Gays and Justice


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
My own personal philosophy is that, in private, people should be allowed to live as they desire without outside interference. And, people should not seek to force their lifestyles upon others. So, I've been trying to follow the various lawsuits seeking to force private businesses to give up their own beliefs in favor of those of others who they disagree with. So, it piqued my interest to come upon the following:

These gay activists aren’t looking for justice under the law per se; their goal is the minimization and outright obliteration of any Christian influence within the marketplace. They detest the influence of Christian morals, and have found a means by which they can reduce said influence, under the agreeable guise of “equality”: filing discrimination lawsuits against small business owners. -

Of course, those same activists will instantly rant that this comes from a religious source, The American Catholic. To be honest, I had no idea of the source when I first came across the above quote. But, it does seem to make a most valid point. Especially about store owners who believe in “traditional marriage' donating all profits from sales in such cases to an organization supporting their beliefs – and making it public. Would such activists take it to court? Not as the piece suggests. What an interesting point.

See more at: Gay Thought Police Take Note | The American Catholic
I suspect that religious laws against anal intercourse had the same practical health basis as eating pork.
...So, I've been trying to follow the various lawsuits seeking to force private businesses to give up their own beliefs in favor of those of others who they disagree with. ...

See right there you mischaracterize the situation.

#1 The couples didn't file "law suits". They filed complaints with the appropriate State agency under the States Public Accommodation laws.

#2 It's the State Public Accommodation laws that limit the businesses ability to discriminate against it's customers based on race, ethnicity, country of origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, marital status, veterans status (specifics vary by State).

Gays and justice. Is there a connection? It's like waffles and algebra. What does one have to do with the other? "GAY' is politicized term for people with a sexual dysfunction. Please. We don't let blind people drive or deaf people direct orchestras. But they still have civil rights and deserve respect. To paraphrase George Carlin: "gay marriage is like jumbo shrimp." And this popularization of Gays is a sign of decay in rationality and common sense. What people do in the privacy of their bedrooms isn’t a saving grace whatever twisted sick things they do and it shouldn’t be made a political issue, either.
My own personal philosophy is that, in private, people should be allowed to live as they desire without outside interference. And, people should not seek to force their lifestyles upon others. So, I've been trying to follow the various lawsuits seeking to force private businesses to give up their own beliefs in favor of those of others who they disagree with. So, it piqued my interest to come upon the following:

These gay activists aren’t looking for justice under the law per se; their goal is the minimization and outright obliteration of any Christian influence within the marketplace. They detest the influence of Christian morals, and have found a means by which they can reduce said influence, under the agreeable guise of “equality”: filing discrimination lawsuits against small business owners. -

Of course, those same activists will instantly rant that this comes from a religious source, The American Catholic. To be honest, I had no idea of the source when I first came across the above quote. But, it does seem to make a most valid point. Especially about store owners who believe in “traditional marriage' donating all profits from sales in such cases to an organization supporting their beliefs – and making it public. Would such activists take it to court? Not as the piece suggests. What an interesting point.

See more at: Gay Thought Police Take Note | The American Catholic

As a social liberal while I fully support equal rights for all including LGBT, I'm also for equal rights for those who would choose it, to be bigoted and prejudicial. If private business or religious entities like churches wanna exclude LGBT from services that's their right (or should be.)

As a legal issue, marriage is merely a financial contract between two people and thus should include any and all legal aged persons under the law. But if a religious institution wants to not perform that union as a religious rite, that should be their perogative. Especially since most religions have it down in writing that's they anti-homosexuality (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and one of the Buddhist branches of 3.)

In the case of a commercial enterprise that might be owned by religious persons with an anti-homosexual tenet, if the business is primarily providing some manifestation of religious doctrine, they can opt out of providing service to homosexuals. But if their business is more commercial and profit-driven they should be bound to the same anti-discriminations laws as all others.

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