Gay Propoganda?

The homo that posted the OP really wasn't looking for an answer to the question. .. :cool:


Yes, I was, Carnac.

So do ntg & luds consider 13 y.o. boys..."men"?

Do you think 13 y.o. boys in sexual relationships with men are "men having sex with men"?

It's not "men" to "men". MSM is the classification given by the CDC to mean male to male sex, not men. The number of cases involving 13 - 17 year olds nationwide is merely too small to further delineate the classification.


so your good with 2200 rapes a year.

That's just awesome.

as a reminder, 'awesome' is the con code word for moronic

Where did anyone say that?

Please post the link.

I'm hearing this a lot from the right on this forum.

Can someone explain precisely what "gay propoganda" is?

The claim that no gay on the face of the Earth have a political agenda is one example of gay propaganda.
How's that keeping gays from legally marrying coming along?

Well, I heard the judge who ruled it constitutional wasn't quoting from the Constitution, plus quoting from the Declaration of Independence was a far cry from its true meaning.

I only know 4 people who admit they are gay. 3 of them support pedophilia, which leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, since I am very into children receiving only age-appropriate information from any school and no anti-religious norms should ever be taught in America because the first Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..."

Schools that are funded by the government have no business teaching against the Biblical teachings that abound in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible that our Founding Fathers used.

The courts should get out of the religion business It's not their place to establish anti-religious doctrines by brainwashing school children, young adults, and society at large.

It's a disgrace, and quite frankly, is against the law.
Best thing about those photos is that it makes the heads of all you peeping toms



They're sick bastards and you make light of it.. The lack of respect is fully obvious, you're a classic and hate filled hetrophobe..


I just believe in equal ............

............ well, did you notice my avatar?

No, you don't believe in equal, or you wouldn't giggle and laugh about lies that harm children. As long as the agenda is met...
Best thing about those photos is that it makes the heads of all you peeping toms



They're sick bastards and you make light of it.. The lack of respect is fully obvious, you're a classic and hate filled hetrophobe..


I just believe in equal ............

............ well, did you notice my avatar?

Add dishonest and myopic to your list of pride filled moral weaknesses, if you haven't already..
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I'm hearing this a lot from the right on this forum.

Can someone explain precisely what "gay propoganda" is?

There is no such thing as ‘gay propaganda.’

It’s an inane contrivance of the partisan right hostile to the civil liberties of gay Americans.

It’s also an example of the desperate demagoguery used by most conservatives, a consequence of there being no rational, legitimate, or objective reason to deny gay Americans their equal protection rights.

And it’s telling that conservatives would perceive Americans seeking their civil liberties in accordance with the Constitution as ‘propaganda.’
Meanwhile, another state will permit same sex marriage.

Kentucky gay marriage: Judge says state must recognize gay marriages performed in other states

Read more:
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The only change I've seen come about by forcing the gov't to acknowledge homo marriage is that now, when homo couples apply for foodstamps, they have to be included in the same filing group for foodstamps if they claim to be, or present, as married.

What that means is they can't maintain separate foodstamp filing groups, and they receive fewer foodstamps because the accepted fact is that couples eat for less than individuals.

It also means that if you have Jan and Jane living together, and only Jane works, but has a good income...Jan has to claim that income when she applies for foodstamps.

Instead of being able to lie and say they are "separate filing groups" which would allow Jan to receive $189 in foodstamps based on an individual person with zero income.

Way to go, queers! You've screwed yourself out of foodstamps!

Oh, and when you apply for medical for Jan's kid, if you're married, you will be considered a two parent household, and therefore all income is considered.

Yes, I was, Carnac.

It's not "men" to "men". MSM is the classification given by the CDC to mean male to male sex, not men. The number of cases involving 13 - 17 year olds nationwide is merely too small to further delineate the classification.


so your good with 2200 rapes a year.

That's just awesome.

as a reminder, 'awesome' is the con code word for moronic

Where did anyone say that?

Please post the link.


he didnt denounce it, and neither did you.

so by logical deduction, you were accidentally honest and showed that you are ok with man on boy rape.

class dismissed you vile bag..
It's the attempt to convince the masses that gay activity is as normal as hetero activity.

Indoctrinating children in school that homosexuality it normal and accepted.

Countering their parents teaching.

Exposing children to depravity against parents wishes.

Refusing to address the fact that the CDC calls 13 year old boys infected with HIV "men having sex with men" and thus hiding the fact that they are being exploited by older homosexuals.

Gawsh. None of you provided proof of your claims? Fail.

Here's the definition of "propoganda".

prop·a·gan·da [prop-uh-gan-duh] Show IPA
information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.

Seems to me like as opposed to factual information being presented by the gays, the actual propoganda is coming from the bigoted, homophobic breeders.

"The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human." - George Orwell
I'm hearing this a lot from the right on this forum.

Can someone explain precisely what "gay propoganda" is?

Well, first of all, the avatar of the OP author is a start. But these might shed some light on it too:

AND this photo of a pride [not just a regular street bash people wake up from not proud of the next day] parade in the Heartland in broad daylight on main street where children were/should be expected to be:


That's what gay propaganda is.

Edit: Ooops, I almost forgot. The law in California requiring elementary aged school kids to celebrate Harvey Milk as the "first openly gay politician" is also gay propaganda. It's really weird they would require school kids to celebrate a gay man when "gay" in his case means that he routinely sodomized homeless teen boys on drugs "openly" while holding a public office. You'd think that would be illegal to require children to celebrate?
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I'm hearing this a lot from the right on this forum.

Can someone explain precisely what "gay propoganda" is?

Well, first of all, the avatar of the OP author is a start. But these might shed some light on it too:

AND this photo of a pride [not just a regular street bash people wake up from not proud of the next day] parade in the Heartland in broad daylight on main street where children were/should be expected to be:


That's what gay propaganda is.

Edit: Ooops, I almost forgot. The law in California requiring elementary aged school kids to celebrate Harvey Milk as the "first openly gay politician" is also gay propaganda. It's really weird they would require school kids to celebrate a gay man when "gay" in his case means that he routinely sodomized homeless teen boys on drugs "openly" while holding a public office. You'd think that would be illegal to require children to celebrate?
link please

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