Gas prices on the rise again. What say you Sallow?

Speculation plays a role sure, but our problems go much deeper

It's pretty simplistic to think a President has all that much to do with gas prices, either way. There are some things that factor in the price that a President has some control over, but for the most part? It's pretty minor.

I think we agreed on this many moons ago when I made that "Where is the love?" Thread about Obama.


Where was this thought during the Bush administration?

On a different board..

:D Before I got hit with the "Banned" stick.
Laughed all the way to the bank along with Cheney and the other big oil GOP hacks

Bush gave us the highest gas prices in the history of the nation.

I agree, it's time to grow up and stop thinking that the GOP will ever "trickle down" anything to you. If it benefits them (like sky right gas prices) they will do it.

Bush lifts executive ban on offshore oil drilling<July 2008

How did the Democrat Congress react?

Wake up son. Stay away from Think Progress and think for yourself.

Again I restate: Wake UP.

Deep water drilling was for the most part untested and very dangerous, W said to hell with it and "drill baby drill!"

Because of his and the GOP's stupidity, it caused the Gulf oil spill disaster.

No stupid... That onus is entirely on democrats as they hand walked the suit through the courts arguing they didnt need to follow environmental regs.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your stupidity.
Laughed all the way to the bank along with Cheney and the other big oil GOP hacks

Bush gave us the highest gas prices in the history of the nation.

I agree, it's time to grow up and stop thinking that the GOP will ever "trickle down" anything to you. If it benefits them (like sky right gas prices) they will do it.

Bush lifts executive ban on offshore oil drilling<July 2008

How did the Democrat Congress react?

Wake up son. Stay away from Think Progress and think for yourself.

Again I restate: Wake UP.

Deep water drilling was for the most part untested and very dangerous, W said to hell with it and "drill baby drill!"

Because of his and the GOP's stupidity, it caused the Gulf oil spill disaster.

i see. So Obama's order to cease was judged unlawful. WHY wasn't Obama held in Contempt?

And by the way? LIFE is dangerous and untested by most human beings.

Had our forfathers, the pioneers that built this country had YOUR attitude?

WE would have never gotten anywhere.

A rugged individualist you aren't,.

You're a pussy.
Bush lifts executive ban on offshore oil drilling<July 2008

How did the Democrat Congress react?

Wake up son. Stay away from Think Progress and think for yourself.

Again I restate: Wake UP.

Deep water drilling was for the most part untested and very dangerous, W said to hell with it and "drill baby drill!"

Because of his and the GOP's stupidity, it caused the Gulf oil spill disaster.

No stupid... That onus is entirely on democrats as they hand walked the suit through the courts arguing they didnt need to follow environmental regs.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your stupidity.
link? so i won't be so 'ignorant'.....

little help appreciated.
Deep water drilling was for the most part untested and very dangerous, W said to hell with it and "drill baby drill!"

Because of his and the GOP's stupidity, it caused the Gulf oil spill disaster.

No stupid... That onus is entirely on democrats as they hand walked the suit through the courts arguing they didnt need to follow environmental regs.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your stupidity.
link? so i won't be so 'ignorant'.....

little help appreciated.

Don't kid yourself.

Both parties are in the pocket of big oil. It's only that the Republicans are slightly (and I do mean slightly) moreso.
Obama moves to curb oil speculators - Apr. 17, 2012

Obama moves to curb oil speculators - April 17, 2012

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The Obama administration proposed new measures Tuesday to limit speculation in the oil markets, seeking to draw a contrast with Republicans who have been calling for more domestic drilling during a time of near record gasoline prices.

well, give credit where credit is due - and will rise to the occasion again to obliterate the offenders forever ... vote yes Nov. 6.
When they were going down you demanded credit for Obama. Now?

I think he was being ironic because you all always blame him for high gas prices.. You started it.
Nonsense. Every president we have had is responsible for where we are today. Including Obama. Our energy policy sucks...period.

And I didn't start shit. I'm a relative new comer to this board and this partisan game was here when I got here so fuck off troll.
No stupid... That onus is entirely on democrats as they hand walked the suit through the courts arguing they didnt need to follow environmental regs.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your stupidity.
link? so i won't be so 'ignorant'.....

little help appreciated.

Don't kid yourself.

Both parties are in the pocket of big oil. It's only that the Republicans are slightly (and I do mean slightly) moreso.
not just big oil, but the money changers on Wall Street! they have too much power over ALL government imho
It's all Obama's fault for not cleaning up Pubs' catastrophic messes fast enough? (Over the total obstruction of lockstep "no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" {TIME}?)

This is why Romney's going to get ONLY the base moron dupe/fat cat/bought off drone vote (45% at most). Idiocy.
When they were going down you demanded credit for Obama. Now?

I think he was being ironic because you all always blame him for high gas prices.. You started it.
Nonsense. Every president we have had is responsible for where we are today. Including Obama. Our energy policy sucks...period.

And I didn't start shit. I'm a relative new comer to this board and this partisan game was here when I got here so fuck off troll.

You've been here more than a year starting all kinds of nonsense.
I think he was being ironic because you all always blame him for high gas prices.. You started it.
Nonsense. Every president we have had is responsible for where we are today. Including Obama. Our energy policy sucks...period.

And I didn't start shit. I'm a relative new comer to this board and this partisan game was here when I got here so fuck off troll.

You've been here more than a year starting all kinds of nonsense.

Apparently you missed the part where I said.........

Where do you suppose the low tax rate money those speculators get comes from?
Out of your pocket when you buy gas.
Deep water drilling was for the most part untested and very dangerous, W said to hell with it and "drill baby drill!"

Because of his and the GOP's stupidity, it caused the Gulf oil spill disaster.

No stupid... That onus is entirely on democrats as they hand walked the suit through the courts arguing they didnt need to follow environmental regs.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your stupidity.
link? so i won't be so 'ignorant'.....

little help appreciated.

I am even going to add that BP was paying for Rahms apartment.

Obama administration helped BP quash environmental challenges to Gulf drilling
Have any of you bothered to look at refining capacity and the effects of further EPA regulations on those refiners?
Several refineries are either cutting back production or closing down completely while tankers full of oil are lining up to offload crude, sometimes waiting WEEKS to do so.

And let's not forget the ethanol mandate and the effect of the drought on corn production. Half of the corn grown in the US is going to ethanol while the price of corn as a foodstuff has skyrocketed.
Have any of you bothered to look at refining capacity and the effects of further EPA regulations on those refiners?
Several refineries are either cutting back production or closing down completely while tankers full of oil are lining up to offload crude, sometimes waiting WEEKS to do so.

And let's not forget the ethanol mandate and the effect of the drought on corn production. Half of the corn grown in the US is going to ethanol while the price of corn as a foodstuff has skyrocketed.

And if we drop the ethanol requirement we will import 10% more oil and put an increased 10% burden on the refineries.
The increased oil demand would also raise prices.
And why should only oil get windfall profits cannot the growers of corn do so as well?
Drop the ethanol requirement and the price of corn drops and so does their profits and the GDP, etc.

Just a few things to think about for those who think all answers are either this or that.
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