Gay on gay shaming re: HIV

Gay-on-Gay Shaming: The New HIV War*|*Peter Staley

Apparently gays need to have sex with gays who have hiv to not be a bigot. Insane.

And.............closet case starts yet another thread on his one and only obsession. Ok, everyone knows you are gay by now, you can stop trying so hard.

Notice how you deflect liberal insanity by attacking me. I don't care what you think. However I do find it how desperately you want to change the subject whenever you are presented by how mentally ill and crazy liberals are.
Gay-on-Gay Shaming: The New HIV War*|*Peter Staley

Apparently gays need to have sex with gays who have hiv to not be a bigot. Insane.

And.............closet case starts yet another thread on his one and only obsession. Ok, everyone knows you are gay by now, you can stop trying so hard.

Notice how you deflect liberal insanity by attacking me. .

Not "deflecting" or "attacking" anything. You can be as liberal as you want and as gay as you want, just stop pretending already. Everybody knows by now.
The proponents of the article are saying that with condoms and PReP your chances of getting HIV from people with HIV is low. And even if you do, there's all sorts of drugs you can take to prolong your life. Thus if you don't want to have sex with someone with HIV you are promoting bigotry and stigma.

However, do they tell people this about herpes? That can't even kill you and I think people would want to avoid getting that too even if there's some med that can make it harder to get it.

ok, by that logic if you could catch ms or cancer by sexual contact and didnt want to have sex with people with those would it still be bigotry?
Libs any comments? They are trying to say its wrong to not want sex with HIV positive people.

Aside from the fact that your homophobic ass isn't deserving of comments, I'd like to point something out:

It is entirely possible to have safe sex with someone who is HIV+ or has AIDS.
Aside from the fact that your homophobic ass isn't deserving of comments, I'd like to point something out:

It is entirely possible to have safe sex with someone who is HIV+ or has AIDS.

No it isn't. Condoms break.

You're a fucking idiot.

Safe Sex With HIV

About 80% of New HIV Cases in the latest CDC Data are MSN Related.

32,000 of 39,000 are DIRECTLY MSN.

This is 30 years AFTER knowing how not to Spread it.

Homosexual Men have a Mental Illness but are fairly functional and Intelligent... Except when it comes to Controlling themselves Sexually.

The Continued Increase in their Rate of HIV in Gay Men is yet another Example of this...

Again, 3 Decades later.

If not for Gay Men, HIV would be all but non-Existent in the US right now.



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