Gas prices..


Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2009
is there an Election coming soon? :banana: the reason i ask is because i live in Michigan and last week i paid the ABSURDLY Low price of $2.99 a Gallon!!!!!! :party: too bad it's just the same old BS Politics Huh? :udaman:
Peruse the forums on that site and you'll understand why politicians and POTUSes have no control over gas prices.
They're driven by international commerce. It's been going down for us; it's been going down for everybody. Places where there are no elections happening at all, getting the same price drops we are.

Plus, if some pol or party were able to drop gas prices for election time, you can be damn sure they'd be crowing about it. Otherwise it would have no point. Actually plummeting gas prices are indicative of a weak economy. See the second half of 2008 for an easy example.

Correlation is not causation. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

I understand the Democrats/Republicans/Insert party here have arranged for the sun to set in the west today... :eusa_shifty:
If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.
OK so the oil companies are NOT in bed with politicians? good to know.. thanks! :dev3:

Of course. Corporatia is in bed with politicians everywhere. They just don't have the capacity to influence prices on an international fungible commodity. Doesn't work that way. Because it can't.

You do understand the term "international", do you not?
OK so the oil companies are NOT in bed with politicians? good to know.. thanks! :dev3:

Of course. Corporatia is in bed with politicians everywhere. They just don't have the capacity to influence prices on an international fungible commodity. Doesn't work that way. Because it can't.

You do understand the term "international", do you not?
indeed i do..
If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.


Oil companies already sit on 68 million acres of unexpolited-but-leased land. Even if they had the equipment available to do it (which they don't) and even if they were interested in flooding the market with new product (which they aren't), and even if there were refineries to process it (which there aren't), it still goes to that same international market.

The day it gets there, OPEC says, "ah, the Dutch (Shell) /British (BP) /American oil companies are bringing in ten skillion new barrels. Cut our production by ten skillion barrels. What's for lunch?"

End result: net zero.

"We" don't make oil. Oil companies make oil. They're not at all interested in what you're paying at the pump. They're interested in what their profit margin is. Period.
If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.


Oil companies already sit on 68 million acres of unexpolited-but-leased land. Even if they had the equipment available to do it (which they don't) and even if they were interested in flooding the market with new product (which they aren't), and even if there were refineries to process it (which there aren't), it still goes to that same international market.

The day it gets there, OPEC says, "ah, the Dutch (Shell) /British (BP) /American oil companies are bringing in ten skillion new barrels. Cut our production by ten skillion barrels. What's for lunch?"

End result: net zero.

"We" don't make oil. Oil companies make oil. They're not at all interested in what you're paying at the pump. They're interested in what their profit margin is. Period.

Politics affect the price of oil just as natural events do.
Every time a breeze blows in the gulf of mexico during hurricane season, gas prices rise..When a hurricane DOES come through the gulf and damages production platforms, the price of oil rises and stays up...

....every time the gvmt announces new "regulations" or "laws" passed that inhibit exploration and production, oil prices rise.

America could be 100% energy independent....except the gvmt doesn't want that.
If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.


Oil companies already sit on 68 million acres of unexpolited-but-leased land. Even if they had the equipment available to do it (which they don't) and even if they were interested in flooding the market with new product (which they aren't), and even if there were refineries to process it (which there aren't), it still goes to that same international market.

The day it gets there, OPEC says, "ah, the Dutch (Shell) /British (BP) /American oil companies are bringing in ten skillion new barrels. Cut our production by ten skillion barrels. What's for lunch?"

End result: net zero.

"We" don't make oil. Oil companies make oil. They're not at all interested in what you're paying at the pump. They're interested in what their profit margin is. Period.

Politics affect the price of oil just as natural events do.
Every time a breeze blows in the gulf of mexico during hurricane season, gas prices rise..When a hurricane DOES come through the gulf and damages production platforms, the price of oil rises and stays up...

True. And that's because of market speculation. Again, that's the market at work -- not politics.

....every time the gvmt announces new "regulations" or "laws" passed that inhibit exploration and production, oil prices rise.

See above. Same thing. We'll just keep pointing this out until it sinks in.

America could be 100% energy independent....except the gvmt doesn't want that.

Only (in our current paradigm) if we nationalized the oil companies and isolated ourselves commercially from the rest of the world. No trade with anybody.
That what you want?

Of course the other way to reach energy independence is to change the paradigm so that the dependency isn't on an international fungible commodity. That means new and different technology to replace it. And that's a lot to replace.

We call it "energy independence" for a reason --- because in the current paradigm we're dependent.
If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.


Oil companies already sit on 68 million acres of unexpolited-but-leased land. Even if they had the equipment available to do it (which they don't) and even if they were interested in flooding the market with new product (which they aren't), and even if there were refineries to process it (which there aren't), it still goes to that same international market.

The day it gets there, OPEC says, "ah, the Dutch (Shell) /British (BP) /American oil companies are bringing in ten skillion new barrels. Cut our production by ten skillion barrels. What's for lunch?"

End result: net zero.

"We" don't make oil. Oil companies make oil. They're not at all interested in what you're paying at the pump. They're interested in what their profit margin is. Period.

Politics affect the price of oil just as natural events do.
Every time a breeze blows in the gulf of mexico during hurricane season, gas prices rise..When a hurricane DOES come through the gulf and damages production platforms, the price of oil rises and stays up...

True. And that's because of market speculation. Again, that's the market at work -- not politics.

....every time the gvmt announces new "regulations" or "laws" passed that inhibit exploration and production, oil prices rise.

See above. Same thing. We'll just keep pointing this out until it sinks in.

America could be 100% energy independent....except the gvmt doesn't want that.

Only (in our current paradigm) if we nationalized the oil companies and isolated ourselves commercially from the rest of the world. No trade with anybody.
That what you want?

Of course the other way to reach energy independence is to change the paradigm so that the dependency isn't on an international fungible commodity. That means new and different technology to replace it. And that's a lot to replace.

We call it "energy independence" for a reason --- because in the current paradigm we're dependent.

sure, pogo...whatever you say.

All that deflecting and creative distortion..LMAO.

Here's what's real.
The entire world runs on oil and it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Any laws, "regulations" that limit exploration and production is not good for the nation and only enriches others. Especially when those "laws/regulations" are based purely on political reasons...
Spin all that however you need to.
I live in a state that produces/imports 30% of this nation's oil. Go ahead and lecture me on your theories some more, though..they are entertaining.
Peruse the forums on that site and you'll understand why politicians and POTUSes have no control over gas prices.
They're driven by international commerce. It's been going down for us; it's been going down for everybody. Places where there are no elections happening at all, getting the same price drops we are.

Plus, if some pol or party were able to drop gas prices for election time, you can be damn sure they'd be crowing about it. Otherwise it would have no point. Actually plummeting gas prices are indicative of a weak economy. See the second half of 2008 for an easy example.

Correlation is not causation. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

I understand the Democrats/Republicans/Insert party here have arranged for the sun to set in the west today... :eusa_shifty:

Yup. The POTUS has nothing to do with gas prices up or down.

I was reading that the price of crude has gone down hence the price we have today.

Of course the speculators have loads to do with the price of gas. If not for those assholes we'd be paying a buck fifty for gas.
If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.


Oil companies already sit on 68 million acres of unexpolited-but-leased land. Even if they had the equipment available to do it (which they don't) and even if they were interested in flooding the market with new product (which they aren't), and even if there were refineries to process it (which there aren't), it still goes to that same international market.

The day it gets there, OPEC says, "ah, the Dutch (Shell) /British (BP) /American oil companies are bringing in ten skillion new barrels. Cut our production by ten skillion barrels. What's for lunch?"

End result: net zero.

"We" don't make oil. Oil companies make oil. They're not at all interested in what you're paying at the pump. They're interested in what their profit margin is. Period.

Politics affect the price of oil just as natural events do.
Every time a breeze blows in the gulf of mexico during hurricane season, gas prices rise..When a hurricane DOES come through the gulf and damages production platforms, the price of oil rises and stays up...

True. And that's because of market speculation. Again, that's the market at work -- not politics.

....every time the gvmt announces new "regulations" or "laws" passed that inhibit exploration and production, oil prices rise.

See above. Same thing. We'll just keep pointing this out until it sinks in.

America could be 100% energy independent....except the gvmt doesn't want that.

Only (in our current paradigm) if we nationalized the oil companies and isolated ourselves commercially from the rest of the world. No trade with anybody.
That what you want?

Of course the other way to reach energy independence is to change the paradigm so that the dependency isn't on an international fungible commodity. That means new and different technology to replace it. And that's a lot to replace.

We call it "energy independence" for a reason --- because in the current paradigm we're dependent.

sure, pogo...whatever you say.

All that deflecting and creative distortion..LMAO.

Here's what's real.
The entire world runs on oil and it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

It does. Nobody knows that better than Big Oil, and they like it that way. The idea that they're going to undercut their own profit out of some sudden burst of altruism -- even if they could -- is absurd. That's why I specified "under our current paradigm" -- which is one of dependence. Bottom line: as long as we fuel ourselves on oil ....... we're dependent. Because oil is an international dependence system.

Any laws, "regulations" that limit exploration and production is not good for the nation and only enriches others. Especially when those "laws/regulations" are based purely on political reasons...
Spin all that however you need to.

Don't need to. It's already been analyzed.
See that site referenced by the OP? I posted this report there, seven years ago, to make the same point. It's from the Bush Administration. It's simply how the system works. You can't change that with a message board post and a handful of imagination.

I live in a state that produces/imports 30% of this nation's oil. Go ahead and lecture me on your theories some more, though..they are entertaining.

It ain't "theory" -- it's how it works. I know your state; it was mine too until Katrina. Got nothing to do with the price of oil. "Produces/imports" is an interesting concept though.
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If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.

Not necessarily. US domestic production starts to become unprofitable when oil goes below $80/barrel.

US domestic production is expensive. US producers are not going to operate at a loss. They will suspend production.
If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.

Not necessarily. US domestic production starts to become unprofitable when oil goes below $80/barrel.

US domestic production is expensive. US producers are not going to operate at a loss. They will suspend production.

Yup. That's when a refinery goes offline for "maintenance". Which doesn't necessarily mean maintaining equipment.
Riiiiight the lefts anti-oil policies and regulations have nothing to do with the price of gas riiiiiight /sarcasm

Feel free to essplain then why Canada's gas prices have been going down at the same rate, and at the same time, that ours have been.
And everybody else in the world too.


Full Definition of INTERNATIONAL
1: of, relating to, or affecting two or more nations <international trade>
2: of, relating to, or constituting a group or association having members in two or more nations <international movement>
3: active, known, or reaching beyond national boundaries <an international reputation>
If obama said he would drop all current restrictions on exploration, production and transportation of oil, the price would drop over night....the economy would skyrocket.

America's energy policies assuredly affect the price of oil on the market.

Not necessarily. US domestic production starts to become unprofitable when oil goes below $80/barrel.

US domestic production is expensive. US producers are not going to operate at a loss. They will suspend production.

..and why is producing oil so expensive in the u.s.?

So which is it that you prefer?

High gas prices because we have to import oil because of restrictive political regulations preventing production here?

....or high gas prices because the market is manipulated by enemies of the u.s. to cripple this nation?

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