit as a smokescreen for someone's bad behavior.

Shame on you.

Just how low do the scumbags infecting the GOP have to go before you finally say, "Enough"?
It’s nice to know the insane pizzazz of the Trump years hasn’t been sapped out of public life by the tedium and nuclear terrors of the Biden era. That some politicos still commit their misdemeanors with brio. That charlatans retain their flair and remain uninhibited about being charlatans.

At the top of this list of superstar conmen stands George “Shameless” Santos, the not-so-Jewish, Brazilian GOP congressman from Long Island exposed for faking everything from his ethnic background to his business credentials to his toenails.

Santos is one of a kind, and the soap opera of his chicaneries has already entertained us for months, and promises to keep unfolding far into the future, hypnotizing us with the question, what next?…

The con man is as American as apple pie; indeed, Herman Melville long ago wrote a great novel on the subject. Most iconic was Donald “I’m the Real President” Trump, but it’s time for Trump to move over. There’s a new fraud in town and his name is Santos, who lies even more prodigiously, more fluently than Trump; he lies as he breathes …

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You know, back in the day, it was only limp-wristed, long-haired, commie pinkoes who used this moral equivalency bullshit as a smokescreen for someone's bad behavior.

Shame on you.

Just how low do the scumbags infecting the GOP have to go before you finally say, "Enough"?
Do any of you know the history of Bidens lying? Th left knew, and they STILL voted for him.

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