Gaza Pull out


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
It's weird seeing the Israeli government forcing its own people off their property. Sad thing is this wont really stop the Terrorists. Its just going to make the people angry and frustrated. There is going to be more tensions here. so what does everyone else think?
Avatar4321 said:
It's weird seeing the Israeli government forcing its own people off their property. Sad thing is this wont really stop the Terrorists. Its just going to make the people angry and frustrated. There is going to be more tensions here. so what does everyone else think?

I don't think anything is going to change. Israel extended the olive branch and let the Arabs return. In gratitude, they started blowing up weddings and dance clubs.

The goal of these people is to destroy Israel.
GunnyL said:
I don't think anything is going to change. Israel extended the olive branch and let the Arabs return. In gratitude, they started blowing up weddings and dance clubs.

The goal of these people is to destroy Israel.

All of what Gunny said and more. Hamas has made their position clear-only the eradication of Israel will be enough.
I want to trust that Sharon knows what he is doing, and he is making Israel's defenses more teneable by taking this step. i don't know though. I haven't read an analysis that was dispassionate enough examining this situation that could make me lean either way on the strategic POV.

However, and this is just personal experience, but the great majority of the settlers are of the rabid, holy warrior type. I hate to use it as a slander, but it is a sad fact of life. I dealt with those people in Miami (which has a very large Jewish population, as well as many of the far right wingers who claim Israel forever but then vacation in Miami for half the year) and their views of the world, Arabs, Muslims and morality are very skewed in a disturbingly negative way. They, just like most Arabs, cannot acknowledge history, facts or events in any way other than from a POV that encourages and backs up their side of the argument. They proudly admit to committing horrible acts of violence and discrimination against Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, openly brag about territorial designs on Arab property and roundly disdain the 80% of the Israeli people who are either secular or "not" Jewish enough.

IMHO, Islam is a religion with serious issues, compounded by cultural issues that make the problem even worse. I'd say 50% of the muslims in the world are a problem to our national security and that of the Israelis.

IMHO, Judiasm is a religion with few issues of note anymore, save for the debate over Israel's purpose and future. I'd say 15% of the Jews in the world, all who live in the settlements, are a problem to our national security and that of the Israelis.

And we will see how that small minority reacts to being thrown out of Gaza. And it may not be pretty, and it very well could be very ugly.

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