Garamendi’s weak tax math

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
I recently received an e-mail from my California Congressman, John Garamendi, which read:

55 of the country’s largest corporations paid zero dollars in federal income taxes last year despite making $40 billion in profits, and the wealthiest billionaires paid almost nothing. Hard working Americans shouldn’t be paying a higher percentage in federal taxes than major corporations and the ultra-wealthy. This must change.

That's why I support President Biden’s economic plan, including the American Jobs Plan. This proposal closes the tax loopholes the 1% and wealthy corporations use to avoid paying their fair share. . .

Additionally, this plan will not raise taxes on Americas making under $400,000. It includes $800 billion in new tax cuts and credits for the middle class.

Garamendi doesn’t say how much revenue we would get from the 1 percent, but even if you could reap half the money from the untaxed $40 billion in corporate profits, that $20 billion would not go very far to cover the $800 billion cost of the American Jobs Plan.
A type C corporation pays zero income tax but the owners and employees do.

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