Garbage US media doing the work of Communist China with lies about Trump’s latest tariffs

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
While many Democrats continue to push the lie that POTUS Donald Trump is a stooge of Russia their allies in the garbage American media are serving as propaganda mouthpieces for Communist China.

On Monday, the Left-wing establishment press peppered the airwaves with one fabrication after another regarding the effect of POTUS Donald Trump’s latest round of tariffs on $200 billion worth of imported goods from China as a way of finally leveling the trade playing field between both countries that has long favored Beijing, and heavily.

In the process, these same propagandists finally came clean about the effect of tax increases on American consumers that their Democratic friends constantly seek.

First things first. The media hyped the fact that the stock market is having a bad day today, with the Dow Jones off by about 600 points as of this writing. That’s patently ridiculous, given that China’s tariff “retaliation,” which Beijing announced on Monday, only amounts to a paltry $60 billion. And it’s paltry because China imports so little American goods in the first place (a key point to remember).


Considering China’s investments in Media and Congress Critters, you can’t say that it is unexpected.

Don’t forget the amount they spent on Hildebeast and Sleepy, Creepy pervert Joe! Biden!
And the lib butt stains parrot it like they were there in the room and saw it all!
Everyone knows that the U.S. is holding the shitty end of the stick on trade deals and the point is not even argued. Democrats could have gotten aboard Trump's agenda and it would mean jobs and all the best for the USA but they refuse to be a part of "make America great again". Is the freaking world so upside down in the the minds of the crazy left that agendas that benefit the United States become the enemy of the democrat party? How long can they get away with this hypocrisy?
Everyone knows that the U.S. is holding the shitty end of the stick on trade deals and the point is not even argued. Democrats could have gotten aboard Trump's agenda and it would mean jobs and all the best for the USA but they refuse to be a part of "make America great again". Is the freaking world so upside down in the the minds of the crazy left that agendas that benefit the United States become the enemy of the democrat party? How long can they get away with this hypocrisy?
Until we go down in flames.
While many Democrats continue to push the lie that POTUS Donald Trump is a stooge of Russia their allies in the garbage American media are serving as propaganda mouthpieces for Communist China.

On Monday, the Left-wing establishment press peppered the airwaves with one fabrication after another regarding the effect of POTUS Donald Trump’s latest round of tariffs on $200 billion worth of imported goods from China as a way of finally leveling the trade playing field between both countries that has long favored Beijing, and heavily.

In the process, these same propagandists finally came clean about the effect of tax increases on American consumers that their Democratic friends constantly seek.

First things first. The media hyped the fact that the stock market is having a bad day today, with the Dow Jones off by about 600 points as of this writing. That’s patently ridiculous, given that China’s tariff “retaliation,” which Beijing announced on Monday, only amounts to a paltry $60 billion. And it’s paltry because China imports so little American goods in the first place (a key point to remember).


Considering China’s investments in Media and Congress Critters, you can’t say that it is unexpected.

Don’t forget the amount they spent on Hildebeast and Sleepy, Creepy pervert Joe! Biden!

Tramp is going to bankrupt the US just like he bankrupted his casinos. No longer is he using Daddy and Russia money but the USA's money.

The congress is in charge of the tariffs, but we no longer have a working senate.
While many Democrats continue to push the lie that POTUS Donald Trump is a stooge of Russia their allies in the garbage American media are serving as propaganda mouthpieces for Communist China.

On Monday, the Left-wing establishment press peppered the airwaves with one fabrication after another regarding the effect of POTUS Donald Trump’s latest round of tariffs on $200 billion worth of imported goods from China as a way of finally leveling the trade playing field between both countries that has long favored Beijing, and heavily.

In the process, these same propagandists finally came clean about the effect of tax increases on American consumers that their Democratic friends constantly seek.

First things first. The media hyped the fact that the stock market is having a bad day today, with the Dow Jones off by about 600 points as of this writing. That’s patently ridiculous, given that China’s tariff “retaliation,” which Beijing announced on Monday, only amounts to a paltry $60 billion. And it’s paltry because China imports so little American goods in the first place (a key point to remember).


Considering China’s investments in Media and Congress Critters, you can’t say that it is unexpected.

Don’t forget the amount they spent on Hildebeast and Sleepy, Creepy pervert Joe! Biden!

Tramp is going to bankrupt the US just like he bankrupted his casinos. No longer is he using Daddy and Russia money but the USA's money.

The congress is in charge of the tariffs, but we no longer have a working senate.
Zoloft again or LSD?
While many Democrats continue to push the lie that POTUS Donald Trump is a stooge of Russia their allies in the garbage American media are serving as propaganda mouthpieces for Communist China.

On Monday, the Left-wing establishment press peppered the airwaves with one fabrication after another regarding the effect of POTUS Donald Trump’s latest round of tariffs on $200 billion worth of imported goods from China as a way of finally leveling the trade playing field between both countries that has long favored Beijing, and heavily.

In the process, these same propagandists finally came clean about the effect of tax increases on American consumers that their Democratic friends constantly seek.

First things first. The media hyped the fact that the stock market is having a bad day today, with the Dow Jones off by about 600 points as of this writing. That’s patently ridiculous, given that China’s tariff “retaliation,” which Beijing announced on Monday, only amounts to a paltry $60 billion. And it’s paltry because China imports so little American goods in the first place (a key point to remember).


Considering China’s investments in Media and Congress Critters, you can’t say that it is unexpected.

Don’t forget the amount they spent on Hildebeast and Sleepy, Creepy pervert Joe! Biden!

Tramp is going to bankrupt the US just like he bankrupted his casinos. No longer is he using Daddy and Russia money but the USA's money.

The congress is in charge of the tariffs, but we no longer have a working senate.
Zoloft again or LSD?

For the first time in quite a few years, the U.S. government is standing up to China’s authoritarian regime. China has been a bad actor for a long time–stealing intellectual property, engaging in unfair trade practices, bullying its East Asian neighbors. The markets are skittish about the current trade impasse, but I think most Americans understand that trade is the lever we can use to deter Chinese misdeeds.

Some speculate that the Chinese, who follow U.S. politics closely (and sometimes have meddled in them, as with illegal donations to the Bill Clinton campaign), have been emboldened by polls suggesting that Joe Biden, over whom they apparently exercise considerable influence, may be able to defeat President Trump in 2020. I think that would be a foolish calculation on which to base negotiations with President Trump, but the Chinese are willing, for now, to take a hard line.

While many Democrats continue to push the lie that POTUS Donald Trump is a stooge of Russia their allies in the garbage American media are serving as propaganda mouthpieces for Communist China.

On Monday, the Left-wing establishment press peppered the airwaves with one fabrication after another regarding the effect of POTUS Donald Trump’s latest round of tariffs on $200 billion worth of imported goods from China as a way of finally leveling the trade playing field between both countries that has long favored Beijing, and heavily.

In the process, these same propagandists finally came clean about the effect of tax increases on American consumers that their Democratic friends constantly seek.

First things first. The media hyped the fact that the stock market is having a bad day today, with the Dow Jones off by about 600 points as of this writing. That’s patently ridiculous, given that China’s tariff “retaliation,” which Beijing announced on Monday, only amounts to a paltry $60 billion. And it’s paltry because China imports so little American goods in the first place (a key point to remember).


Considering China’s investments in Media and Congress Critters, you can’t say that it is unexpected.

Don’t forget the amount they spent on Hildebeast and Sleepy, Creepy pervert Joe! Biden!
Scientists discover China has been secretly emitting banned ozone-depleting gas.

All these "Progressives" claim they all want to save the planet, but they don't want trade with China reduced by even a fraction even though they are the dirtiest environmental producer on the planet.
While many Democrats continue to push the lie that POTUS Donald Trump is a stooge of Russia their allies in the garbage American media are serving as propaganda mouthpieces for Communist China.

On Monday, the Left-wing establishment press peppered the airwaves with one fabrication after another regarding the effect of POTUS Donald Trump’s latest round of tariffs on $200 billion worth of imported goods from China as a way of finally leveling the trade playing field between both countries that has long favored Beijing, and heavily.

In the process, these same propagandists finally came clean about the effect of tax increases on American consumers that their Democratic friends constantly seek.

First things first. The media hyped the fact that the stock market is having a bad day today, with the Dow Jones off by about 600 points as of this writing. That’s patently ridiculous, given that China’s tariff “retaliation,” which Beijing announced on Monday, only amounts to a paltry $60 billion. And it’s paltry because China imports so little American goods in the first place (a key point to remember).


Considering China’s investments in Media and Congress Critters, you can’t say that it is unexpected.

Don’t forget the amount they spent on Hildebeast and Sleepy, Creepy pervert Joe! Biden!
The way the Left sucks up to the Chines, whether its Tariffs, or giving away our manufacturing base or their incredible comments on 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre when the government used troops with assault rifles and tanks to fire on student demonstrators killing 2,600, with additional thousands of wounded.

Here is how our Lib Press responded at the time:

CBS reporter Eric "Time Out! Engberg compared the mass murder to the National Guard killing four student protesters at Kent State in the Vietnam War era:

NBC Nightly News anchorman John Chancellor uncorked several horrid commentaries insisting that the education system in America was a "bigger problem" than dead protesters in Beijing:

CBS reporter Susan Spencer tried to compare Red China's slaughter to the FBI spying on anti-war protesters.

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