Gene Robinson: Want to honor McCain? Grow a Spine!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
I can't get into WaPo anymore - but should be top result here:
eugene robinson want to honor mccain grow a spine


By Eugene Robinson
August 27 at 6:28 PM
How quaint such sentiments sound, 19 months into the Trump era.
The man now living and working in the White House is uniquely different from, and worse than, his predecessors. All of them. Other presidents have been venal, bigoted, corrupt, divisive, ignorant or unstable, but never all of these things at the same time, in such lavish measure.
Republican senators, who will outdo one another in their lavish encomiums to their longtime colleague McCain, have the power to push back hard — yet they refuse to consider legislation to protect the Mueller probe. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), one of McCain’s close friends, once said that there would be “holy hell” to pay if Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a way to assert control over Mueller; now, Graham meekly says that Trump “is entitled to an attorney general he has faith in.”

Graham is wrong. Trump is not entitled to an attorney general who would sabotage a revelatory and productive investigation because Trump fears it threatens his legitimacy. But that is what Trump clearly wants — and there is no indication the Republican majorities in Congress will lift a finger to stop him. ...​

Folks, we have elected a vindictive orange 3 year old ASS as our president. Sad :(

Sorry, already have one

I voted for McCain over Obama

I voted for Romney over Obama

I stayed home instead of voting for either Hillary or Trump.
Mueller has produced zero evidence of collusion or crimes committed by Americans in relation to the election.

It was an investigation started with zero evidence to justify its existence.

I don’t know if Sessions should or will be fired, but if it happens, so be it.
Mueller has produced zero evidence of collusion or crimes committed by Americans in relation to the election.

It was an investigation started with zero evidence to justify its existence.

I don’t know if Sessions should or will be fired, but if it happens, so be it.

His investigation is not over, be patient.
I can't get into WaPo anymore - but should be top result here:
eugene robinson want to honor mccain grow a spine


By Eugene Robinson
August 27 at 6:28 PM
How quaint such sentiments sound, 19 months into the Trump era.
The man now living and working in the White House is uniquely different from, and worse than, his predecessors. All of them. Other presidents have been venal, bigoted, corrupt, divisive, ignorant or unstable, but never all of these things at the same time, in such lavish measure.
Republican senators, who will outdo one another in their lavish encomiums to their longtime colleague McCain, have the power to push back hard — yet they refuse to consider legislation to protect the Mueller probe. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), one of McCain’s close friends, once said that there would be “holy hell” to pay if Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a way to assert control over Mueller; now, Graham meekly says that Trump “is entitled to an attorney general he has faith in.”

Graham is wrong. Trump is not entitled to an attorney general who would sabotage a revelatory and productive investigation because Trump fears it threatens his legitimacy. But that is what Trump clearly wants — and there is no indication the Republican majorities in Congress will lift a finger to stop him. ...​

Folks, we have elected a vindictive orange 3 year old ASS as our president. Sad :(

Gotta cut Gene a little slack. He hasn’t been the same since election morning ‘16 when he hinted at the impending L-word outcome for the Hildebeast.

I like Fleetwood Mac’s Landslide the best.
Sorry, already have one

I voted for McCain over Obama

I voted for Romney over Obama

I stayed home instead of voting for either Hillary or Trump.

Most people either stayed home or voted for somebody else. Which speaks volumes about the system.
I can't get into WaPo anymore - but should be top result here:
eugene robinson want to honor mccain grow a spine


By Eugene Robinson
August 27 at 6:28 PM
How quaint such sentiments sound, 19 months into the Trump era.
The man now living and working in the White House is uniquely different from, and worse than, his predecessors. All of them. Other presidents have been venal, bigoted, corrupt, divisive, ignorant or unstable, but never all of these things at the same time, in such lavish measure.
Republican senators, who will outdo one another in their lavish encomiums to their longtime colleague McCain, have the power to push back hard — yet they refuse to consider legislation to protect the Mueller probe. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), one of McCain’s close friends, once said that there would be “holy hell” to pay if Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a way to assert control over Mueller; now, Graham meekly says that Trump “is entitled to an attorney general he has faith in.”

Graham is wrong. Trump is not entitled to an attorney general who would sabotage a revelatory and productive investigation because Trump fears it threatens his legitimacy. But that is what Trump clearly wants — and there is no indication the Republican majorities in Congress will lift a finger to stop him. ...​

Folks, we have elected a vindictive orange 3 year old ASS as our president. Sad :(

Reporter: "Anything at all to say about John McCain?"

Rump: Makes vagina sign with his hands....
Reality is that Trump is respecting the dead by keeping his mouth shut about his personal opinion. The MSM wants him to either tell the truth (that he disagreed with McCain's politics) so they can bitch about that or lie (and say he liked the man's politics) so they can bitch about Trump lying instead. Fuck what the MSM wants; political hay.

I'm hoping Trump ignores their questions and tells them all to fuck off (some more)
Reality is that Trump is respecting the dead by keeping his mouth shut about his personal opinion. The MSM wants him to either tell the truth (that he disagreed with McCain's politics) so they can bitch about that or lie (and say he liked the man's politics) so they can bitch about Trump lying instead. Fuck what the MSM wants; political hay.

I'm hoping Trump ignores their questions and tells them all to fuck off (some more)

More to the point Rump knows damn well McCain was a better man than he is, a man who could not only take a joke but turn it on himself. Rump hasn't anywhere vaguely near the stones. He's a whiny little wimp so he's just going to stew and in doing so dig himself ever deeper.
Mueller has produced zero evidence of collusion or crimes committed by Americans in relation to the election.

It was an investigation started with zero evidence to justify its existence.

I don’t know if Sessions should or will be fired, but if it happens, so be it.
He doesn’t have to

He is still writing his report
The same leftists who are honoring McCain now we're savagely attacking him in 2008. When he ran against Obama he was the devil incarnate, when he attacked Trump he was Godlike. Hypocrites.

NEWS REPORT: "John McCain passed away Saturday...."

DUH BUBBLE: "McCain? That's a Rump detractor! Quick, get somebody to deflect, make something up!! This is our chance to score some message board points!

S.J. "I'm on it! Lemme get my spandex on.... "
Mueller has produced zero evidence of collusion or crimes committed by Americans in relation to the election.

It was an investigation started with zero evidence to justify its existence.

I don’t know if Sessions should or will be fired, but if it happens, so be it.

Mueller has produced zero evidence? Mueller will finish his investigations and THEN release the evidence. Leaking evidence is not the way these things go. If you want that, go hang out with Devin Nunes.

Never was one.

Only a witch hunt.

But that does continue.

For now.

The same leftists who are honoring McCain now we're savagely attacking him in 2008. When he ran against Obama he was the devil incarnate, when he attacked Trump he was Godlike. Hypocrites.

What nonsense. I RARELY agreed with McCain and made my feelings known MANY times. This about is the man himself. Never once did I attack his character, patriotism, heroism or integrity. In those areas, he was 100 times the man Trump will ever be.

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