Gay Pedestrian Lights


Nov 14, 2012
Tolerance is one thing. Another thing is obtrusiveness. This has often been confused by the social democrats and the greens in Germany, who now want to annoy the population with pedestrian lights that show homosexual couples modelled on gay pedestrian lights already existing in Vienna:


The greens issued an application of urgency in Munich to have their fairy lights in time with the CSD poofter parade. In Cologne, the social democrats want to impose their tolerance with homo lights and, in addition, rainbow crosswalks.


Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe auf der Ampel Stadt M nchen,15187530,30935106.html
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That could represent two men, a man and a woman or two women. And how is the heart (love) be a bad thing?

Why would anyone care?

People need to stop meddling in the business of others, stop being Peeping Tom's.

Think the ultra-progressive stuff going on in Germany like this shows they've learned from past mistakes. Worth mentioning that the entire field of sexuality study was invented in Germany along with many of the words describing sex we still use to this day.

Maybe after causing two world wars they've had it with hate and violence and have turned a corner and wanna be more agrarian and utopic now?
Tolerance is one thing. Another thing is penetrance.

Penetrance? :wtf:

penetrance - definition of penetrance by Medical dictionary


Etymology: L, penetrare, to penetrate
the regularity with which an allele is expressed in a person who carries it. If anallele always produces its effect on the phenotype, it is fully penetrant.Achondroplasia is caused by a fully penetrant allele; if the allele is present,achondroplasia results. If an allele produces its effect less frequently than 100%of the time, it is not fully penetrant. Retinoblastoma develops in 90% of thechildren carrying the allele for the disease; in 10% of children the allele isnonpenetrant. penetrant, adj.

Ya because homosexuality and Germany are totally at odds with one another...


From Germany, DURING the Nazi reign. :)

No evidence Hitler was gay, Roehm and several other early SS leaders on the other hand were notorious homosexuals.
No evidence Hitler was gay

And yet there is no evidence that he ever actually had intercourse with any of the women in his life.

There is some that he did it with his niece, Geli Rabaul. And he kept Eva Braun around for some reason.

And what type of evidence are you looking for? If you apply that standard is there any evidence he had gay sex?
Ya because homosexuality and Germany are totally at odds with one another...


From Germany, DURING the Nazi reign. :)

No evidence Hitler was gay, Roehm and several other early SS leaders on the other hand were notorious homosexuals.

No direct evidence I agree. But what is indisputable is the Nazis seemed to have a thing for depicting perfect specimens of manhood. The 'homoerotic' thing. While that isn't proof, it's certainly curious.

At least one high ranking Nazi (who would be slain during the Night of the Long Knives) was an out homosexual and pedophile. Accounts say he wasn't murdered for being gay or a pedo but because he posed a leadership challenge to Hitler. So the assumption is, the Nazi regime wouldn't have had a problem with a notorious pedophile being in charge. And the only logical conclusion then is not only was homosexuality fine, but deviant sexualities were too.
No evidence Hitler was gay

And yet there is no evidence that he ever actually had intercourse with any of the women in his life.

There is some that he did it with his niece, Geli Rabaul. And he kept Eva Braun around for some reason.

And what type of evidence are you looking for? If you apply that standard is there any evidence he had gay sex?

Why does someone have to have had gay sex in order to be gay?

Most heterosexual men in his position would have had a string of mistresses and it wasn't that there weren't plenty of women more than willing.

Which means that he didn't engage in hetero sex for some reason.

No, it isn't definitive proof that he was gay but if you study his childhood and the religious influence his strict Catholic upbringing had on him it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he was a closet gay who never acted on his feeling out of repression and guilt.
Ya because homosexuality and Germany are totally at odds with one another...


From Germany, DURING the Nazi reign. :)

No evidence Hitler was gay, Roehm and several other early SS leaders on the other hand were notorious homosexuals.

No direct evidence I agree. But what is indisputable is the Nazis seemed to have a thing for depicting perfect specimens of manhood. The 'homoerotic' thing. While that isn't proof, it's certainly curious.

At least one high ranking Nazi (who would be slain during the Night of the Long Knives) was an out homosexual and pedophile. Accounts say he wasn't murdered for being gay or a pedo but because he posed a leadership challenge to Hitler. So the assumption is, the Nazi regime wouldn't have had a problem with a notorious pedophile being in charge. And the only logical conclusion then is not only was homosexuality fine, but deviant sexualities were too.

it was tolerated, that was about it. Roehm was politically useful, and loyal to Hitler, which Hitler appreciated until Roehm became too much of a liability.
No evidence Hitler was gay

And yet there is no evidence that he ever actually had intercourse with any of the women in his life.

There is some that he did it with his niece, Geli Rabaul. And he kept Eva Braun around for some reason.

And what type of evidence are you looking for? If you apply that standard is there any evidence he had gay sex?

Why does someone have to have had gay sex in order to be gay?

Most heterosexual men in his position would have had a string of mistresses and it wasn't that there weren't plenty of women more than willing.

Which means that he didn't engage in hetero sex for some reason.

No, it isn't definitive proof that he was gay but if you study his childhood and the religious influence his strict Catholic upbringing had on him it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he was a closet gay who never acted on his feeling out of repression and guilt.

How strict was his Catholic upbringing? Stop letting your obvious religious biases impact your view of things.

Hitler was bad enough without having to go into how much worse he could be because of X, Y Z, and the corresponding taunts of "YOU are X Y Z, YOU are as bad as hitler!!!! crap that subsequently follows.
No evidence Hitler was gay

And yet there is no evidence that he ever actually had intercourse with any of the women in his life.

There is some that he did it with his niece, Geli Rabaul. And he kept Eva Braun around for some reason.

And what type of evidence are you looking for? If you apply that standard is there any evidence he had gay sex?

Why does someone have to have had gay sex in order to be gay?

Most heterosexual men in his position would have had a string of mistresses and it wasn't that there weren't plenty of women more than willing.

Which means that he didn't engage in hetero sex for some reason.

No, it isn't definitive proof that he was gay but if you study his childhood and the religious influence his strict Catholic upbringing had on him it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he was a closet gay who never acted on his feeling out of repression and guilt.

How strict was his Catholic upbringing? Stop letting your obvious religious biases impact your view of things.

Hitler was bad enough without having to go into how much worse he could be because of X, Y Z, and the corresponding taunts of "YOU are X Y Z, YOU are as bad as hitler!!!! crap that subsequently follows.

His mother was a devout Catholic.

As far as the rest of your babble goes it makes no sense whatsoever.

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