Genocide - Islamists massacred "only" 23,000 Africans 2023


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
But who cares when, usually, perpetrators of massacres are Islamic?

Deaths Linked to Militant Islamist Violence in Africa Continue to Spiral
By the Africa Center for Strategic Studies

January 29, 2024

Fatalities linked to militant Islamist violence jumped by 20 percent in the past year, claiming more than 23,000 lives—a new record. Over 80 percent of these deaths were in the Sahel and Somalia
But who cares when, usually, perpetrators of massacres are Islamic?

Deaths Linked to Militant Islamist Violence in Africa Continue to Spiral
By the Africa Center for Strategic Studies

January 29, 2024

Fatalities linked to militant Islamist violence jumped by 20 percent in the past year, claiming more than 23,000 lives—a new record. Over 80 percent of these deaths were in the Sahel and Somalia
The UN is a farce and a failure. Just as they were in Kosovo and so many other endeavors. We have become a planet of two faced, cowardly hypocrites.
The UN is a farce and a failure. Just as they were in Kosovo and so many other endeavors. We have become a planet of two faced, cowardly hypocrites.
The UN only has enthusiasm when it comes to condemning Israel's efforts to survive.

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