Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Round 5,343, 691, 200
Originally posted by Sir Evil
RW - I was unaware of this attempted pick - up job! Please refer me to the thread so I may print it out for a good laugh when I need one!:laugh:

I don't even remember. It was funny though. I deserve a little busting on it, for sure.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth

For one, homosexuality isn't any more reckless and dangerous than a heterosexual promiscuous lifestyle.

whoa there...that is NOT the case..not in the least.

Good reading:

For those who don't wish to travel to the link:


A Hawaii court recently ruled that same-sex couples cannot be refused marriage licenses, and last year the United States Congress passed legislation designed to give states the right to deny recognition of such "marriages" conducted in another state. Homosexual activists said years ago that this decade would indeed be the "gay" nineties, and with each passing year, homosexuality and gay rights has become more and more a part of mainstream America. Today many Americans are asking, "Is there really anything wrong with homosexuality?"

However, there is a deeper question America should be asking: "Is homosexuality healthy for society?" This question has many moral ramifications often discussed in public forums. However, far too often the issues of public health with regard to homosexuality are casually dismissed or conveniently overlooked.

AIDS is one disease that has captured the attention of the media. Homosexuals make up over 80 percent of the AIDS cases in America. 1 However, AIDS is but one of the many diseases linked to homosexual behavior. A survey of literature in leading medical journals reveals the host of medical dangers associated with the homosexual lifestyle.

Dr. Steven Wexner of the Cleveland Clinic in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, chronicled the diseases in 1990. "Up to 55 percent of homosexual men with anorectal complaints have gonorrhea; 80 percent of the patients with syphilis are homosexuals," he wrote. "Chlamydia is found in 15 percent of asymptomatic homosexual men, and up to one third of homosexuals have active anorectal herpes simplex virus." He went on to point out, "In addition, a host of parasites, bacterial, viral, and protozoan are rampant in the homosexual population." 2

Wexner is not alone in his observations. Dr. Selma Dritz wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine, "Oral and Anal intercourse present physicians with surgical as well as medical problems, ranging from anal fissures and impaction of foreign bodies in the rectum to major diagnostic dilemmas."3 Dr. Marlys Witte et al. noted in The International Journal of Dermatology, that homosexual male practices such as "receptive anal and oral intercourse and oral-anal contact, recurrent rectal trauma associated with 'fisting,'" and venereal and parasitic infections, lead to many medical problems including tissue inflammation, "... intense angiogenesis, and progressive fibrosis." 4 And Dr. Christina M. Surawicz et al. noted Homosexually active men have frequent intestinal and rectal symptoms resulting from sexually acquired gastrointestinal infections." 5

Despite the evidence of the unhealthy nature of homosexuality, medical doctors have often taken a politically correct view of the gay lifestyle in recent years. A doctor treating a heart patient would urge him to stay away from fatty foods. But instead of urging patients to abstain from dangerous sexual behavior, many doctors have encouraged patients to continue the unhealthy behavior -- as long as they take precautions.

Not all doctors subscribe to this conventional wisdom. In 1990, a study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluding that homosexuals should use condoms to protect against the transmission of hepatitis B. 6 Dr. Ralph H. Harder wrote to the journal, "I worry about the loss of objectivity and of scientific approach in current research, at least in dealing with certain sacred subjects. . . . A much more valid and useful conclusion, it would seem, is that anal insertive intercourse is inherently dangerous and should be proscribed." 7 Published just below Dr. Harder's letter was the authors' rebuttal. They argued that if homosexual anal intercourse should be proscribed, so should heterosexual vaginal intercourse since it is "a well-known risk factor for transmission of virtually all sexually transmitted diseases."8 But what the authors do not acknowledge is the well-established fact that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) strike homosexuals at a rate many times higher than that of heterosexuals. 9,10,11

This paper surveys the medical literature dealing with health and homosexuality in an effort to investigate the dangers of this lifestyle to public health. Our study reveals that the spectrum of homosexually acquired diseases is vast and includes everything from viruses to bacterium to cancers. The evidence is so overwhelming that even if all moral judgments and religious biases are set aside, homosexuality -- by its very nature -- cannot play a part in a healthy society.

Over the past decade America has watched as homosexual activists have grown more and more powerful in public life. Today, four members of Congress are open homosexuals. Battles are raging in school systems all across our nation over whether homosexuality should be included in sex education. And in 1996, the Senate only narrowly defeated a measure that would have added sexual orientation to the list of groups granted special protection under the civil rights code for employment. The vote was 49 to 50.

The time has come to examine the medical facts and respond with appropriate public policy. Congress, the courts, and America's school systems would do well to examine the following information before placing their stamp of approval on the homosexual lifestyle.


Homosexuals experience a wide range of bacterial infections, including gonorrhea, syphilis, shigella, and campylbacter. One study of homosexuals in New York city found that "... 64.3 percent of the [homosexual] men reported a history of gonorrhea and/or syphilis."12 The heterosexual community has also experienced many of these sexually transmitted infections -- however it is generally on a smaller scale.

Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted disease and perhaps the most common STD found in homosexual men.13 Gonorrhea is an inflammatory disease of genital track. In the homosexual communities, this disease has appeared in non-traditional locations. For example, gonorrhea traditionally occurs on the genitals, but recently it has appeared in the rectal region and in the throat.14,15,16

Gonorrhea is strongly associated with homosexual behavior at a rate higher than heterosexual behavior. In a study published by the Canadian Medical Association Journal in 1991, "...gonorrhea was associated with urethral discharge ... and homosexuality (3.7 times higher than the rate among heterosexuals)."17

This is especially true of gonorrhea of the pharynx (throat). A study published in the Journal of Clinical Pathology found, "In homosexual men a much higher prevalence of pharyngeal gonorrhoea (15.2 percent; two of the 13) was observed in comparison with heterosexual men (4.1 percent)."18

As pharyngeal gonorrhea results from oral sex with an infected partner, anorectal (anal) gonorrhea is spread through anal sex with a man infected with urethral gonorrhea. Physicians have promoted "safer sex" in an effort to stem the spread of gonorrhea. While for several years statistics seemed to indicate the plan may be working, the numbers began to rise again in the early 1990s. The American Journal of Public Health published a study of Amsterdam STD clinics that found, "After several years of decline, the number and percentage of diagnosed cases of gonorrhea among homosexual and bisexual clients of sexually transmitted disease clinics in Amsterdam started to increase again in 1989. This rise continued in 1990 and 1991."19 This study mirrors one done in King County, Washington, which yielded similar results.20

Unlike its effect on the genitals, when gonorrhea infects the pharynx and rectal regions, it often emerges without symptoms.21 And even if it does emerge with symptoms, those symptoms can be easily misinterpreted as simply a sore throat or misdiagnosed as part of a simultaneous ailment such as hemorrhoids.22 The Journal of the American Medical Association stressed the importance of properly diagnosing these infections: "Detection and treatment of these occult infections are essential, because gonococcal "carriers" represent reservoirs of potential infection in the community."23

Syphilis. Syphilis is a venereal disease caused by a bacteria known as a spirochet. If left untreated it can progress through three stages: primary, secondary, and tertiary or latent syphilis.

Primary anal syphilis is marked by anal ulcers that typically appear within two to six weeks of exposure to the spirochet. However, the ulcers may not appear for up to three months after initial exposure. The lesion that appears can be one of two types. One is particularly painful. The other causes little irritation. In the case of the painful variety, it may be mistaken for an anal fissure.24 If a patient suffers from the less painful ulcers, he may not seek medical attention and the disease can progress into secondary syphilis.

If left untreated, six to eight weeks after the ulcer sores heal, secondary syphilis sets in. Secondary syphilis is marked by a pale brown or pink lesion or it may surface as a rash. Tertiary or latent syphilis is rare and is composed of another type of rectal lesions.

Medical literature shows homosexuals to be at especially high risk for syphilis. The Archives of Internal Medicine reported on a study in 1991 that found, "Homosexually active men are significantly more likely to report syphilis and less likely to present with primary syphilis than heterosexual men."25 The British Co-operative Clinical Group noted that homosexuals acquired syphilis at a rate ten times that of heterosexuals.26 Other journals also note a high correlation of homosexuality and syphilis. 27,28,29

Enteric Infections

An enteric infection is one that involves the intestines, and many of these are caused by various protozoa and bacteria. Decades ago many of these diseases were considered "exotic" diseases acquired through foreign travel or consuming contaminated food or water. However throughout the 1970s and 1980s, medical journals have noted their spread in homosexual communities.30,31,32
One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported, "At least 80 percent of homosexual men presenting to our sexually transmitted disease clinic with anorectal or intestinal symptoms were infected with one or more sexually transmissible anorectal or enteric pathogens. Such infections were also found in 39 percent of homosexual men presenting to the clinic without intestinal symptoms."33

The Annals of Clinical Research published a study in 1985 that examined 153 homosexual men. "Intestinal protozoa were found in 91 of the homosexual men, altogether 198 organisms were identified ..."34

Shigellosis. Shigella is a bacterium that commonly infects the intestinal tract of homosexual men. Infection with this bacterium is marked by diarrhea, fever, nausea, and cramps. In the early 1970s, public health officials noted it as a problem. "The San Francisco Department of Public Health has recognized a venereal outbreak of enteritis due to Shigella Flexneri 2a during the first half of 1974, " Dr. Selma Dritz noted in the New England Journal of Medicine. "Of the more than 50 cases reported, almost 60 percent occurred in young adult men, a majority of whom were habitués of the city's gay community."35

Campylobacter. Campylobacter is another bacteria that often infects the intestinal tract of homosexual men. One study of 113 patients found, "Campylobacter jejuni was the most common organism in the entire cohort, but Shigella species were most common in homosexual men." While that study did not specifically link campylobacter to homosexuality, other doctors have noted the connection. In 1987 eight physicians wrote Lancet noting, "it seems that the sexual practices of male homosexuals may facilitate colonisation with this organism."36

Amebiasis. An amebiasis is an infection of the large intestine, caused by Entamoeba histolytica. Homosexual populations have been hit hard by various types of amebiasis. The link was noted in the 1970s. "In 1975, 1,235 cases of amebiasis were reported from New York City. This represented 44.5 percent of the total number of cases nationwide," an article in the New York State Journal of Medicine stated. It went on to comment, "Although sexual orientation cannot be assessed from these statistics, a very significant portion of the cases occurring in native New Yorkers were probably within the homosexual community."37

G. Lamblia is a flagellate protozoan that causes giardiasis, which is a disease characterized by diarrhea.38 Harrisonís Principles of Internal Medicine reports, "In one New York Study, all nontraveled immunocompetent males with giardiasis were, in fact, homosexual."39

Both G. Lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica parasites can be transmitted through oral-anal intercourse, as they live in the stool. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that "the most powerful predictors of E. histolytica and G. lamblia infection was homosexuality."40 Interestingly enough, the study went on to note that homosexuality represented a higher risk for these parasites "not because of its unique association with any sexual practices (anilingus was practiced by 17 percent of heterosexuals, 37 percent of bisexuals and 75 percent of homosexuals in our study) but because only in homosexuals is there both a large reservoir of infection (endemic level) and a prevalent mode of transmission."41

A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal reports similar findings. In a study of 200 homosexual men and 100 heterosexual men, "Entamoeba histolytica was isolated from 27 percent of the homosexual and 1 percent of the heterosexual men. Giardia lamblia was isolated from 13 percent of the homosexual and 3 percent of the heterosexual men."42 Other studies reinforce these conclusions for E. histolytica 43 and G. Lamblia.44


Hepatitis. Hepatitis is a disease that causes an inflammation of the liver. There are several different types of Hepatitis including hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.
Hepatitis A and B can be sexually transmitted and homosexuals are at high risk for both.45 One study of a community-wide outbreak of Hepatitis A concluded, "Hepatitis A infection among homosexual and bisexual men is associated with oral-anal and digital-rectal intercourse, as well as with increasing numbers of anonymous sex partners and group sex."46 Another study found that Hepatitis B is easily spread through homosexual contact. The study stated: "These data suggest that HBV [hepatitis B virus] is transmitted 8.6-fold more efficiently than HIV-1 among homosexual men studied ..."47

Hepatitis C appears to be less of a threat to the homosexual community. The Journal on Infectious Disease found, "In a cross-sectional study of homosexual or bisexual men in San Francisco, only 4.6 percent of 735 men were positive for anti-HCV [hepatitis C virus] antibody while 81 percent were positive for any HBV [hepatitis B virus] serologic marker ..."48

Human papillomavirus. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that causes genital or anal warts and is associated with cancer. For years HPV was linked to vaginal and cervical cancer in women. In recent years, medical studies have noted the spread of HPV in homosexual communities. One study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases stated, "Reports of an association between clinically identified anal warts and homosexual behavior predate the AIDS epidemic and undoubtedly reflect increased exposure of this population to HPV during receptive anorectal intercourse."49

Today, studies suggest a link between HPV and anal cancer in homosexual males -- particularly those who are HIV+. An article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association stated, "These studies indicate that immunosuppressed male homosexuals have a high prevalence of anal human papillomavirus infection and anal intraepithelial neoplasia, and this population may be at significant risk for the development of anal cancer."50

Along the same lines, an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded: "Anal intercourse may predispose to anal cancer through the transmission of an infection, most probably infection with human papillomavirus."51

Herpes Simplex. Herpes simplex is a common STD marked by watery blisters on the genitalia. It can also occur in the anorectal area, primarily in passive homosexual men.52 Homosexuals suffering from herpes simplex proctitis experience severe anorectal pain and may have difficulty urinating.53

While Herpes is a disease that affects both homosexuals and heterosexuals, a side-by-side comparison of heterosexual males to homosexual males shows that homosexual men are at a higher risk.

The Journal of the American Medical Association found that "among men, report of any lifetime homosexual activity was associated with an elevated risk for HSV-2 [herpes simplex virus - 2]."54 The link between homosexuality and herpes simplex-2 has also been noted in other journals.55

Cytomegalovirus. Cytomegalovirus is a virus that commonly infects homosexual men and can be serious when the patient suffers immunosuppressed conditions such as AIDS. This virus can infect both heterosexuals and homosexuals, but again, homosexuals seem to suffer from cytomegalovirus at a much higher rate. A study published in the American Journal of Medicine showed,"... heterosexual men in a sexually transmitted disease clinic have a substantially lower prevalence of cytomegalovirus seropositivity than do homosexual men."56

In fact, an article published in the British Journal of Venereal Disease noted "Sexual orientation was shown to be the most important determinant of antibody to CMV [cytomegalovirus] in this population."57

In a population that represents the majority of AIDS cases, CMV is particularly frightening. A study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases reported, "DMAC [disseminated Mycobacterium avium] and CMV are causing substantial and increasing morbidity among AIDS patients."58


AIDS is the one disease that most Americans are familiar with and readily associate with homosexuality. It has captured the mediaís attention and won the nation's sympathies. AIDS is a terrible and tragic syndrome that attacks the patient's immune system so that it cannot fight off disease, making common ailments potentially fatal. It is not unusual for AIDS patients to die from pneumonia that begins as a common cold.

That's all that would fit in this post :)
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
now walk around the ring with the round # sign in your blue bikini ;)

The blue one, eh? In here????? No fucking way!

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
For two, homosexuality as a choice is as much a theory and unprovable as hormonal utero development is.

Are you saying that ANY choice is just a theory? If so, you are now saying that we have NO control over our own minds. Scary.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
why did you not pay any attention to what it is I really posted?

For one, homosexuality isn't any more reckless and dangerous than a heterosexual promiscuous lifestyle.

For two, homosexuality as a choice is as much a theory and unprovable as hormonal utero development is. Theres more science to side the scale on utero development though.

Three, if you need to have it shown to you beyond a shadow of a doubt, how can you lay claim to choice being the total proof you need?

Because it isn't natural or normal in any way, shape or form. Just like it is not natural for humans to get hooked on heroin but they still do it. Or should we try and find a predisposition excuse for that lifestyle choice also?
Promiscuity is a bad choice for either population. So what. This has no bearing on causes of homosexuality.
Im going to give you guys the bottom line here (no pun intended) .

This is something that could be debated for the rest of your life between you, and the other guy will never see the other side. That is directed to ANY of you. period.

Moving on.....
Originally posted by OCA
Because it isn't natural or normal in any way, shape or form. Just like it is not natural for humans to get hooked on heroin but they still do it. Or should we try and find a predisposition excuse for that lifestyle choice also?

It is natural is if it's due to natural developmental fluctations. There have always been gays, it's always been natural. Quit hating.
d - I dont wanna read it.

Id rather just say 'is so'

is so is so is so is so


(Im contributing to the extreme intelligence of this thread.
besides its fun to say 'is so' and 'neener' - try it. you'll have a good giggle. really.)
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I guess that I became an easy victim because I didn't have a correct male guidance in my life.
This why it is so important to have laws against homosexuality.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Im going to give you guys the bottom line here (no pun intended) .

This is something that could be debated for the rest of your life between you, and the other guy will never see the other side. That is directed to ANY of you. period.

Moving on.....

But the point kl is that people who don't know where they stand or what they think will think about these things. OCA and I are doing this for the people. We are noble warriors in the ideological war, and I respect OCA for his warrior's tenacity. I know in some warped way he thinks he's doing good. And he is good, good at letting others see the vast superiority of my cogitations.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
d - I dont wanna read it.

Id rather just say 'is so'

is so is so is so is so


(Im contributing to the extreme intelligence of this thread.
besides its fun to say 'is so' and 'neener' - try it. you'll have a good giggle. really.)

lol :) Head in the Sand is AWESOME



Originally posted by freeandfun1
Are you saying that ANY choice is just a theory? If so, you are now saying that we have NO control over our own minds. Scary.

I'm saying that choice as the sole means of deciding homosexuality is theory, not that choice for anything is a theory.
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