George Santos Is Doomed

he resignation of George Santos is an easy call, but Kevin McCarthy is protecting him

If the Republicans have a shred of honor left to them they will force Santos to resign or be ejected.

Consequently, Santos will keep his seat.
Fuck ALL (D) or (R)
How MUCH have we LET them control.

You want to discuss "We the People"
I do.
what lie angers you most and why?
I have two scenarios for you.

First, my neighbor takes in a guest and that guest shits all over the furniture and smashes all the windows.

Second, I take in a guest and that guest shits all over MY furniture and smashes all MY windows.

Take a guess which person angers me the most.
I have two scenarios for you.

First, my neighbor takes in a guest and that guest shits all over the furniture and smashes all the windows.

Second, I take in a guest and that guest shits all over MY furniture and smashes all MY windows.

Take a guess which person angers me the most.
I actually was angry with myself for sticking with the GOP for as long as I did. I foolishly believed the party would come to its senses.

After Trump was elected, that was the final straw which brought me to my senses. The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is dead.

Dead, dead, dead. The shit flinging tards have taken over.
What laws did Warren break?

It's pretty sad you tards will defend even a completely despicable piece of shit like Santos just because he decided to put an R after his name.

Really fucking sad.

She took a spot at university away from a REAL native American you feckless twat.

That is called FRAUD!

LMAO all you LYING POS Dems resign first okay, deal?? Call us when Dem professional LIAR Adam Schiff resigns.
Calm down, magaturd. You know Santos is a fake person. Magaturd party claims to be a 'law and order' party, yet they let and even encourage crooks like Santos to not resign and continue to keep his ill-gotten gains. At least $170,000+ /year for avoiding investigation/prosecution. Get rich from lobbyists in the interim. Criminal, POS magaturd behavior.
Calm down, magaturd. You know Santos is a fake person. Magaturd party claims to be a 'law and order' party, yet they let and even encourage crooks like Santos to not resign and continue to keep his ill-gotten gains. At least $170,000+ /year for avoiding investigation/prosecution. Get rich from lobbyists in the interim. Criminal, POS magaturd behavior.

Just as fake as your hero pocahontas warren.
I actually was angry with myself for sticking with the GOP for as long as I did. I foolishly believed the party would come to its senses.

After Trump was elected, that was the final straw which brought me to my senses. The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is dead.

Dead, dead, dead. The shit flinging tards have taken over.
Share your hate with me.

What is the worst thing Trump has done that angers you the most?
The resignation of George Santos is an easy call, but Kevin McCarthy is protecting him because of the narrow Republican majority in the House.

More and more Republicans are calling for Santos to resign as more of his crimes, yes crimes, come to light. Santos did more than lie, he broke the law and it is just a matter of time before he is indicted.

The House vacancies clause says that when a House member resigns, the governor of the state must hold a special election.

Santos defeated his Democratic opponent 54.1 percent to 45.9 percent.

Even if and when Santos is indicted, there is no law which requires a House member under indictment to resign. Not even if they are ultimately convicted! So one wonders just how far into the gutter the GOP will follow Santos.

So let's get into his crimes.

First, the Santos campaign defrauded donors:

Wealthy donors received calls and emails from a man who said he was Dan Meyer, McCarthy’s chief of staff, during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, according to people familiar with the matter. His name was actually Sam Miele, and he worked for Santos raising money for his campaign, according to one GOP donor who contributed to Santos’ campaign.


The Republican would also tout his business record that’s now in question, including claims that he worked on Wall Street, as a way to encourage donors to contribute to his campaign, according to financiers and party operatives familiar with the matter.


Brendan Fischer, a deputy executive director of the watchdog Documented, and Robert Maguire, a research director at campaign ethics watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, each told CNBC that the impersonation of McCarthy’s chief of staff could have broken the law.

“A person who misrepresented themselves as speaking on behalf of a candidate in order to raise money may have committed a criminal violation, and any other person who knowingly and willfully participated in the plan could also face criminal charges,” Fischer said in an email.

One wonders just how much of a cuck Kevin McCarthy is if he tolerates the Santos campaign impersonating his chief of staff.

Next, Santos donated $705,000 to his own campaign. The only problem is, he has no visible means of income for that kind of money. The most likely scenario is that he received money from straw donors illegally and funneled it to his campaign.

Federal investigators are on the case. Santos's indictment is probably just a matter of time.

McCarthy needs to get out in front of this, or the GOP will continue to be the We Can Shoot Someone On Fifth Avenue party. No more red waves.

I don't see what the big deal with members of congress lying.......hell, they do it for pay, Santos is more than qualified.

Maybe they should look at Richard Blumenthal and a few others, first.
He'll resign soon enough. He is just gonna make them give him a lifeboat to paddle away in first. The governor can appoint a GOP successor pending a special election.

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